Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Throw out the mocker, and fighting goes, too.
Quarrels and insults will disappear.

STEP 1 - We admitted we were powerless over our addictions—that our lives had become unmanageable. 

Whats it gonna take for you to realize that addiction is the cause of all this sadness and anger . Your loved ones cant keep taking your insanity what you are doing is wrong to them , God and yourself . We understand you maybe hurting and all we want is you to find a way to feel better get sober and find peace . TOUGH LOVE IS JUST THAT AND IT IS TOUGHER ON THE ONES WHO HAVE TO USE IT . TOUGH LOVE IT IS NOT THERE WAY OF TRYING TO CONTROL YOU SO TELL YOUR PRIDE TOO SHUT UP. It is killing them a little each day being helpless unable to stop you from killing yourself over and over again that's what you do every time you use. Consider your loved ones just for a moment ,and reflect on all the pain you have caused them and yourself. All the stuff mentioned in the Proverb will keep you separated and isolated from the only people on this planet who truly love you but your addiction has convinced you that love is something you don't deserve. Addiction is the biggest lie in the world and it steals everything from you and if you let it you will lose your life and soul . Sincerely commit step one ,realize enough is enough and you want to live . Reach out and ask for help ! Recovery is possible ! 

John 14 -6 - Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

By - Joseph Dickerson

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