Tuesday, February 19, 2019

February 19,2019 Through The Twelve Steps With Spiritual Truth From Scripture STEP 5

February 19,2019 Through The Twelve Steps With Spiritual Truth From Scripture STEP 5

STEP 5 -Admitted to God, to ourselves and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.

Ephesians 4 :26 “In your anger do not sin” : Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, 27 and do not give the devil a foothold.

foothold-a secure position from which further progress may be made.

How do you tell an angry person their anger is the root cause of all their trouble?How do we recognize if we are an angry person? Theses are million dollar questions and I have been seeking the answers through scripture and prayer for years. Anger can be a destructive force that drowns out love. It can also be used as a weapon of self defense in a very negative way.If anyone reading this can answer these questions I could really use some answers. Anger is ok if it is used in a positive, like protecting life from a madman or standing your ground when being bullied. Anger can and will take possession of your heart and mind and develop into bitterness and resentment when left  un-dealt with.Step 5 opens a floodgate of all types of evil destructive behaviors . Most of these behaviors have taken up residence in your heart and they have been there a long time and God is the only one who can remove them. That is what giving a foothold too the devil means. Once he has made a home in your heart ,he poisons your entire body.Scripture states that anger and bitterness are like cancer in the bones. If you are found in this unfortunate state your anger will eventually push out all peace, joy, and love leaving you addicted, hopeless, broken, and alone. Addicted broken and alone unable too breath is where God found me .Prayers and meditating on Scripture and complete surrender of self to God was my only way out ! Inviting Gods Son Jesus Christ into your Heart gives the devil an eviction notice because good and evil cannot live in the same heart. Good always triumphs over evil. Jesus moves in and little by little he removes the cancer (anger jealously bitterness resentment fear hate sadness) that is eating you alive. He replaces it with hope, love, joy, and peace. Only God and His son Jesus can give you forgiveness, healing, hope, and health. 

Proverb 14:30-He that cools his anger is a healer of his heart, and envy is the decay of the bones.

By Joseph Dickerson/Recovery Connections Network
Psalm 103v3 He forgives all my sins and Heals all my diseases!

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