Monday, January 2, 2012


New Years Resolution , make sure you set a reachable goal for 2012!Their are times in life we set our goals too high and when we can't reach them we become discouraged.Be sure to have a plan in reaching and sticking to that resolution , or goal.The old saying look before you leap, life is hard enough and going into something new could lead to something great as long as you know where you are going.   REMEMBER JESUS LOVES YOU!!

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you, Joseph. If we do not take the time to set an action plan with steps, we soon will be overwhelmed with obtaining the goal. I even find that to be true with my household chores. If I write them down 1 by 1 I tend to reach my goal of getting them done. If I don't, I often fall short of my goal. Steps makereaching the goal much more bearable and easier to see the progress that you are making.
