Friday, March 6, 2020

NAADAC in Your Inbox: March to Membership Kicks Off, NAADAC Magazine in Your Inbox, & much more!

Membership Status
Membership Expiration Date:
Not a Member

If you are not a current member, Join Now!

Membership Benefits
Table of Contents
-March to Membership Drive Kicks Off – New & Returning Members* Save $20 or More in March
-Look for NAADAC's Magazine in Your Inbox
-NAADAC 2020 Annual Conference & Hill Day Call for Poster Presentations Is Now Open!
-March to Membership for New and Returning* Organizational Members – Save $20 in March
-Advocacy Alert: Support Increased SAPT Block Grant Funding
-Upcoming FREE Webinar: "The Wide World of Sports..." Wagering
-Come Work for NAADAC!
-March Is Problem Gambling Awareness Month
-SAMHSA’s SMVF TA Center Presents: Increasing Access to Behavioral Health Resources for Military and Veteran Children and Families
-2020 National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week
-NAADAC Career Center
Upcoming Webinars
On Demand Webinars
-"The Wide World of Sports..." Wagering
Wed, 03/11/20
3-4:00pm ET
(2 CT/1 MT/12 PT)
Earn 1 CE
More Information
Register Now!
-The Progress Note: Where Law & Ethics Meet Efficiency
Wed, 03/25/20
3-4:30pm ET
(2 CT/1 MT/12 PT)
Earn 1.5 CEs
More Information
Register Now!
-Peer Recovery Support Series, Section I: Building a Successful Culture in Your Organization
Fri, 03/27/20
12-1:30pm ET
(11 CT/10 MT/9 PT)
Earn 1.5 CEs
More Information
Register Now!
-Connecting the Continuum: How Prevention & Recovery Models Fit Together
Wed, 04/08/20
3-4:00pm ET
(2 CT/1 MT/12 PT)
Earn 1 CE
More Information
Register Now!
-Peer Recovery Support Series, Section II: Hiring, Onboarding, and Integration
Fri, 04/10/20
12-1:30pm ET
(11 CT/10 MT/9 PT)
Earn 1.5 CEs
More Information
Register Now!
-Peer Recovery Support Series, Section III: Understanding the Pathway and the Process
Fri, 04/15/20
3-5:00pm ET
(11 CT/10 MT/9 PT)
Earn 2 CEs
More Information
Register Now!
Addiction Treatment in Military & Veteran Culture Specialty Training Webinar Series
Clinical Supervision in the Addiction Profession Specialty Training Webinar Series
2020 Northwest Regional Conference: Embracing the Future
Seattle, WA
06/11/20 - 06/13/20
More Information
NAADAC 2020 Annual Conference & Hill Day: Learn, Connect, Advocate, Succeed
Washington, DC 
09/25/20 - 09/30/20
More Information
Fifth Annual Alaska Training Institute
Anchorage, AK
10/11/20 - 10/13/20
More Information
-National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week

03/30/20 - 04/05/20
More Information
-34th Annual CAADE Conference - CAADE Cares: Professionalizing the Workforce
Burbank, CA 

04/17/20 - 04/19/20
More Information
-2020 National Latino Behavioral Health Conference
Los Angeles, CA 

09/16/20 - 09/18/20
More Information
-APNC South Central Regional Training - Medication-Assisted Recovery & Mutual Aid Groups: A Primer for Clinicians
Raleigh, NC
More Information
-2020 VAAP Annual Meeting & Training: Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Substance Use Disorders
Richmond, VA
More Information
-Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in Addictions Counseling
South Burlington, VT
More Information
-Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in Addictions Counseling
Rutland, VT
More Information
-Impact of Marijuana & Vaping on Brain Development, Depression, Anxiety
Montpelier, VT
More Information
-2020 APNC Spring Conference
Asheville, NC
04/29/20 - 05/01/20
More Information
-Ethics Training
South Burlington, VT
More Information
-2020 APNC Policy Summit
Raleigh, NC
More Information
-1st Annual Kentucky Association of Addiction Professionals (KAAP) Conference
Lexington, KY
More Information
-VAPA Annual Meeting and Training Human Trafficking in Vermont: The Intersections of Addiction, Screening and Therapeutic Tools
Montpelier, VT
More Information
Promote Your Job Listing with NAADAC
Need to fill a position in your agency or educational program? NAADAC's Career Center is the place to go.

Your career ads will reach NAADAC members and a professional mailing list of 48,000+ professionals each week for three months.

That is almost half of the 100,000 addiction counselors, educators and other addiction-focused health care professionals that the Department of Labor estimates work in the United States.

Each career ad runs until its closing date or for three months.

More Information
March 4, 2020

March to Membership Drive Kicks Off – New & Returning Members* Save $20 or More in March
There has never been a better time to become a member of NAADAC! During our March to Membership Drive, receive $20 off your annual dues for joint national & state membership!

If you live in the following states, you can save even more money off of your dues: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Washington, or West Virginia! Click here to see your savings!

Join NAADAC now and take advantage of these benefits and more! Start taking advantage of your benefits, and your membership in NAADAC pays for itself almost immediately. Only in March, membership is even more affordable!

Join today to sign up for Professional level membership for as low as $65, Associate and Peer Recovery Support Specialist levels for as low as $44, and Student and Retired levels for as low as $32.50. Receive all of the great benefits of NAADAC membership for less than $0.39 per day!

Enter/Mention Discount Code: MARCH20

Offer ends at midnight EST on March 31, 2020

*Offer only valid for new NAADAC members or previous NAADAC membership that have lapsed 24 months or more.

More Information ] - [ Join Now ] - [ Download Application Form ]
Look for NAADAC's Magazine in Your Inbox
Summer AA&R
The Winter 2020 issue of Advances in Addiction & Recovery, the official digital publication of NAADAC, is being published and will soon be arriving in email boxes of NAADAC members across the nation! NAADAC's digital magazine is a membership benefit and focuses on providing useful, innovative and timely information on trends and best practices in the profession that are beneficial for practitioners.

Not a Member? Join now to get your copy!

CE Quiz Available to NAADAC Members: Read all of the articles in the magazine, pass the online CE quiz, and get 1 CE credit for $15!

Contribute: Do you have research or an innovative strategy that you want to share? Have your years of experience given you unique insights into addiction prevention, intervention, treatment, or recovery? Share your expertise as a contributor to  Advances in Addiction & Recovery. For more information, please contact Jessica Gleason.

Advertising space is available for the Spring 2020 magazine. Contact Irina Vayner, Marketing Manager, at for information about opportunities in NAADAC's digital magazine and bi-weekly Addiction & Recovery eNews.

More Information ] – [ Submit Article ] – [ Take CE Quiz ]
NAADAC 2020 Annual Conference & Hill Day Call for Poster Presentations Is Now Open!
NAADAC members and non-members are invited to submit poster presentation proposals for display at the 2020 Annual Conference & Hill Day. NAADAC encourages young investigators, researchers, and addiction professionals from diverse organizations and fields to submit.
The 2020 Annual Conference & Hill Day will be held at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center from September 25 - 30, 2020. Posters will be on display on Saturday, September 26th and Sunday, September 27th.
Submission Deadline: Friday, April 10, 2020
March to Membership for New and Returning* Organizational Members – Save $20 in March
For the first time, NAADAC is including Organizational Members in our annual March to Membership Drive!

Receive $20 off* Organizational Membership dues when you sign up for a NAADAC Organizational Membership during the month of March!

From saving $100 on a NAADAC Approved Education Provider application to saving $20 on individual NAADAC memberships for each your employees, there are dozens of advantages of being a NAADAC Organizational MemberClick here to learn more about NAADAC Organizational benefits.
Offer ends at midnight EST on March 31, 2020

*Offer only valid for new NAADAC Organizational Members or previous NAADAC Organizational Memberships that have lapsed 24 months or more.

More Information ] - [ Download Application Form ]
Advocacy Alert: Support Increased SAPT Block Grant Funding
The Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment (SAPT) Block Grant is the foundation for substance use treatment, prevention, and recovery systems in states and territories across the U.S. The SAPT Block Grant helps ensure that jurisdiction can address the substance use disorder issues facing their respective communities. SAPT Block Grant funding has failed to keep pace with inflation, even as our nation faces crisis. We must demand that this critical lifeline to treatment and recovery services be supported.

Representatives Paul Tonko (D-NY) and Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) are sending the below letter to the Appropriations Committee urging a $500 million increase for the Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant in Fiscal Year 2021.

Call your Representative today and urge them to support the SAPT Block Grant by signing onto the letter being circulated by Representatives Tonko and Fitzpatrick by COB Friday March 6th.

More Information ] – [ Contact Your Representative ]
Upcoming FREE Webinar: "The Wide World of Sports..." Wagering
Wednesday, March 11, 2020 @ 3:00-4:00pm ET (2CT/1MT/12PT)

Join presenter Daniel Trolaro, MS, for this FREE NAADAC webinar that will provide an overview and analysis of sports gambling expansion, emerging trends in the sports gambling market, the behavioral, emotional and psychological warning signs, and the increasing need for prevention, treatment, and recovery resources to be made available for those seeking assistance.
Earn 1 CE (free for NAADAC members - join now!).

Closed captioning is available on live NAADAC webinars! In addition, transcripts are available for on-demand webinars recorded on and after March 27, 2019. 

More Information ]  [ Register Now ]
Come Work for NAADAC!
NAADAC is looking for a new Director of Membership & Affiliates, a new Operations Manager, a new Training & Professional Development Content Manager, a new NCC AP Testing/Certification Coordinator, and a new Communications Coordinator.

The Director of Membership & Affiliates is a full-time position that reports to the Executive Director and requires 15-20% travel. This position provides primary leadership and management for all aspects of membership and affiliate growth and engagement.

The Operations Manager is a full-time position that reports to the Deputy Director. Responsibilities include assisting the Deputy Director in managing the main office operations, association-wide information technology, event, vendor, and travel coordination for NAADAC's events and trainings, and higher-level administrative tasks as needed.

As a remote team member of NAADAC Training & Professional Development, the Training & Professional Development Content Manager is responsible for managing past, present, and future content accessible to NAADAC Members and the mass public.

The NCC AP Testing/Certification Coordinator is a full-time position that will provide day-to-day support to NCC AP’s Testing Program Manager and Certification Senior Manager. He/She will also be expected to gain basic knowledge of the various programs and services NAADAC provides.

The Communications Coordinator is a full-time position that will work directly with the Director of Communications and Communications Specialist to help NAADAC communicate its mission through the NAADAC website, email marketing, and other communication/ marketing vehicles.

More Information ]
March Is Problem Gambling Awareness Month
Problem Gambling Awareness Month (PGAM) is an annual campaign started by the National Council on Problem Gambling that is dedicated to creating a national conversation about problem gambling.

The 2020 PGAM theme is Awareness + Action. The goals of this national campaign are to increase public awareness of problem gambling and the availability of prevention, treatment & recovery services and to encourage healthcare providers to screen clients for problem gambling.

To get involved, visit the National Council on Problem Gambling website to download the 2020 Problem Gambling Awareness Month Toolkit.

Do you want to learn more about gambling disorders? Watch NAADAC’s free on-demand webinars Gambling Disorder: Assessment and Treatment StrategiesEffective Screening for Gambling DisorderUnderstanding Gambling Disorder: New Research Trends, and Blurred Lines: The Convergence of Gaming and Gambling.

Join presenter Daniel Trolaro, MS, on March 11, 2020 at 3:00PM EST for his free live webinar "The Wide World of Sports..." Wagering.
SAMHSA’s SMVF TA Center Presents: Increasing Access to Behavioral Health Resources for Military and Veteran Children and Families
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA’s) Service Members, Veterans, and their Families (SMVF) Technical Assistance (TA) Center will host a webinar on March 12, 2020 at 1:30pm EST focused on increasing access to resources and supports for military and veteran children, families and caregivers.

More Information ] – [ Register Now ]
2020 National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week
National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week (NDAFW) is a health observance week for teens that aims to Shatter the Myths about drug and alcohol use. This year, National Drug and Alcohol Facts week is taking place Monday, March 30th to Sunday, April 5th.

NDAFW brings teens together with scientists and other experts to discuss drugs and alcohol use and their effects on the brain, body and behaviors. It gives teens the opportunity to ask questions and for experts to dispel myths about drugs and alcohol that teens get from the internet, tv, and friends.

NDAFW events include a National Drugs & Alcohol Chat Day on April 1, 2020. This is a live online event where high school students and NIDA scientists discuss drugs, alcohol, and addiction. There will also be an interactive National Drug & Alcohol IQ Challenge online on March 25, 2020. Study up and test your knowledge!

Learn more about this national event and download resources at If you are looking to plan your own event during NDAFW, download the online guide to get started today!

More Information ] – [ Register for NDAFW Events ]
NAADAC Career Center
The NAADAC Career Center provides a variety of employment listings at no charge for addiction-focused professionals. If you are looking to find a new career, the NAADAC Career Center can help! Check out our latest listings!

All Career Center Listings ]
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NAADAC, The Association for Addiction Professionals
44 Canal Center Plaza, Suite 301, Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: 703.741.7686 / 800.548.0497


Higher Logic

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