Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Announcing free coaching, online recovery groups

COVID-19 crisis:
Coaching now remote, free

Unfortunately, the most effective strategies in slowing the spread of the COVID-19 virus – social distancing and isolation – are often detrimental to addiction recovery and overall wellness.  To ensure we can help as many people in need as possible, we've suspended our membership fees through the end of May.

"It's a very difficult time, especially for those actively dealing with addiction," said Wendy White, Face It TOGETHER's CEO. "We want to be sure everyone who needs support gets it, which is why we decided to offer our services for free."

We have also launched online recovery meetings, both for those suffering from addiction and for loved ones. Groups are open to anyone looking for additional support.


Group details

Coaching data snapshot

Evaluation brief: Reduction in cravings


After enrolling in coaching, our members with the disease report reduction in all risk areas, including a reduction in their desire to use alcohol and other drugs. As early as 30 days of coaching, 48% of members who initially struggled with cravings indicate a reduction in this area. 

See the brief

Ask a coach

Michelle Venturelli
Peer coach

Q: How do I stay well in times like this?

A: I don't need to tell anyone it's a very difficult time. I've heard coaching members, coworkers and my own family members express similar concerns – it's a touch time to stay balanced and healthy.

Read more
5020 S Tennis Ln, #4
Sioux Falls, SD 57108

Copyright © 2020 Face It TOGETHER

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