Monday, March 9, 2020

What would peer support look like if you had?

Take the Next Step as a Peer Support Worker

What would life like look like if you had...

Consistency through foundational Peer Support Worker trainings you could fall back on when the going got tough?

Coaching with Robyn Priest and a RPLYT trained facilitator that you could connect with and learn from to broaden your Peer Support Worker training?

Community Support from like-minded Peer Support Workers?

There is so much more inside each of us - let's unlock the potential together

The Community of Practice for Peer Support Workers is an ONLINE peer led support group for Peer Support Workers.

This is where you will find:

Consistency - a monthly ONLINE learning platform with other Peer Support Workers to continue your ongoing learning and development as a Peer Support Worker.

Coaching - Having that coach/facilitator who sees the potential in others and helps them navigate obstacles so they can stay motivated as a Peer Support Worker.

Community - There is nothing that challenges, encourages, and supports us like others who "get our world". There is this amazing family feel to our community and it gets stronger each day.

All of this and so much more.
Upcoming Dates for 2020:

March 11, April 8, May 13, June 10, July 8, August 12, September 9, October 14, November 11, December 9

Time: 1:00pm - 3:00pm CST. 

Cost is $20.00 a session (yearly membership $200.00 - a savings of $40.00!)
But Wait....

There's one for Supervisors too!

Just like the Community of Practice for Peer Workers, this is a Community of Practice for Supervisors of Peer Support Workers.

Cost is $20.00 per session
Please check our website for dates and times.
Robyn and I look forward to seeing you in our Community,

Charlotte Sytnyk
Co-creator and Mental Health Momager
Robyn Priest LIVE YOUR TRUTH, is a mental health and peer support education and strategy firm. All programs are designed and delivered by people with their own experience of living with a mental health issue, or a family member of someone living with a mental health issue.


To demystify the many misconceptions of mental health issues from a perspective of someone who has lived it, so we can educate people to go after, and live the life of their dreams. Their “REAL” truth.
Robyn Priest Live Your Truth | 7 Castle Ridge Drive Winnipeg, Manitoba R3Y 1W1 Canada
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