Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Hidden resource 'gems' on drugfree.org


Partnership to End Addiction


Hidden resource ‘gems’ on drugfree.org

We have hundreds of resources on drugfree.org for parents and caregivers to learn about substance use — from wanting to know how to prevent your kids from using drugs or alcohol in the first place, to wondering if you should be worried with experimentation, to learning how to intervene when it’s clear there’s a real issue.

Sometimes, though, a few gems don’t get as much love as they ought to, for one reason or another. Check out the resources below that are packed with skills and real-world explanations about how substance use might affect your family:

Brain Development, Teen Behavior and Preventing Drug Use
The science of brain development reveals why teens are responsive to new experiences and influences, both positive and negative. This makes the teen years a period of great promise, but also of potential risk, especially for addiction. That’s why preventing and delaying substance use during this time is so important to their long-term health.

Connecting and Talking with Your Teen
Parents are the biggest influence in a teen’s life. Even though you may feel your child pulling away, eager for more independence, deep down they still want you involved. A strong bond with your child, especially during the teen years, helps reduce the chances of them engaging in unhealthy behavior and helps set the stage for preventing nicotine, alcohol and drug use.

Tools to Address Your Child's Substance use
Lecturing your child on why they should stop using substances often falls on deaf ears. Trying to yell and punish them may work in the short term but likely won’t have a lasting impact. Others may tell you that you have to let your child figure it out and that they will accept help only “when they want it,” usually after a pile of consequences have occurred. But there are actually skills to learn to help address this.

If You Discover Your Child is Using Drugs: Start Talking
Discovering that your child could be using substances stirs up a lot of emotion. The best way to find out what’s going on, and to begin helping, is to start talking. Learn how to have a conversation instead of a confrontation.

How to Identify Substance Use Disorder & Addiction
As a parent or family member, you may wonder when substance use gets to a point where it is a medical disorder. Is it the amount or how frequently alcohol and other substances are consumed? The answer may surprise you.

As always, if you have a specific question about your child or loved one and their substance use, the helpline is available for you to chat, for free.

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