Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Mar 16, 2012 | No Comments
Written by Kate McGinty

Strapped for cash? Maybe you should start reporting drunken drivers.

State Sen. Robert Calderon, a Montebello Democrat, has proposed legislation that would give tipsters $100 if they report a drunken driver who is convicted.

And for a little poetic justice: Calderon would have the court order the drunken driver to pay the reward.

"By engaging civilians to report drunk drivers, this bill would directly and immediately lower the number of roadway deaths," Calderon said about the bill. "Killing or injuring someone as a result of drunk driving is a horrendous crime that can easily be avoided. This bill is one step closer to ensuring that our roads and highways are safe from drunk drivers."

In 2010, 791 people were killed in DUI crashes on state roadways, according to the California Office of Traffic Safety.
Less drinking, less crime

Speaking of drinking, it's decreased alcohol consumption -- and not tougher sentencing policies -- that have led to a drop in crime nationwide, a new study concluded.

In fact, the state's three-strikes law has contributed significantly to the state's financial woes because more people spend time in prison, says Robert Nash Parker, a sociologist and director of the Presley Center for Crime and Justice Studies at University of California, Riverside.

Continue Reading: desertsun.com

1 comment:

  1. I never thought this could be a way to stop drunk or speeding drivers....If we'd report every single speeding driver and that driver will be punished I'm sure our roads would be safer and I would be a billionaire:))
    Also the number of careless driving Toronto it's very high so these drivers should be reported too:)) maybe the reward should be smaller but the principle the same.
