Tuesday, November 13, 2018

“If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.” ~~Dalai Lama

“In this life we cannot always do great things. But we can do small things with great love.” ~~Mother Teresa

“If you care enough, you make a difference.” ~~Loretta Swit

Statement #7
  Love can change the course of my world.
Caring is all-important.

Under the influence, caring was difficult, if not impossible. Escape, whether emotionally or physically seemed safer. Years of not understanding how to care, even for myself, created intense feelings of loneliness. Yet caring opens the door to vulnerability, and through the clouded lens of alcohol, being vulnerable meant disaster. Distress and disconnection seemed easier than caring.

Sobriety and Statement #7 in action are a portal to trust and caring. Caring doesn’t have to be anything spectacular or fancy, a simple smile or genuine ‘good morning’ could be just enough for someone. Treading into uncharted territory, real friendships can blossom from the many 4C women who choose to care and bring Statement #7 to life from the WFS Forum or weekly face to face meetings.

 Our Program Booklet states “Practice of Statement #7 leads to understanding love and the importance of self-care. Our New Life depends on establishing healthy, loving relationships, first with ourselves and then with others.” With clarity and determination, caring can become a way of life and can make all the difference in the world.
Hi 4C Women,
I remember when I first read this Statement years ago and thought, well, I am a great people pleaser so I have this covered. As I gained emotional sobriety, I realized that the most important person left out of the loving and caring was me! I have a quote that is entitled, "The Most Important Relationship" that I have shared over the years. It meant a lot to me when I was going through some very difficult times in my life. The words expressed and embracing Statement #7 taught me an invaluable lesson and that is loving myself was the key to healthy relationships with others.

 Through the years of emails, phone calls, texts, face to face meetings, one on one with those women who needed extra support and the WFS conference, each has filled my life with more love than I ever imagined possible. I truly do care about those women who have come into my life, whether it's attending a meeting or two or the treasure of many years of friendship. There are times when I send emails to those I haven't heard from in a while, hopeful to hear back and learn how they are doing. I am overjoyed when I receive a response. I especially experience the feeling of caring when I lead a meeting and there are familiar faces and new faces full of hope. I feel its intensity and it brings this statement to life. Learning to love and care for myself has led to loving and caring for others in developing healthy relationships.  

Jean, WFS founder, wrote, "Our value as a person often depends on our relation to others and not on our own worth. On the other hand, we fear and dread rejection and hurt. Mature, loving relationships can bring us the greatest happiness of all. And their success depends primarily on how we feel about ourselves." 
The Most Important Relationship
You do not need to be loved… not at the cost of yourself.
The single most important relationship which is central is the relationship with self.
It is rewarding to find someone you like but essential to like yourself.
It is quickening to recognize that someone is a decent human being but it is indispensable to view yourself that way.
It is a delight to discover people who are worthy of respect, admiration and love, but it is vital to believe yourself worthy of respect, admiration and love.
For you cannot live in someone else.
Of all the people you will ever know in a lifetime, you are the only one that you will never lose or leave.
To the question of your life, you are the answer.
To the problem of your life, you are the solution.
Jo Coudert

Bonded in caring, loving and building healthy relationships with self and others, 4C WFS Member
Copyright © Women for Sobriety, Inc. | All rights reserved | Federal ID # 23-1972763
Email: contact@womenforsobriety.org | Ph: 215.536.8026 | Fax: 215.538.9026
Women for Sobriety, Inc. | P.O. Box 618Quakertown, PA 18951-0618
About our service provider
Sent by contact@womenforsobriety.org
November 12, 2018
Give to the NAADAC Education & Research Foundation on Giving Tuesday!
#GivingTuesday is a global day of giving fueled by the power of collaboration. Celebrated on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving and the widely recognized shopping events Black Friday and Cyber Monday, #GivingTuesday kicks off the charitable season, when many focus on their holiday and end-of-year giving.

This year, join the movement by donating to the NAADAC Education and Research Foundation (NERF). NERF continuously strives to strengthen the health and vitality of individuals, families, and communities through the advancement of the addiction profession and is funded primarily by contributions from individuals supporting our work.

Through contributions from people like you, NERF is able to:
  • Provide addiction professionals with full registration scholarships to the NAADAC Annual Conference (over 30 scholarships in 2018);
  • Support professional development for addiction professionals through NAADAC's in-person and online trainings, webinars, credentialing, workshops, publications, and conferences; and
  • Support advocacy for better wages, compensation, and benefits for addiction professionals, loan forgiveness, and the continued specialization of the addiction profession.

Your gift supports our commitment and dedication to addiction professionals and the people they help, allowing NAADAC to continue its important role in sustaining quality health care services and protecting the well-being of the public.

Donating is easy! You can make your tax-deductible donation online, by phoning our office at 703-741-7686, or by sending a check made out to “NAADAC Education and Research Foundation” to NAADAC at 44 Canal Center Plaza, Ste. 301, Alexandria VA 22314.

As addiction care advances, NAADAC is committed to keeping addiction professionals at the cutting edge – for you, for your loved ones, for every person in the community. Please help to make this possible with your contribution.

Your donation will make a world of difference.

Thank you so much for your help.


Cynthia Moreno Tuohy, BSW, NCAC II, CDC III, SAP
Executive Director
NAADAC, the Association of Addiction Professionals
NAADACThe Association for Addiction Professionals
44 Canal Center Plaza, Suite 301Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: 703.741.7686 / 800.548.0497

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Higher Logic
Help TAM reach it’s goal of 50 tee shirts sold, your help is the reason TAM exists. This shirt would make a beautiful holiday gift. We are so proud of our TAM family and wish all of you the most loving holiday ...
To purchase yours click the link below
Much love to all addicts moms and their families
Giving Tuesday 2018
Dear Joseph,

When it comes to the disease of addiction, one of our most urgent public health issues today, we all have the opportunity to make a difference.

As we enter into a time of gratitude and reflection, we want to express appreciation for our parent coaches. These volunteer coaches are giving back not only their time, but also their unconditional support to help other families struggling with a child’s addiction.

We have more than 200 trained parent coaches across the country who share their personal experiences with a loved one’s substance use with other caregivers who find themselves in similar circumstances. This invaluable support gives families more than just a listening ear, it also provides guidance and hope.

Join us this #GivingTuesday as we seek to raise $15,000 to ensure every parent and caregiver can have access to the free, compassionate support and evidence-based skills they need to get through their darkest times.

As one of our parents said, “Having someone with first-hand experience who is also a parent, was a life-line. I didn't feel like I was alone in this situation.”

Thank you for making your most generous gift to help advance our work and empower families.

Warm Regards,
Kaila Packett Sassano
Kaila Sassano
Vice President, Development
Partnership for Drug-Free Kids
Parent Toll-Free Helpline1-855-DRUGFREE

© Partnership for Drug-Free Kids
352 Park Ave South | 9th Floor | New York, NY 10010

Sunday, November 11, 2018


Leviticus 19 v 11
“ ‘Do not steal. “ ‘Do not lie. “ ‘Do not deceive one another.

Pine Grove Behavioral Health Blog: Recovery and Emerging Adulthood

Pine Grove Behavioral Health Blog: Recovery and Emerging Adulthood: by Next Step Clinical Director Vanessa Cox, Next Step Counselor Lejejuande Magee, and Next Step Counselor Associate Susan Hinton According...

Pine Grove Behavioral Health Blog: Warning Signs of Suicide

Pine Grove Behavioral Health Blog: Warning Signs of Suicide: Suicide is a devastating act that almost always seems to friends and family members like a bolt from the blue. But people often give clues ...

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Hi Everyone,

Thanks again for attending our "Hope In the Gospel" seminar in Sewell, NJ and for giving us your feedback on the survey. We want to send a special “shout out” to Fellowship Bible Church for their wonderful hospitality with hosting the event!

We hope you were personally enriched and further equipped in the Word of God to comfort the brokenhearted that are struggling with various addictions with an entirely biblical perspective.

"All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work." 2 Timothy 3:16-17

If you attended the full 2-day (15 unit) seminar, you should have picked up your completion Certificate at the close of the event. If you forgot, or didn't pre-register - your certificate will be mailed to the address indicated on the "Walk-In" form that you submitted when you arrived; let us know if you haven't received it in a few weeks.

We're praying that many of you will be led to further your training with The Addiction Connection (TAC) ministry to seek becoming a "commissioned" biblical addictions counselor. To continue this process, contact TAC directly through their Web site at www.theaddictionconnection.org - Let them know that you completed the (15-unit) 'Hope In the Gospel' training (they may want you to forward a copy of your certificate).

Please continue to pray that the Lord will provide more opportunities for TAC to further equip the body of Christ in this very needed area of ministry. As you can see from the turnout from this event (~100+ attendees from 7 different states), the addictions epidemic isn't going away! We are already making plans to conduct another seminar (with a different tract of sessions) in eastern PA in 2019, and in the central NJ or New England area in 2020; we'll keep you posted on our progress. 

If you have any questions related to this conference, you can reach out at the contact info below.

In his service,

Daniel Gavin Sr., Executive Director
Addictions Victorious

Confirm James Carroll for ONDCP Director
Capitol American Flag
The Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) needs strong and clear leadership. At a time when nearly 200 Americans are dying every day to a drug overdose, we need ONDCP to ensure a comprehensive and effective response to the opioid crisis. That can only be achieved with a Senate-confirmed Director.

Without a Senate-confirmed Director at ONDCP, our nation's drug epidemic will inevitably continue without the needed resources and attention it deserves. James Carroll will fight for the interests of families struggling with this disease.

Send a letter to Congress now to confirm James Carroll for ONDCP director, so that we can work with ONDCP to solve the addiction epidemic and save lives together.
Send a Letter to Congress

Parent Toll-Free Helpline1-855-DRUGFREE

© Partnership for Drug-Free Kids
352 Park Ave South | 9th Floor | New York, NY 10010