Monday, October 15, 2018

“Contentment is not the fulfillment of what you want, but the realization of how much you already have.” ~~Unknown

“If you look to others for fulfillment, you will never be fulfilled. If your happiness depends on money, you will never be happy with yourself. Be content with what you have, rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the world belongs to you.” ~~Lao Tzu

“Happiness is not a station you arrive at, but a manner of traveling.” ~~Margaret Lee Runbeck

Statement #3
  Happiness is a habit I am developing.
Happiness is created not waited for.

Inserting the word “contentment” into Statement #3 when happiness does not appear to fit into daily life can create a bridge to fulfillment. It can be difficult and unrealistic to feel “happy” when going through extreme feelings of loss; much like when moving through overwhelming grief or anguish. By inserting the word “contentment”, this Statement can foster stability rather than trying to achieve a by-product of something else much like through alcohol, relationships or material substances.

In the past, my feelings of happiness (as well as self-worth) were attached to being in a romantic relationship. Unable to distinguish happiness separately while unskilled at how to release myself from unhealthy relationships, I lost my identity and the ability to feel joy or contentment. With happiness attached to someone/thing outside, it was impossible to create inner joy. Feeling emotionally chained, alcohol became a quick and repetitive attempt to cut away distress. It never worked.

Embracing the empowering WFS Program and Statements, it is possible to feel contentment, even while moving through unease. Yet, when my father passed away a few years ago, the feelings of grief and sadness felt overwhelming. Surprisingly, it was the continued practice of Statement #3 that helped create a foundation of ease and contentment so that I could manage the intense emotions. Instead of diving into a deep despair, I felt strong footing underneath and moved through the feelings, content in the knowledge that I could understand the process and let go. This felt so much more comfortable and I was better able to shift towards contentment and absolute joy for his life.

Here are 4 examples for creating contentment:

1.       Gratitude Journal
Even one entry per day can set the mind to focusing on the have’s instead of have not’s.
2.       Measure Yourself with Your Own Yardstick
We have no idea what it took for someone to be where they are; it is unrealistic to compare ourselves to another. Be gentle and measure yourself with your own yardstick.
3.       Embrace Change
Everything is impermanent, valuing and embracing change can lead to feelings of ease, happiness and contentment.
4.       Mindfulness
Consciousness in activities and/or choices can bring feelings of contentment. Multi-tasking can complicate life.
Hi 4C Women,

I agree with Karen that just changing a word can help us better understand and practice Statement #3 and make it work for us. I always like to add, happy "MOMENTS" are created not waited for. It is the awareness of those moments that creates the joy and memory. My foundation became peace in knowing that while there are troubling, painful times in our lives, they will not last forever. Years ago, I clung to the painful times as though there would never be an end. Perhaps it had to do with my blaming others for my circumstances and being the victim felt comfortable and kept me from accepting any responsibility for my life. If happiness happened, it was because I was drinking or it was a fluke. When I first read this Statement, I was taken aback. What do you mean, happiness is created, not waited for? Great! I not only had to work on my sobriety, now I had to create my own happiness? I am here to tell you that truer words have never been spoken. Once I let go of my victim role, I embraced change as Karen suggested above and I began to build that foundation of peace. That foundation opened the door to accepting responsibility, exploring new opportunities and especially being brutally honest with myself about the burden I had placed on others to make me happy. It also helped me move through loss, hurt and enormous pain. It was challenging yet it kept me centered and I had the support of friends and the 4C women in WFS. When I am hurt or confused, it is the knowledge that I am not alone and can express my concerns without judgment. I am so grateful because even with my foundation of peace, I need the support, input and insight from those who understand. 
Over the years, I have had several exercises regarding Statement #3. Here are few questions.

What gives you the greatest joy?
When was the last time you felt that joy?
What brings a smile to your face when you think of it?
What new or different paths have you taken to create happiness?
Have you explored a new hobby or gone back to the one that you previously enjoyed?
What inspires you?
When is the last time you treated yourself?
When is the last time you played your favorite music and danced with joy?
I feel happy when_________________.
Please consider any or all of the 4 examples that Karen gave toward building your foundation of contentment, peace or joy. I hope you will find time as well to answer some of the questions I posed and perhaps share them with someone you trust, in a f2f group or online. 

Bonded in developing a habit of happiness, 4C WFS Member

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Sunday, October 14, 2018

October 4 2018 Through The Twelve Steps With Spiritual Truth From Scripture

Romans Chapter 13 verse 12
The night is almost gone , the day of salvation will soon be here. So remove your dark deeds like dirty clothes put on the shiny armor of right living.
Step 4 - Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves. (Lamentations 3:40 "let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the LORD.") (GODS BIG BOOK)

Whether you want to accept it or not ,time is going to run out for you as it will for everyone of us. Life is what you put in another words if your life is full of wrong living you are going to self medicate to try and numb and deal with the consequences of your actions. Another words you feel the way you do because of the dark deeds you have built your life around and the icing on your crap cake is you will face judgement when this life ends. Most wait until its too late and they are standing before their Creator. Like looking in a mirror your heart will reflect the person you truly are and if you dont like who you are there is hope because you still have breath. Do exactly what the Scripture verse is telling you. Start small trying to do a 360 in life could overwhelm and crush your efforts. I try to do life one moment at a time ! Be slow and deliberate in making choices and anything you feel is wrong and shouldn't be doing that is your God given Moral compass nudging you to go in a different direction with your life. Follow it and try and do the next right thing in every moment and choice you face in life.God and His Son Jesus Christ have sent us a helper the holy spirit who is available 24/7 so before every decision in your heart and head discuss your options and put off the wrong choices and dark deeds of doing the wrong thing and let the Holy Spirit lead you in doing the next right thing. Shiny armor of right living is joy and peace and feeling good about your self not having to self medicate and hide behind masks to keep others from seeing the person you just cant stand. Free yourself from the negativity and live the life God has detailed for you in his Big Book. 

By Joseph Dickerson/Recovery Connections Need Prayer email us Psalm 103 v 3 He forgives all my sins and Heals all my diseases!

Am I Enabling Addiction by Helping My Child?

by Pat A., Parent and Clinician
Am I enabling my child's addiction?
It was a confession of sorts as she said, “Yep, I’m an enabler and I’ve been doing it for years.”

“Jake, he’s my older son. I can’t tell you how many times I woke him up so he wouldn’t miss football practice. He was the quarterback and had a scholarship on the line. Then I helped him write his college essays and hounded him about getting them in on time. I even picked out a suit for him to wear to his interviews. By the way, he’s now at Duke University pursuing a double major in economics and international relations.”

“Then there’s my younger son, Nick. He’s struggling with substance use. Mostly using pills, but sometimes he binge drinks. I’ve been told if I help him at all, I’m enabling. I just don’t get it. He has a life-threatening disease and people are telling me to detach, let him hit his bottom and stop enabling. If your kid had cancer, would you do that?”

So many parents, and other family members for that matter, struggle with the concept of enabling. There certainly is a natural inclination on the part of parents to love, protect and nurture their children, but when does it cross a line that can be harmful rather than helpful? This discussion focuses on the definition of enabling and what to take into consideration when trying to motivate your child to engage in healthy behaviors.
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Parent Toll-Free Helpline1-855-DRUGFREE

© Partnership for Drug-Free Kids
352 Park Ave South | 9th Floor | New York, NY 10010

Clearbrook Treatment Centers is Now In-Network with Providers

To Whom it May Concern,

As of October 9th, 20148, Clearbrook Treatment Centers is now In-Network with Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS).

Pleases contact your Business Development Representative today for any questions you may have.

Best Regards,

The Banyan Family Network

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The Most Important Person in the Room | The Fix: There’s no need to worry about my career, or lack of intimate relationships, or future, or even quitting nicotine. I’m taking it easy, I’m in my first year of sobriety.