Tuesday, November 28, 2017

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Take a moment to watch the video, please share your comments below. D Would you like to see the investigation continue? Do you have any stories you would like to share? Contact Tim Tim@recoverybootcsmp.com..keep the conversation going..it matters

Addict’ Mom Hero Tim Schnellenberger shares his views.
Timothy Schnellenberger is the founder of Recovery Boot Camp, Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center and Healing Properties, Sober Living Community, both in Delray Beach, Florida. Timothy, who is also a recovered alcoholic/addict, grew into the industry as an extension of his own sobriety, back in 2002.

Tim has spent 15 years helping addicts get clean. He runs a well-known successful residential treatment center and sober living facility in Delray Beach. When men enter his program, they are required to get a job within ten days.. and they have to earn privileges. Schnellenberger told Kenney his program is based on a reward system. The harder the men work at their sobriety, the more rewards they get. The majority of the kids who come through his program are still sober today. Like Elvis Diaz, who is getting ready to move out on his own. He's been clean now for seven months.

"I feel great. I don't know what the future holds. But I'm on a good track and if i keep doing the right thing...only good things can happen."


Click on the link below


Everything My Parents Did to Get Me Addiction Treatment and Into Recovery
Keegan Wicks
We are thrilled to have Keegan, a young man in recovery, share the stage with his mom, Partnership Parent Coach Laurie Wicks, at our upcoming Winter Wish Gala on December 12 in New York City. Read his story below.

“I’m addicted to heroin and I need help.”

Those are the words that rang through my family’s ears as my two older brothers and my mom and dad sat with me that memorable Christmas Day in 2009. I couldn’t believe it. Did those words just come out of my mouth? Yup, they sure did. Did I just share that with my parents? I vaguely remember thinking to myself: so much for everyone having a Merry Christmas.

The room was consumed with devastation and urgency. Staring back at their then seventeen-year-old adolescent son, just months away from graduating high school, my parents took immediate action to find me care and treatment. It was as if my family had been replaced by a SWAT team as they rushed to help me breach the door of willingness into the rooms of recovery.

I didn’t know the first thing about treatment for addiction. What I did know was that I was not capable of making any type of crucial decision regarding my personal health and well-being. Back then, I had little comprehension of how healthcare worked. That’s where they came in. I couldn’t tell you who they called or how it happened, but somehow an opportunity became available for me to be admitted to inpatient treatment, and I took it.

Almost daily, while I was in inpatient treatment, I received letters from my family. From “you got this” Hallmark cards to hand-written letters and inspirational quotes. Lots of inspirational quotes. Each letter was a representation of what encouragement and love looks like. In my family, addiction was treated with the same love and affection as if I had suffered from any other potentially fatal illness. On days when my recovery from addiction seemed unbearable, receiving words of encouragement from my family gave me hope and strength to continue moving forward.

When I was away in treatment, my parents learned all they could about the disease of addiction and the recovery process. Somehow they instinctively knew that family was a key role in recovery support. Help your son get to recovery groups and counseling. Take care of yourself. Get involved in your local community. These are some of the fantastic instructions my family received while I was in treatment — and that is exactly what they did.

Continue Reading Keegan's Story

Parent Toll-Free Helpline1-855-DRUGFREE

© Partnership for Drug-Free Kids
352 Park Ave South | 9th Floor | New York, NY 10010

November is almost over! It’s time to celebrate Thanksgiving! We are reminded what a tremendous privilege it is to serve all of you and how thankful we are for your faithfulness to your calling to reach those lost in addiction. We hope you’re able to enjoy some special family time this holiday. Please know you are in our prayers, and we ask that you continue to pray for us as well. Have a happy and blessed Thanksgiving.

As Different as the Changing Leaves
Adult and Teen Challenge Students 

Adult and Teen Challenge students come from all genres of life. Young and old, male and female, those who can afford to pay for their care and those who are homeless all can find hope and healing at Adult and Teen Challenge. The common denominator is Jesus. He is the Healer and Heart-Changer. If you know anyone who is struggling with addiction and ready for help please share the Adult and Teen Challenge message with them. Contact us at 1-855-END-ADDICTION.
What a Thanksgiving!
Thankful for a New Life 

My name is Gage and I am so thankful that God changed my life at Adult and Teen Challenge. Before I got saved, I was a selfish liar who only did what I wanted. I was a spoiled brat who didn’t want to be around anyone unless I could get something from them. I was miserable and always trying to figure out what drug could make me happy and fill the void in my heart. I didn't understand why they didn't fill the emptiness.
Then one day on a Sunday, I went to church and the message touched my heart. God began to tear the caullous off on my heart. I am so thankful that I found Adult and Teen Challenge. Since I’ve surrendered my life to Jesus Christ, I’ve learned it’s no longer my life, but Christ who lives in me and guides my paths.
I've given my personal rights over to Him, so it won’t be controlling my life anymore. I am building my relationship with Father. Everyday I work to draw closer to Him.
I thank everyone who gives to Adult and Teen Challenge. You have given me my chance at this new life in Christ.
There is always hope. That hope is found in Jesus Christ. Have a blessed Thanksgiving.