Monday, August 11, 2014

Drinking Problems Among National Guard Soldiers Often Caused By Civilian Life
August 6th, 2014/

Drinking problems in returning U.S. National Guard soldiers are more likely to be caused by civilian life, rather than wartime experiences, according to new research.

As many as 13 percent of veterans may drink because of problems such as job loss, financial problems or divorce, the researchers found. Almost 7 percent of Americans overall have drinking problems, HealthDay reports.

The study appears in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.

The researchers collected data on about 1,000 Ohio National Guard soldiers who returned from Iraq or Afghanistan. The soldiers were interviewed three times over three years. They were asked about their alcohol use, as well as exposure to traumatic events such as land mines, vehicle crashes, enemy fire, the deaths of fellow soldiers. They also were asked about their injuries and about stress in their lives since they returned.

Sixty percent of the veterans had experienced combat-related trauma, and 36 percent had experienced problems since they returned. The researchers found 13 percent of veterans reported alcohol abuse or dependence in their first interview, 7 percent in their second interview and 5 percent in their third interview. In addition, 17 percent said they were sexually harassed during their most recent deployment.

Having at least one civilian stressor or an incident of sexual harassment during deployment was associated with an increased risk for alcohol problems in soldiers who had not abused alcohol before, the article notes. The study found combat-related events were only marginally associated with alcohol problems.

“Exposure to the traumatic event itself has an important effect on mental health in the short-term, but what defines long-term mental health problems is having to deal with a lot of daily life difficulties that arise in the aftermath—when soldiers come home,” lead researcher Magdalena Cerdá of the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health said in a news release.

Welfare Applicants in Tennessee Must Declare Prior Drug History Under New Law
August 6th, 2014/

Under a new law in Tennessee, welfare applicants must declare any prior history of drug use, NPR reports.

The new law, which went into effect July 1, requires new applicants to fill out a questionnaire that asks whether they have recently taken drugs, and whether they lost employment or had court appearances scheduled in the past three months because of drug use. Most applicants so far have answered no to the questions. A person who answers yes must undergo drug testing.

So far four people have been disqualified from receiving benefits because they refused to submit to the law’s requirement that applicants undergo drug testing, according to theAssociated Press.

Supporters of the law say it is designed to prevent public funds from being spent on illegal drugs. Critics say the law unfairly penalizes vulnerable people.

State Senator Stacey Campfield, who wrote the law, says applicants who test positive are connected with treatment programs. The American Civil Liberties Union of Tennessee says the law is a violation of privacy. The group is planning on challenging the law in court.

“We don’t test individuals who are seeking government support like farmers, veterans and students, so we have to take a step back and question why limited-income people are being targeted and have to submit to these intrusive searches,” said Hedy Weinberg, Executive Director.

Legislators in a number of states are continuing to pursue measures that would deny welfare benefits to people who use illegal drugs.

In December, a federal judge in Florida ruled the state’s drug-test requirement was unconstitutional. Florida’s law required welfare applicants to undergo mandatory drug testing. Judge Mary S. Scriven of the United States District Court in Orlando ruled the testing requirement violated the protection against unreasonable searches.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Friends, Please consider making a donation to help so many that are struggling with addiction. So many want help but cant get it because there is just not enough funding, especially for long term care. Also, there is a need for women and children trying to make their way in the aftermath of addiction and the need for housing and just basic needs is overwhelming. Many stay in hotels not knowing. So on behalf of Recovery Connections and also More than Conquerors ( I ask if you can give? Even the smallest amount can help. Thank you so much for you support.

Brief Interventions May Not Be Useful in Counteracting Drug Use: Studies
August 7th, 2014/

Two new studies published in the Journal of the American Medical Association suggest that brief counseling may not be effective in counteracting drug use. Previous research has shown brief interventions can help some problem drinkers, NPR reports.

Public health officials have been urging primary care doctors and hospital emergency rooms to ask patients about drug use, and to immediately give those with a drug problem a 10- to 15-minute counseling session, known as a brief intervention.

One of the new studies looked at more than 500 people who were determined to have a drug problem, based on a verbal screening at a primary care clinic. They were divided into three groups. The first two groups received brief counseling, while the third group received no counseling. After six months, those who had received brief counseling had not reduced drug use any more than people who received no counseling.

A second study found people who received brief counseling and a short phone call two weeks later did not reduce their drug use more than people who did not receive counseling. People with the most severe drug problems who received counseling were more likely to seek specialty care later on.

“I think it was wishful thinking that a problem as complex could be solved with a simple intervention,” said Richard Saitz of Boston University, author of the first study. He said some patients who come in for a routine checkup and are told they have a serious drug problem may be overwhelmed by the information. For these patients, a brief counseling session is unlikely to help.

Dr. H. Westley Clark, Director of the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment at the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, told NPR the brief intervention model is very useful for many patients. “But as you popularize the intervention, you want to refine your approach,” he noted. Clark says brief interventions may not work for severe cases of drug use. He called for better training for health care providers to help them match patients with the best treatment.

Two Dead, 19 Hospitalized After Electronic Dance Music Festival in Maryland
August 7th, 2014/

Two males, ages 20 and 17, died after attending an all-day electronic dance music festival last weekend in Columbia, Maryland. Nineteen other people were hospitalized. Investigators said they suspected MDMA, or Molly, was the most commonly used drug at the festival.

Officials in Howard County, where the festival took place, said they were investigating security and screening procedures at the festival venue, The Baltimore Sun reports. Howard County Executive Ken Ulman said, “Substances that are becoming increasingly prevalent at certain concerts are incredibly dangerous,” he said, “and as a parent I am concerned that our children may be taking unnecessary risks.”

A 19-year-old woman who attended an electronic dance music festival in Los Angeles last weekend died of a suspected drug overdose, L.A. Weekly reported.

Organizers of summer music festivals are increasing drug screening after four people died at festivals last year. The deaths were linked to Molly. Concertgoers should expect sniffer dogs, pat-downs and other drug screening measures. Music festivals will provide medical tents with doctors, nurses and emergency medical technicians.

In April, organizers of New York’s Electric Zoo three-day event said this year fans will be required to view an anti-drug public service announcement online in order for their festival wristbands to activate. The event will start later in the day to reduce exposure to the sun. In addition, the organizers will scrutinize vendors more closely. The festival may place “amnesty bins” at the gates, so fans can drop off illicit substances before they are searched.

In 2013, the last day of Electric Zoo was canceled after two concertgoers died after taking Molly. Medical experts say club drugs are especially dangerous when they are taken in warm temperatures by people who are dehydrated and who exert themselves at all-day events.

Thursday, August 7, 2014


Don 't raise your fists in defiance at the heavens or speak with such arrogance .

STEP 6 - Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character .

You will never get free from Addiction , until you realize your the problem and not God .Pain can certainly define you whether good or bad .The sad part is , most blame their pain on God . He is not an Ogir just waiting to punish you ! He is a living , loving , gracious , merciful God who misses His number one creation ,YOU ! Use the twelve steps and daily unceasing prayer to find Him . I did , and what I discovered He was with me through it all . 

JAMES 5 : 16 - Confess [your] faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

By Joseph Dickerson
Christian Life Prison and Recovery Ministries, Inc.

A Benefit to Help Fight Addiction
12pm to 8pm - Free Event!
Donations will be accepted at the gate

On the Campus of Christian Life Center
3100 Galloway Rd
Bensalem, PA 19020
Our 2nd annual outdoor Conquering Grounds Music Fest to benefit our CLPRM Scholarship Fund, helping those struggling with addiction and coming out of prison.
 This rain or shine event features... 
  • 9 Christian Artists/Bands
  • 3 dynamic speakers AND 3 testimonies! 
  • Lots of great food, vendors, prayer & fellowship
  • Children's Play Area - Moonbounce, Playground, Face Painting ect..
...all for a fantastic cause and all for F-R-E-E! Yep, you read that right...FREE!!! Jesus paid the price!


We need YOUR support and will be taking donations at the gate!! 
Don't miss this amazing Life Changing Event! 
Also, visit to get ALL the details and even make a donation! 
Invite your friends and family! SEE YOU there!

Don't forget your Lawn Chairs or Blankets!!
Paul Paoli Band
Never Forsaken
Dave Pettigrew

And many others!
Forward this email to a Friend
City of Angels Recovery Radio
The Conquering Addiction Hour with CLPRM
August 9th

September 13th

October 11th 
November 8th
Country Recording Artist and Pastor

December 6th
Special Christmas Music
Conquering Grounds Café, our monthly coffee house ministry, reaches out to individuals and families who have been affected by substance abuse. The Café serves up Christian bands, plus
FREE beverages and baked goods in a laid-back atmosphere. ALL are invited to this
FREE event!
Thanks to Shoprite Bensalem and Hornbergers Bakery for their generous donation of baked good to Conquering Grounds.  
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"My eyes are ever on the LORD, for only he
will release my feet from the snare."  ~Psalm 25:15
Christian Life Prison and Recovery Ministries, Inc.
OUR MISSION: CLPRM is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping those incarcerated and to stop substance abuse in the community by offering support to those actively struggling with addiction, as well as to their families. We offer recovery meetings, resources, counseling, and referral services to those who wish to seek treatment.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Treatment for Mental Health Problems Surging for Young Adults
August 5th, 2014/

Millions more young adults are receiving treatment for mental health problems because their parents can keep them on the family health insurance plan under the Affordable Care Act, a new study concludes.

The study looked at young adults between 18 and 25 who had already screened positive for substance abuse or mental disorders, Time reports. The researchers examined the period between September 2010, when the Affordable Care Act provision allowing young adults to stay on their parents’ health plan went into effect, and 2012. They found this group of young adults increased their use of mental health treatment by 5.3 percent, compared with a similar group of 26- to 35-year-olds who were not eligible for coverage by their parents’ health plan.

Under the Affordable Care Act, the number of mental health visits that 18- to 25-year-olds had to pay for out-of-pocket decreased by 12.4 percent, compared with 26- to 35-year-olds. Visits paid by private insurance increased 12.9 percent for the younger group. The study is published in Health Affairs.

The researchers found outcomes related to substance abuse treatment did not change during the study period.

Young adults who can remain on their parents’ health plans often have access to a broader range of treatment options than people who are uninsured or who have bare-bones insurance plans, the article notes. Without adequate insurance, people who need mental health treatment may have trouble affording residential or specialized treatment. They also may not be able to pay for individualized psychotherapy, the researchers noted.
They added that the study took place during the financial crisis, which affected young people especially hard. This may have made them more likely to seek mental health treatment, the researchers said.

More Teen Athletes Abusing Prescription Painkillers, Study Finds
August 5th, 2014/

A growing number of teen athletes are abusing prescription painkillers, according to a new study. Football players are more likely than other athletes to abuse prescription painkillers,HealthDay reports.

The study looked at results from a survey of almost 2,300 high school seniors. The researchers found 12 percent of male athletes and 8 percent of female athletes reported abusing painkillers in the past year, an increase from previous surveys.

“I’ve studied the use of performance-enhancing substances in sports for about 15 years, and this study extended that line of research to mind-altering substances,” lead researcher Bryan Denham of Clemson University in South Carolina said in a news release. “Alcohol has always been available, as has marijuana, but young people also may look to stronger drugs for euphoric effects. If prescription pain relievers are over-prescribed in certain regions, their use may trickle down to adolescents. Use of narcotic pain relievers may become a habit with some adolescent athletes.”

The study found teen athletes used illegal substances more frequently than their peers who did not play sports. Boys were more likely than girls to abuse substances. The study appears in the Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse.

A survey released last month by the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids confirmed a doubling in the reported lifetime use of synthetic human growth hormone (hGH) among teens. According to the latest Partnership Attitude Tracking Study, 11 percent of teens in grades 9-12 reported “ever having used” synthetic human growth hormone without a prescription, up dramatically from just 5 percent in 2012.

California Considers Requiring Doctors to Undergo Drug and Alcohol Tests

August 5th, 2014/

California voters will decide this November whether doctors in their state will have to submit to random drug and alcohol tests.

If the measure is passed, California would become the first state to require doctors to submit to random drug and alcohol testing, according to The New York Times. The measure is part of a broader initiative that would also raise the state’s financial cap on medical malpractice awards, from $250,000 to $1.1 million.

The medical industry has already raised more than $35 million to defeat the measure, the article notes. Opponents include doctors, hospitals and medical insurance companies. Unions, the state Chamber of Commerce and the California chapter of Planned Parenthood oppose the measure, known as Proposition 46. Supporters include U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer and U.S. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.

If Proposition 46 passes, the California Medical Board would receive results of random drug tests on doctors. Hospitals would have to report the names of doctors who were suspected of abusing drugs or alcohol.

Dr. Richard Thorp, President of the California Medical Association, told the newspaper the measure is a “money grab by trial lawyers.” He added, “The decision about drug and alcohol testing shouldn’t be made by political consultants — it should be made by stakeholders in a careful, thoughtful way.”

Arthur L. Caplan, a medical ethicist at New York University, supports the measure. “It’s crucial: I can’t believe we haven’t done this already,” he said. “We can argue about how often that is, and what to do if you are positive. But the idea that we wouldn’t be screening our surgeon, our anesthesiologist or our oncologist when we are going to screen our bus drivers and our airline pilots strikes me as ethically indefensible.”
      The Council of Southeast Pennsylvania, Inc.PRO-ACT
          Pennsylvania Recovery Organization --
     Achieving Community Together (PRO-ACT) 
Recovery in Our Communities
August 5, 2014
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Information and Recovery Support Line 24/7: 800-221-6333
   Our greatest glory is not in never failing, 
    but in rising up every time we fail.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson
So We Can "All Rise"

The most researched criminal justice program in human history is Drug Courts.  And the research is clear:  Drug Courts work!  They reduce crime and are highly cost-effective saving taxpayers anywhere from $3,000 to $13,000 per participant depending on the court.  Read more facts and figures about drug courts from the National Association of Drug Court Professionals.

Most citizens and celebrities are lining-up in support of drug courts.  This PSA was posted several years ago by  ALL RISE, a group that proclaims how we "All Rise" when we help a fellow citizen to manage their addiction as opposed to incarcerating them.    

Its no wonder that both The White House and state governments agree that communities should expand drug court programs as much as possible.  However, expansion must be done the right way.    

In Pennsylvania, there is strong support to ensure that drug court programs operate in accordance with best practices.   First, The Pennsylvania Supreme Court established a Drug Court Accreditation Program to help drug courts operate in accordance with the latest scientific research.  Second, treatment and criminal justice professionals who operate these programs formed the Pennsylvania Association of Drug Court Professionals years ago to educate, train and support others in their operation.  
Messages Can Change Attitudes About A Dangerous Drug

Many young Americans receive pro-marijuana "weed-tweets" several times a day, according to a study released by the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis.  

One such twitter account has over 1 million followers and posts  11 tweets per day. 

The findings are concerning because young people may be  receptive to social media influences.  "It's likely a young person's attitudes and behaviors may be influenced when he or she is receiving daily, ongoing messages of this sort," says Patricia Cavazos-Rehg, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry.  "It is important to remember that [marijuana] remains a dangerous drug of abuse," she said.  In 2011, marijuana use contributed to more than 455,000 emergency room visits, with 13 percent of those for patients aged 12 to 17. 

For more on why researchers say pro-pot messages set the stage for drug use, read the Full Press Release from Washington University in St. Louis.
Some Upcoming Events
Aug. 20th: Meet The Council Open House8 - 9 am at 252 West Swamp Road, Bailiwick Office Campus, Unit 12, Doylestown, PA 18901

September 12, 20147:05 pm. Recovery Night at the Baseball Game, Phillies vs. Marlins, Citizens Bank Park. Click here for tickets. 
September 20, 2014PRO-ACT Recovery Walks! 2014, Great Plaza, Penn's Landing, Philadelphia. Click here to register and get more information.
Employment OpportunitiesPlease click here
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DONATEDonations help us to reduce the impact of addiction for more individuals and families. The Council is a 501(c)(3) organization.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014


May my cry come before you , O ' Lord ; give me understanding according to your word .

STEP 2 - Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.

I spent countless nights in my addictive state crying myself to sleep . Why God do I have to suffer ,why are you doing this to me . Those were my thoughts ! We will never get free until we recognize God , acknowledge God , and surrender to God ! Then we must accept His authority forgiveness and directions for our lives and how to live them . If you can sincerely do the above He will give you understanding of his precious word which contains the key to freedom (sobriety) , peace , love , joy , and the list goes on (Gods big Book Bible ) ! You have got to realize and recognize your life is a mess because you made it that way ! God gave you the gift of life and along with it instructions (Gods big Book Bible ). Gods choices for your life are peace love and joy your choices are addiction pain and sorrow . 

John 8:32 And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

By Joseph Dickerson