Wednesday, October 4, 2017

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Recovery Media Partnerships Available - Call 786-488-6984
Sobriety Rocks 2017
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Tuesday, October 3, 2017


Psalm 7 v 9- End the evil of those who are wicked, and defend the righteous.For you look deep within the mind and heart, O righteous God.

Step 4: Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.

Recovery is a journey of self-discovery and Spiritual healing. Even though it will be difficult and painful we must dig really deep into the recesses of our minds and the caverns in our hearts. There is a root to everything and bad roots must be exposed or they will choke out what is good. Bringing something out into the open removes its power. Hiding painful stuff leaves no room for anything good! The by-product many times is self-medicating to deal with the pain and burden of allowing these roots to blossom into weeds of destruction. God will be with you and He already knows what needs to be done in order for your Spirit to be free. 

By Joseph Dickerson/Recovery Connections 
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