Saturday, December 12, 2015

Best of the week from Choose Help

5 Ways to Reduce Holiday Stress and Anxiety

5 Ways to Reduce Holiday Stress and Anxiety
There’s no denying it – the holidays can be overwhelming, especially if you're in recovery from addiction. Here are 5 ways to cope with stress during the holidays.
Tis’ the season to be jolly... perhaps, but for too many of us - tis also the season to get stressed out!
Work parties, family visits, buying those perfect gifts (and then worrying about to pay for it all), too much alcohol and too little sleep and always pushing towards creating that perfect holiday experience for your loved ones – it’s a perfect-storm recipe for a seasonal cocktail of anxiety and stress.
And since stress exacerbates anxiety and depression and can lead to excessive substance abuse or relapse, the holidays can be a difficult time for anyone in recovery from addiction and mental health issues.
Fortunately, you don’t have to get frazzled this year; and since a lot of the stress you’ve experienced in years past has likely been of your own creation – you can take steps this year to make certain you don’t make things any more difficult than they have to be and maximize your odds of having a truly enjoyable and low anxiety holiday season.
According to the American Psychological Association (APA), 5 things you can do to minimize holiday stress this year are:1

I. Slow Down 

Don’t try to do too much. If you’re getting worn out by your many obligations, take some time off from the holiday madness and do something to recharge your batteries. Go see a movie, read a book, go for a walk in the park – take a step back from all your ‘duties’ and take a little time for yourself.
You may miss an event or two but you’ll be much better company at those you do choose to attend and by doing less (you do not have to bake those homemade cookies) and by keeping your sanity you’ll actually be far more productive wherever you choose to direct your attention and energies.

II. Things Won’t Go Perfectly This Year. So What?

(They Never Do ANY Year – and That’s OK) 

Creating unrealistic expectations for a magical and perfect holiday season leaves you wide open to stress when things don’t go exactly as planned (and when do things ever go exactly as planned!?!)
You do not need a picture perfect Christmas tree and you’ll remember the people and conversation at the table far more than you’ll ever remember the taste of the Christmas dinner. If the turkey dries out… it’s OK, it doesn’t matter and if you can’t find the kids’ requested toys – they’ll be just happy with whatever you can find them.
Do your best, don’t worry about achieving impossible perfection and remember that having an enjoyable time with people you care about is far more important than anything else.

III. Don’t Overspend

You do not need to spend a fortune this year. No one needs an extravagant gift or a gourmet meal; especially if paying for those gifts and all that entertaining is going to provoke stress and financial anxiety.
If you’ve got children who are clamoring for the latest and greatest, then simply explain to them about your budget and about what’s reasonable to expect this year.
Don’t spend more than you can afford, lose the financial stress and see if you don’t have a whole lot more fun this holiday season.

IV. Volunteer 

Donate some time to a worthy organization and you may find that you gain a little perspective on those things that can seem so important and stress-provoking over the holiday season – but which are so unimportant in the grand scheme of things.

V. Get Some Support

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, things just get overwhelming. If stress and anxiety are getting the best of you, don’t try to slog through on your own. Talk about the way you’re feeling with a close friend or family member and ask for their support and assistance. 
And if things don’t get better or if you’re really having a hard time with your stress or anxiety, don’t suffer through it unnecessarily, make an appointment to meet with a mental health professional and learn more about how you can start feeling a whole lot better over the holidays - and for the rest of the year too.

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All the best to you and yours,

Martin Schoel,
founder of Choose Help
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Continuum of Care - KLEAN Treatment Centers

Thursday, December 10, 2015

The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your fellow Israelites. You must listen to him. - Deuteronomy 18:15

Targeted Magnetic Pulses to the Brain May Reduce Cocaine Cravings: Study - Partnership for Drug-Free Kids

Targeted Magnetic Pulses to the Brain May Reduce Cocaine Cravings: Study - Partnership for Drug-Free Kids
 Women for Sobriety, Inc.
"I was angry, I was hurting,
and I was struggling."


Thankful for a New Life

By Shirley Schuy  ~  Guelph, Ontario, Canada

       November was a big month for me back in 2001.  It was time for me to really face my demons and my disease of alcoholism.  My doctor had signed me out of work until treatment could begin and I was at a loss.  I was angry, I was hurting, and I was struggling.
       I picked the 15th as my first truly sober day; but, I truthfully can’t say which day it was but that was close and it sounded good.  There was much turmoil in my life.  I guess I needed the big wakeup call from the doctor.  Moreover, something had to have worked as I have 4 years of sobriety and a much better life.
       If anyone is wondering if this is an easy journey, I would say no.  It is a long road but worth every step.  With counseling, a follow-up treatment program and a lot of very hard work, I have gotten to where I am today.  I had also rediscovered Women for Sobriety and was starting to work the program (I had first heard of WFS many years before when I went through a treatment program).  I learned from Jean’s words that it is important to learn about my disease, to become aware of the changes I would go through as I continued my journey.
       I learned that it was very important to start my day with a positive reading from the Program Booklet and the Reflections for Growth booklets (both available from the WFS catalog); plus journaling and reflection as to how I wanted to face this day.  I could not be caught up in future days at the beginning.  Each day must be taken one at a time. These are all great boasts to my self-esteem that, of course, was in the basement when I started this journey.
       The booklets I mentioned are helpful; as well as companionship with positive people and healthy activities.  Get out of doors, walk in the park, go to the farmers’ markets and buy fresh produce, volunteer to help in the community.  All of these things will help you get and maintain sobriety and you will be a richer person for the experience.
       All this leaves me with many feelings of thanksgiving about how lucky I am to have found this program and all the wonderful ladies here.

Statement #6, “Life can be ordinary or it can be great.”
Greatness is mine by a conscious effort.

  I plan to make my days great, in spite of the challenges I have to face. Ã¸

[Reprinted from the November 2005 Sobering Thoughts newsletter edition.  © Women for Sobriety, Inc.]
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