Thursday, May 16, 2013

This Sunday at 12:30 p.m. will be our next Recovery Luncheon and Worship service at Woodside church 1667 Edgewood Road Yardley PA 19067. With music by Four 24, testimony from Ali Boerner, and the message will be from Royce McKelvey followed by a sit down lunch. ,This event is open to everyone. Please get the word out to the recovery community and invite a friend. Hope to see you there!

Bob Sofronski
Director CLPRM
UPDATE: Stop Urban Outfitters From Selling Products that Promote Prescription Drug Abuse  
Thanks to you, we are gaining momentum to put a stop to Urban Outfitters selling products made to look like prescription pill bottles!

U.S. Congressman Hal Rogers (KY) has sent a letter directly to Richard A. Hayne, CEO and Chairman of Urban Outfitters, encouraging him to “remove these items from the shelves immediately so as not to contribute to this epidemic” [of prescription drug abuse].

Along with Rogers, Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway, who co-chairs the Substance Abuse Committee of the National Association of Attorneys General, has joined the effort.

In just the past few days, various media outlets have brought this to the public’s attention, including ABC News, Associated Press, The Huffington Post, News 4 WOAI (thanks to our alliance with The San Antonio Council on Drug and Alcohol Abuse), UPI and more!

We’re not done, because we still haven’t received a response from Urban Outfitters.

Please take the time to tweet your plea. Here are some sample tweets:

Join me in stopping @UrbanOutfitters from selling products that promote teen Rx drug abuse. #endmedicineabuse

Help stop @UrbanOutfitters from selling products that promote teen Rx abuse. #endmedicineabuse

If you can’t tweet, we encourage you to invite your family, friends and colleagues to sign and share the Facebook Causes Petition today.
Thank you,
The Partnership at

May 16
Psalm 63:9,10
But those that seek my soul, to destroy it, shall go into the lower parts of the earth. They shall fall by the sword: they shall be a portion for foxes.
Tracy couldn't believe the girls at school would be so cruel. She never did anything to any of them, but they were always finding some way to hurt her. It was all she could do to keep from telling them all off. Her mother told her to ignore them, but that was hard to do. Her mother also said that they would eventually have to pay for all the nasty things they did, but Tracy wished that day would come soon.
No one likes to be picked on. Some people love to spend time making others unhappy. These people will have to answer to God for their actions. We are called to love one another and to look for ways to give one another encouragement. While the nasty people will answer in shame for their deeds, the kind will rejoice with Christ in heaven.
Prayer: Help me to shrug off the unkind words and actions of the pe ople around me. Lift me above the hurts that come from unthinking and cruel people. Teach me to respond in love, no matter how I am treated. Amen.
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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Narconon Saves Lives

A Narconon graduate from two years ago took the time to recently write a letter of appreciation to the staff about he has continued to prosper since graduating from the Narconon program.  James learned, like many others, that the Narconon program isn’t just about staying clean – it’s about learning those basic life skills essential to success and happiness.  That is why Narconon is the New Life Program.  Here is the letter.
“Dear Staff,
My life has been amazing since I graduated from Narconon.  I use the tools I learned there every day and I wanted to give you some examples.
In the Narconon Communication course I learned to stand my ground, without losing my temper, even if someone was being insulting.  I used to get angry with people who talked down to me and would get into a lot of fights.  I couldn’t control my anger – but now I am totally different and I have been amazed at myself for being calm in certain situations.
I used to think that I could only communicate to people who were similar to me.  Narconon taught me that I am very capable of communicating with every class mate that I have in college.  I just have to find points of common reality.  I talk to people now, that before, I would have thought that I was not good enough to talk to.     This lesson helped me in a government class.  I had to teach the class about media politics.  I wanted to reach all the students – those who were interested in the topic and those who weren’t.  I was successful in this goal and I received many compliments.
At Narconon I learned to study.  This is important for success.  I received a 91 on my first paper of the year.   In this particular class, I have done well on the tests and have the highest grade in the class.
At Narconon I learned about anti-social people and how much people can affect your life.  Now I do not associate with anyone in college unless I think they are trying to better their lives.  I do not want to be around anyone who is going to try and bring me down.
I hope one day I can help a person as much as Narconon helped me.  Narconon gave me the opportunity to make my life better and stop living a worthless life.  I am thankful to the Narconon program.


Good morning everyone, I wanted to give everyone an update on Music Fest tickets. This past weekend was kind of the kickoff for ticket sales for our biggest event September. unfortunately I have some bad news we sold 0 tickets.but I am NOT going to be discouraged because I know God is in this from the beginning and he will see us through to the event. I have packs of tickets for everyone to sell. we are also still in need of sponsors. there are very nice posters flyers communication cards available for those who want them. I will be copying the direct link to the tickets and sending that out for everyone to forward on their email contact list and post on their Facebook page.  I believe everyone should be taking part in this, that is in this ministry to make this event the most successful ever so that we can look forward to having this again next year. tickets are available through our website and at we will have a ticket table setup a Christian Life Center through September you can always meet me there on a Sunday morning to get your tickets for Friday night or wherever you are I'll come meet you. I know its early and probably July August will be our best months but let's try our best to spread the word and maybe get some sales. Thank you everyone for your contribution to this ministry and all that you do for the kingdom. any questions please give me a call
here is the direct ticket link: Music Fest let's spread the word

Bob Sofronski
Director CLPRM
May 15
Psalm 63:1
O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thy irsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is.
The rock face extended straight up. Terry was halfway up, and his arms ached. From the ground it hadn't looked nearly so great a distance. The sun was scorching, and all Terry could think of was a cool drink of water. He would give anything to be able to stop and drink, but there was not safe place to even think of doing it. The more he thought of water, the worse his thirst got. He comforted himself by thinking the next drink he took would be the best he'd ever had.
We often don't appreciate the simple things in life until we are unable to enjoy them. Taking god's gifts for granted is easy to do. Clean air, water to drink, food on the table; these things come easily to most of us, and so we are not as thankful as we might be if we didn't have them. Many in our world have to do without. Remember than even the most basic of our needs is met by the loving grace of God. Thank Him for everything He has given.
Prayer: For the air that I breath, the warmth of the springtime sun, the food that nourishes me, and for so much more, I lift my voice in thanks and praise to You, Lord. Amen.
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