Monday, June 18, 2018

“Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.”  ~~Suzy Kassem

“The person we believe ourselves to be will always act in a manner consistent with our self-image.” ~~Brian Tracy

“You do not need to pay attention to those voices within you that create pain, or make you feel less competent, smart or able.”  ~~Sanaya Roman
Statement #12
 “I am a competent woman, and I have much to give life. ”
This is what I am and I shall know it always.
Doubt was a dark shroud that hung heavily across my life before sobriety and recovery.  It affected each aspect of life; from who I believed myself to be, to what was or wasn’t possible.  It would insert different levels of uncertainty and it was especially loud whenever an attempt was made to step out of a comfort zone.  Doubt would scream “It’s impossible!  - Don’t even try! and Who do you think you are?” 
With a negative pathway as wide as this, alcohol was an easy escape and slid right in and took up residence.

Through sobriety and the WFS New Life Program and, in particular, Statement #12, doubt can be evicted.  Like a magician using smoke and mirrors, doubt is an illusion.  In our WFS Beginner’s Collection booklet on page 46, the exercise asks us to “List all your accomplishments, all the thing you can do; sing, write, play the piano, do bookkeeping, teach, repair appliances, speak foreign languages, drive a car, type etc.”  From this one list, the illusion of doubt will lessen, while confidence and competence increase.

Building upon each of your abilities, an increase in feelings of competence arises.  Instead of finishing the above described list, maybe add to it every week, month or year to witness the progress.  Take many factors into consideration.  Maybe you began to play guitar last year and can strum quite a few songs yet also add the fact if you can now say “no” without guilt, meditate/ journal daily or finish what you started.  Paint your competence with a wide brush, enjoying your uncovered and bright New Life!

Hi 4C Women,
I am grateful for Statement #12 as I doubted my competency for much of my younger life. Now that I am 73, younger is up to at least 55! Drinking certainly didn't help but was a wonderful excuse for my disillusioned lack of adequacy in decision-making. I discovered that it was my fear of failure and making a mistake in choices that fed my negative thoughts. Going through my divorce was a kick in the butt to start believing that I was competent and thanks for WFS, I actually started trusting myself. I survived failures, mistakes and acknowledged the positive outcomes of my decisions when they occurred. It wasn't all or nothing, it was learning to accept and cope in a much healthier way.  
Here are some questions if you are struggling with believing you are a competent woman and have much to give life:

What makes us think we don't measure up?  

Why do we expect so little from ourselves? 
What kills our self-respect?  

Your answers will vary. Consider these:

*Are we looking too much for the approval of others?

*Are we perfectionists, expecting too much from ourselves?

*Are we intimidated by the lost battles and failures of the past?

*Are we over-impressed by the success of others?

*Are we trying to escape responsibility by claiming to be a failure?

*Are we lacking a sense of proportion? Do we tend to make mountains out of molehills?

*Is our sense of humor weak? Can we laugh at ourselves?

These are such great questions. I hope you will take the time to reflect on the questions you feel resonate with you.  

Bonded in competency,
4C WFS Member

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Friday, June 15, 2018

Thursday, June 14, 2018


How to Know if Your Kid is Vaping Marijuana — and What to Do About It
Hardly a week goes by without another news article about vaping. In 2014, vaping was selected as Oxford Dictionary’s word of the year, beating out other candidates like “Bae” and “Budtender”. If they were picking a word today, it would more likely be JUUL or Juuling, the wildly popular “stealth vape” of adolescents.

Juuling kids are vaporizing flavored e-juices with nicotine, but what about vaping marijuana? According to Monitoring the Future, an annual survey of nearly 50,000 adolescents, 3 percent, 8 percent and 10 percent of 8th, 10th, and 12th graders respectively had vaped marijuana in 2017.

E-cigarette use may be a marker of risk-taking behaviors, and e-cigarette users are more likely to smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol, which are both also associated with marijuana use. There is also the concern that vaping nicotine, which is in Juuls and many other vaping devices, may pave the way to other substance use problems in the developing adolescent brain. Aggressive marketing in states where marijuana has been legalized may also contribute to increased curiosity about marijuana while at the same time reducing its perceived harm.
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Parent Toll-Free Helpline1-855-DRUGFREE

© Partnership for Drug-Free Kids
352 Park Ave South | 9th Floor | New York, NY 10010

Winter Wish Gala - Tuesday, December 4, 2018; Gotham Hall, New York City | Reception | 6:15PM | Dinner & Program | 7:15PM - FOR MORE INFORMATION: DRUGFREE.ORG/WINTERWISH
Come celebrate individuals and leaders who have helped us further our mission, hear from families we serve and help us raise critical funds. Your support ensures we can be a lifeline for parents, empowering them with the tools and guidance they need to address their loved one’s substance use.

There are many opportunities to be a part of this special evening. You can purchase ticketssponsor a tableplace an ad or make a direct contribution. However you participate, we hope we can count on your support!

Become a sponsor, purchase tickets or donate today
Add this event to your calendar:
Parent Toll-Free Helpline1-855-DRUGFREE

© Partnership for Drug-Free Kids
352 Park Ave South | 9th Floor | New York, NY 10010

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

June 13 ,2018 Through The Twelve Steps With Spiritual Support From Scripture

Isaiah 63:10 But they rebelled against him and grieved his Holy Spirit. So he became their enemy and fought against them.

STEP 2. We came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose. Philippians 2:13 NIV

The more I read GODS BIG BOOK the more and more I am convinced that the message stays the same. Watering it down to make it more acceptable or pleasing is what we have done .Read that verse , and discover if your not living for God then you are in rebellion and if you fight against God then he is going to fight against you. The Creator of the universe is not someone you want to have for an enemy. I spent 32 years in rebellion against God and the world ! Addiction was my way of dealing with the negative effects of my choices.The only problem was addiction lied to me and made my life worse. Do what you want ! God is a gentleman and He will not force you to do the right thing or force you to live Life the way you were destined to live it. In fact you can continue to live life any darn way you chose but , I am not going to continue to tell you that God loves you when you could careless about Him or His World ! When it is all said and done you will face Him there is no way around it. When the clock runs out , and it will ,you will be standing before His Throne and He is going to ask why you did not listen to this post !

By Joseph Dickerson/Recovery Connections Need Help email us recoveryfriends@gmail.comPsalm 103v3 He forgives all my sins and Heals all my diseases!