Monday, July 18, 2016

Recovery-focused sober housing option to debut at MU this fall

Recovery-focused sober housing option to debut at MU this fall: This fall, eight University of Missouri students recovering from alcohol and substance abuse will have a recovery-focused housing option.
Later this month a new group of hurting and broken young men and women will arrive here at His Mansion.
July 2016 Newsletter 
Dan B.
My Kingdom or His     

     I heard about His Mansion in a guest lecture by Michael Tso at Wheaton College. I couldn't explain why, but from that moment I felt a strong calling to
serve for a year at His Mansion.

     As a child, I was greatly wounded during my parents' divorce. As a teenager, I continued to deal with the
painful aftermath of my parents' divorce. I had trouble understanding what real love
looked like. 
     I came to know Christ at a young age, but I didn't fully understand my salvation until later in life. As young adult, I began taking my faith more seriously, but I still had real difficulty trusting God. 
Healing in the Context of Community 
  Is God calling you to minister 
to broken people struggling with 
addiction (chemical or sexual), 
eating disorders, trauma, 
or any other life-controlling behaviors?

   Join us for our Healing in the Context of Community (HCC) course from October 15th-21st. You will learn how to serve those hurting in your community as well as experience how God is freeing men and women from those very bonds here on The Hill. 
   During your time in HCC, you will attend training courses designed for people like you who have a desire to love and serve hurting and broken men and women. 
     The classes will cover:
  • lay-counseling 
  • inner healing 
  • addiction and recovery
  • family dynamics
  • medications and mental health
   You will also have the opportunity to join those who are currently seeking God's restoration at His Mansion during communal meals, free time, and worship throughout the week.
For more information or to download the application, go to 
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“The brain can change for the better. Find the tools that work for you as you face everyday challenges to sustain sobriety and a healthy lifestyle.” —Mike Logan, an anger management counselor from Rockford, Illinois, and owner of the Facebook page Your Recovering Brain

Read more in "This Is Your Brain on Recovery."
For those in recovery, brain fitness may be even more important than for those who don’t struggle with addiction. After all, the brain is the organ that controls our ability to say yes and no. It is the center of the addictive voice and where the mysteries of depression and joy reside. The good news is that, more than ever, tools and information about how to take care of our brains are helping enhance the recovery experience. Whether you're enhancing brain fitness through reading a science fiction novel or coding a website, show your recovering brain some love this week: July 13 is Embrace Your Geekness Day!

From Drunk and Dying to Authentic and Thriving

Raised in South Carolina and born to question everything, including her sexual identity, Temple Hayes turned to spirit to pull her from the car wrecks of abuse and alcohol addiction. Today, as a new thought global leader, she’s showing others how to be exactly who they are and live the life their hearts' desire.

Demystifying Postpartum Addiction

Postpartum addiction is rarely spoken of, yet a number of new mothers find themselves turning to drugs and alcohol in an effort to cope with the demands of motherhood.

Patrick Kennedy on The Axe Files

Former Rep. Patrick Kennedy opens up about addiction and pushes for mental health reform.
Renew provides relevant and engaging information and resources to help individuals recovering from drug and alcohol addiction and their loved ones create and embrace a healthy lifestyle.

Saturday, July 16, 2016


STEP 9 Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.

2 Corinthians 5 : 10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil.

Friday, July 15, 2016



Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.

Rom 10 v 21 With your whole being you embrace God setting things right, and then you say it, right out loud: "God has set everything right between him and me!"