Friday, June 21, 2013


I'm gonna conquer my mountain!! Lets begin today with this thought and a positive attitude. Twelve years ago in my own personal life my mountain was 3 times taller than mount Everest or at least that's what I thought. Now twelve years later I am almost to the top. Along the way it was hard. I fell a few times but I pushed and I climbed with everything that I had. Life for me is not perfect but after all that hard work it sure is worth living and I wouldn't give up one single bump or bruise. Along the way through the climb I discovered that I can, who I was, and what I can become if I was willing to do the work and never give up!Never focus on the mountain that can cause you to become overwhelmed put your thoughts to one momemt at a time.Like climbing a real mountain take slow steady determined steps an be consistent you will get there.I spent most of my past believing I will never get sober ,but to my surprise following the 12 steps and by GODS grace here I am ! REMEMBER JESUS LOVES YOU!

By Joseph Dickerson

Thursday, June 20, 2013


Selfishness is another way to describe addiction.  I want what I want and I don't care how anybody else feels!  I will do whatever it takes so don't get in my way.  Addiction is the worse form of selfishness.  When I was out there my selfishness ruined relationships and caused a mountain of legal and financial problems. I could help myself, I had the choice to say yes or no, but my own selfishness blinded me to what was really important in life.  I could have said no to using, but I chose to hide behind every excuse  and I did whatever I wanted because I was selfish and cared only about myself.  Your selfishness is hurting you and others and in the end you will see that selfishness has robbed you of self.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Today we need to watch our words and how we speak about ourselves and others.  Did you ever notice that you say something negative about your day or a certain situation and it happens.  The Bible teaches us that what we speak can set the course for our day.  We must be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to get angry.  Instead of thinking about yesterday and letting that decide how your day is going to be, start with 5 minutes in quiet and tell yourself today is a new day,  I can and will have a great day and overcome all of life's challenges! Yesterday I spoke about the negative words that shaped and controlled my life for years!When speaking about others or yourself speak positive.  REMEMBER JESUS LOVES YOU!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013



    I have been a Blogger for the past year and a half.I just completed my twelfth year of sobriety.Ninety five percent of the articles I post come from other sources.I know now is the time for me to share my hopes fears and struggles with the world.My decision to move forward comes from the inspiration of my beautiful wife's encouragement and support for which I am eternally grateful.I also would like to mention two fellow Bloggers Lauren and Amy there posts have also given me the courage to move forward and post.Growing up in a house of negativity is I guess the main reason for my lack of wanting to post and share my heart with the world.As a child I was always told you will screw it up and everyone is out to get you.I never got an opportunity to  become who I was meant to be for fear of failure and rejection.I became afraid to do just about anything.Guarded is what I became ,I built a wall around me,a wall so large it became a man made prison . Drugs ,alcohol , or in a meaningless relationship were my only means of feeling normal.The world had me convinced that this is how life works.My path of destruction left many casualties including myself.Life for me was painful to live ,confusing ,consumed with the evil of my actions always looking over my shoulder waiting for the consequences of my actions to bring punishment.Suicide was always a for-thought , but i lacked the courage to complete the horrid task.Thankful now for never taking the eternal leap into hell .A day came when amidst the blur of confusion and chaos , I fell to my knees sobbing uncontrollably I cried out to God ,I hate my life , myself , everything I ever done ! I cant keep living this way,if your real please help me.One year passed after my plea and under a bridge in Philly a man came out of no where and handed me a little black book ,in that book was a story about a mans life and the story ended with a man burning in hell,and it hit me like a truck the man in that story was me.Twelve years later , I look back not to dwell on regret ,but to learn and reflect how negativity built a prison in which I lived.Freedom is on the other side of those walls but you must first surrender yourself and stuff to GOD.

Monday, June 17, 2013

New post on Ask4Recovery

Ask4Recovery – 6/16/13 – Why is admitting that I am powerless to my addiction so hard? by Ask4Recovery

Hello friends! Today’s ‘Ask’…

Why is admitting that I am powerless to my addiction so hard?

Well, who likes to actually admit they are powerless over something? I know I do not. Feeling powerless has always been associated with weakness, with disappointment, with inadequacy. Yet, admitting I am powerless to my diseases has been a huge source of empowerment. Of strength. Of freedom! The definition of powerless is ‘without ability, influence, or power.’ Now that I am able to accept that about my addictions, I have the ability, the influence, and the power.

My ‘stinking thinking’ may always be there, but my rational self is always there as well. This rational self has the power now. I no longer need to fall victim to that detrimental mentality. That destruction. That isolating place where my world got smaller and smaller until it was just me when I was living in my addictions. That is powerlessness. I am powerful when I surrender to my addictions. I am able to live a life of my own design now and not be controlled by the demon inside of me. For so long, that was my reality. I am a creature of habit, so that demon was my habit. My addiction. That is no longer the case though as I have awoken in my life and claimed the power that is innately inside of me! My addictions blocked off that power for far too long and I have regained what has been mine from day one…power. One day at a time.

Now, I can admit I am powerless to my disease and thus, have empowerment in my life. Lauren’s life. That is a miracle.

What are your thoughts on admitting powerlessness?

Sending love,

Ask4Recovery | June 16, 2013 at 12:02 pm | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

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Saturday, June 15, 2013

The Partnership at

 June 14, 2013
BREAKING NEWS: Urban Outfitters Pulls Prescription-Themed Products
Just over a month ago, we learned that Urban Outfitters, the national retail store popular with teens, was selling pint glasses, flasks and shot glasses made to look like prescription pill bottles. These products made light of prescription drug misuse and abuse, a dangerous behavior responsible for more deaths in the United States each year than heroin and cocaine combined.
The Partnership launched an advocacy effort and petition to ask the company to remove these products from their stores and website, securing more than 4,700 signatures of support.
It was reported today that Urban Outfitters has halted sale of these products. The retailer shared this statement with CNN:  "In this extensive range of product we recognize that from time to time there may be individual items that are misinterpreted by people who are not our customer. As a result of this misinterpretation we are electing to discontinue these few styles from our current product offering."
We thank Urban Outfitters for listening to the calls, emails and letters of parents and families, health care providers, community and government leaders, and for pulling these products from their stores.
Our efforts don’t end here. Take the Pledge today to #endmedicineabuse. 

Thank you,
The Partnership at 

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