Hiding behind inadequacy felt comfortable before WFS and New Life. It was easy to run away from life’s moments, using feelings of lack for an excuse. Fearing success, worrying thoughts of “what would others expect next” circulated through my mind. This line of thinking obstructed action, which only increased feelings of incompetence and I turned to alcohol for relief. Over time, this increased feeling worthless and shook my belief system.
The trio of sobriety, recovery and Statement #12 in action, enable a building and strengthening of ability. This growing competence shelters and guards my core, increasing feelings of worth and fulfillment. Statement #12 affirms value and confirms worth simply by being read and simply doing my best. In early sobriety, I read these empowering words out-loud for added benefit.
Today, this framework of competence supports and enhances New Life. From decision making to treading outside comfort zones, Statement #12 in action feels encouraging, motivating and self-enhancing. Turning towards challenges, fear of success loses its grip and competency takes hold. Capable, competent, caring and compassionate? Absolutely!!!!