Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Instant Gratification As A Way Out of Addiction? 
Seeking instant gratification instead of waiting for a more valuable prize can get people into addiction, but this "delay discounting" mentality can be used to break free of addiction as well.



What if I told you you could have $10 today or $20 next week, which would you choose? What about $100 today or $110 in six months? Rationally, we should always opt for the larger amount, no matter what the wait. But our brains process these two rewards differently, under-valuing the later option and preferring an immediate satisfaction far more than a delayed prize. 

This inability to defer gratification is a type of impulsivity called “delay discounting,” and it is considered to be a hallmark of addiction. While the tendency to live in the moment is prized in self-help articles, numerous studies have linked this type of “myopia for the future” to an increased risk for drug dependence—users preferring the immediate rush of a high over the delayed benefit of a long and healthy life. 

However, new research has emerged showing that while this type of “irrational” decision-making can contribute to someone developing an addiction, it may also help get them out of it.

Discounting and Drug Abuse

Dr. Warren Bickel has been researching drug addiction for the last 20 years, and he thinks that this trait is “part and parcel” with the addictive experience. “Data suggests discounting is predictive of who becomes addicted versus not,” he says. “If you compare addicts versus non-addicts on [this trait], addicts discount substantially more. [Moreover,] it seems proportional with their drug use—the more they use, the more they discount.”

Additionally, discounting has been linked to treatment outcomes, with higher rates of impulsivity associated with a greater risk for relapse after rehab. This predictive ability is true regardless of the drug being used, be it heroin or nicotine—the longer you can wait for any type of reward, the longer you are likely to go without using.

In the lab, delay discounting is assessed by giving people a series of “smaller sooner” versus “larger later” choices, like the ones above. The point at which you switch from preferring the future to the present reward determines your discounting rate and is thought to reflect your capacity for self-control. 

This ability to delay gratification is linked to activation in a specific part of your brain—the dorsal (top) lateral (outside) prefrontal cortex, located near your hairline and above your eyebrows. This region is associated with planning and decision-making, and typically the more activation you have in this area, the better you are at self-control. However, the prefrontal cortex is known to be abnormal in dependent drug users, and numerous studies have shown that addicted individuals have less brain volume in this region than non-drug users. This decrease in size seems to be directly related to drug use itself, with severity and length of use linked to a greater decrease in volume and activity. Losing brain cells is never a good idea, but in the prefrontal cortex it can be especially detrimental, impacting the ability for self-control and making someone even more impulsive than they already were. But all is not lost, andstudies have shown that our brains can bounce back once off drugs, the cells regenerating like leaves growing back on the trees after a long winter.

A New Type of Treatment

Which brings us back to Dr. Bickel’s work. Reanalyzing five previous studies, the researchers looked at how different treatment options affected this trait of discounting, and how this may in turn relate to abstinence efforts. Remarkably, this time it was the users who had the highest rates of discounting that improved the most with treatment. That is, those who were initially the most impulsive in their decision-making became less impulsive over time. Notably, this was not the case in the control arms of the experiments, suggesting there was an important effect of the treatment program itself on discounting. Even more remarkable, this improvement in discounting was linked to abstinence success, with the individuals who had the largest decreases in discounting also having the lowest number of positive drug screens. 

This result is particularly surprising as it is in direct contrast with previous studies showing that high impulsivity, particularly in regards to future discounting, is typically linked to worse treatment outcomes. One possible explanation is that this discrepancy is due to the type of treatment used across the different studies. For example, in one of the original trials, multiple types of treatments were used, effectively “throwing the kitchen sink” at the patients. As a result, abstinence levels were an impressive 80-90%, roughly double the success rates for the current standard treatment options. 

Dr. Bickel thinks that it is this difference in the effectiveness of the treatments that resulted in the conflicting discounting trends. “It looks like the predictive ability of discounting for a therapeutic outcome occurs with moderately effective treatment. But when you have highly effective treatment, which is where we found these changes in discounting, that’s the difference…The efficacy of the treatment determines whether discounting is a predictor or if discounting changes.”

Improving Memory and Self-Control

Perhaps the most exciting finding of the new research is the link between working memory and improvements in discounting. One of the trials that was re-analyzed involved training participants on a working memory task, trying to improve their abilities in this domain. However, the researchers discovered an unexpected link between improvements in working memory and an increase in self-control. While at first this result was surprising, discounting and working memory being separate cognitive processes, the two functions overlap in the brain, both linked to activation in the dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex. Thus, it appears that improving working memory can strengthen activation in this area, which can subsequently enhance other behaviors (like self-control) that tap into it. 

Working memory is also thought to be related to abstinence success, for in order to achieve your goals, you have to be able to keep them in mind first. Indeed, more and more, future planning is being thought of as a type of working memory, remembering how you acted in the past and keeping in mind how you’d like to change your behaviors in the future. 

Dr. Bickel explains, “Remembering an event in the past and thinking about the future are really tied processes. And working memory, being able to hold ideas and concepts or facts in our heads for a certain period of time, may be necessary for us to think about and value things that occur in the future.” 

Together, these findings suggest there may be a way to improve decision-making in drug users, which could then result in an increase in treatment efficacy. As the current options for rehab are often less than perfect, improving any chance for success, particularly in those who are most likely to fail, seems like a worthwhile endeavor.

Regression to the Mean

However, before we get too excited about the possibility, it’s important to keep in mind a small statistical effect that may be having a large impact on the current findings. 

One alternative explanation for the results is that those who have lost the most have the most to gain. This is true both mathematically in the idea of “regression to the mean,” where outliers on both ends of a spectrum have a tendency to pull in towards the center, as well as more colloquially in the idea that the lower one starts off, the more potential there is for growth. Also, rather than looking at the trait of discounting itself, these findings can be viewed more abstractly, in that individuals who are able to significantly improve in any arena might be the ones who are most readily helped by treatment. 

Additionally, while the current analysis had a dataset of over 200 participants to work with, another 300 individuals dropped out during the initial studies. Considering that drug users who are highest in impulsivity also have the highest likelihood for relapse, this loss could have skewed the data, not taking into account the most extreme cases. Unfortunately, this is a problem that almost all studies on addiction treatment encounter, in that they are largely made up of a self-selecting group of individuals who want to get clean and are willing and able to stick with it. However, it is often those who drop out who might need the most help and who would be able to shed light on what doesn’t work and why in terms of treatment.

At the end of the day, though, any opportunities to advance treatment success rates should be taken, and the current findings do provide a promising new avenue for improving self-control, and subsequently abstinence efforts. Dr. Bickel says, “I think often in addiction we deal with either the symptoms of addiction or the demographics of the participants, but it could be that decision making processes are really key in understanding how addiction operates and perhaps how to treat it.”

Dana Smith has written for The Guardian, The Atlantic and Scientific American: Mind, among other publications.

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A new drug called ‘Snapchat,’ so named after the popular photo messaging app, has hospitalized four people in Australia over the weekend.

The ecstasy-based drug has been branded with the app’s logo and comes in a variety of colors, including pink, blue, and green. And while the stamp of a friendly ghost sticking out its tongue looks harmless enough, the new drug has sent a number of people in Australia to the hospital in about as much time as it takes for a video or photo to disappear on its namesake.

“Police received a number of reports last night of people behaving in an erratic and irrational manner,”said Clint Slims, superintendent of the Drug and Organized Crime Division. “These people appeared to become aggressive and disoriented after ingesting the drug and were taken to Royal Darwin Hospital.”

The concern in Australia arose following a long weekend celebrating the Queen’s Birthday, with police worried that revelers would be exposed to the contaminated drug over the long weekend. They also issued a public warning that the exact contents of the pills remained largely unknown and that their ingestion is potentially dangerous.

“These drugs are not produced under pharmaceutical conditions and the reality is people have no idea what they are taking or worse, what affect it will have on them,” Slims said.

The outbreak of hospitalizations was just one of many that have cropped up across the world in connection with synthetic drugs. In late May, three died in Indiana after taking NBOMe, while synthetic marijuana was responsible for a number of prison overdoses in the UK last week.

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Joel Shumrak, 66, of Boca Raton, Fla., wasarrested early last week by federal authorities for running a pill mill operation out of his South Florida pain clinic that supplied drug dealers in other states, including Kentucky.

"The amount of money from the pain clinic is, frankly, staggering," said Assistant U.S. Attorney Brent Tantillo at a hearing in federal court. Prosecutors outlined Shumrak’s operation, which is alleged to have supplied up to 25 percent of all the oxycodone in Eastern Kentucky.

Shumrak is currently being held without bond in the Broward County jail and will soon be transferred to Kentucky for a federal indictment.

His lawyer, Bernard Cassidy, vehemently denied all charges and said that his client was nothing more than a businessman who should be allowed release on bond due to alleged ill health. But with over $15 million kept in offshore accounts, Shumrak was deemed a flight risk and a danger to his community.

"Joel was a licensed business owner and we intend to fight the charges," his attorney said.

Meanwhile, community organizers like Broward county resident and registered nurse, Janet Colbert, one of the founders of Stop the Organized Pill Pushers Now (STOPP Now), was guardedly optimistic about Shumrak’s arrest.

"I hope and pray they've got him this time," said Colbert. "I think the tide is turning and hopefully eventually we won't have this problem anymore."

Daily Quote

"Each person comes into this world with a specific destiny--he has something to fulfill, some message has to be delivered, some work has to be completed. You are not here accidentally--you are here meaningfully. There is a purpose behind you. The whole intends to do something through you." - Osho

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AA Meeting - 8:00 pm CST: "Face to Face"


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Monday, June 9, 2014

Christian Life Prison and Recovery Ministries, Inc.
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       Saturday June 14, 2014    
@ 7- 10:00pm
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Plus Open Mic Night
Come Early when the doors open to sign up for this fun time of song and poetry.

Join us for a night of 
High Energy Worship!!
  (Donations appreciated to cover costs and for the band. Thanks for your prayerful consideration and generosity so we can keep this event FREE!)   
The Edge Building at Christian Life Center 
3100 Galloway Rd., Bensalem, PA   


Conquering Grounds Outdoor Music Fest
On September 13, 2014 We will have our annual outdoor music fest to help fight addiction. If you would like to become a sponsor of this life changing event, PLEASE click on the link for more information and go to our website for updates and Artists.
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Conquering Grounds Café, our monthly coffee house ministry, reaches out to individuals and families who have been affected by substance abuse. The Café serves up Christian bands, plus
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OUR MISSION: CLPRM is a 501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to helping those incarcerated and to stop substance abuse in the community by offering support to those actively struggling with addiction, as well as to their families. We offer recovery meetings, resources, counseling, and referral services to those who wish to seek treatment.


Daily Quote

"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it." - "A Course In Miracles"

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AA Meeting - 8:00 pm CST: "Face to Face"


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Sunday, June 8, 2014

But those who fail to find me harm themselves;
all who hate me love death.”

STEP 1 - We admitted we were powerless over ourselves and our addictions - that our lives had become unmanageable.

The Proverb says it all . I know many who have lived but never really lived at all . Living life without purpose is why some of us get caught up in addiction . We see life as useless and whats the point of us being here . There is nothing but fear , pain , and sorrow . For a long time that is the way I felt . Step one for me was life or death , and as far as I was concerned my life was dead and there was nothing good about it at all . Living was something I despised and at the lowest point , I was faced with a choice , get busy living or get busy dieing .Finding God lead me to purpose and for the first time In my life I found purpose and felt joy . Life for me now is challenging but awesome and I am so grateful too God and those brothers and sisters who helped me find my way out of death into this marvelous life .

John 8 ;32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

By Joseph Dickerson

Saturday, June 7, 2014

A Fix Special Report—The Maddening State of Addiction Research Funding
With not enough funding to go around, young (and some old) innovators are being swept aside for supposedly "tried and true" researchers and scientists. Who decides this and at what cost to society?


By Kathleen Phalen Tomaselli


In Virginia, a small company has developed a serotonin blocker that deters alcoholics from wanting to drink. It sits on the shelf awaiting funding for its next level of required testing.

In California, as The Fix reported earlier this week, a vaccine for heroin addiction that in animal tests completely blocks the drug from reaching the brain, languishes in the laboratory without support.

Meanwhile, research funding for hugely promising alternative addiction treatments such as neurofeedback technology and NAD (massive doses of a Niacin derivative) is barely in the game. And forget about promising studies of socialized animal and human behavior modes that tend to prevent addictive behavior in the first place. Or deeper research into tobacco addiction, or validation that drug harm-reduction programs seem to be working so well in a NYC non-profit rehab center.

Most of us understand that substance addiction and alcoholism is a major social, health, and economic issue. The costs to the economy alone in health care, productivity loss, crime, drug enforcement and incarceration are estimated to be more than $500 billion a year - and that number is from a study ten years ago. In response, only a tiny percentage of this is spent every year by all players - government, private Pharma companies and foundations - on developing and testing a variety of would-be miracle cures (or even just helpful medications or processes).

In the substance abuse funding game there are gamemakers - those who decide which projects are worthy of the awarded dollars - and competitors: researchers vying for limited funds. The gamemakers come from the public and private sector and ultimately determine whether a competitor moves forward or gets denied.

This article is an inside peek at how that game is played and who gets to be the winners and who the losers.


First, it’s folly to think that every brilliant idea gets funded. What’s more, it may take decades for a scientist’s theory to take flight. Some projects, inventions or new discoveries will forever remain scribbled tomes given the realities of how the human species wants to spend its money.

According to the report "Ending the Drug Wars," released May 7 by the London School of Economics Expert Group on the Economics of Drug Policy, “In spite of a significant body of evidence that drug-related health services are a very good investment for society, they remain woefully underfunded and unavailable.”

In today’s cash-strapped research arena, it is the novel ideas that most often are relegated to the slush pile of the never-funded.

“Funding is in a bad situation," says Keith Humphreys PhD, professor of psychiatry at Stanford University. “The NIH (National Institute of Health) generally funds about 90% of all the world’s addiction research. And the NIH is straining under the fiscal environment. It’s particularly tough for younger investigators when there is a decrease in available funds.”

Statistically, with epidemics of addiction to heroin, meth, prescription drugs and designer drugs playing havoc in various areas of the country, much less the world, there has never been a greater need to fund innovative research and novel concepts related to substance abuse. And there’s the rub. With much at stake in the research funding game - careers, political policies and amounts of funding dollars - players from every quarter are struggling with each other for position and voice, including organization leaders, scientists, activists and politicians. As a result, conflicting ideologies, intense competition and narrowly held perspectives are holding research dollars hostage… and innovation at bay.

Let’s look at the federal programs. The largest, the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), part of the NIH, is working with a drastically reduced budget - 25% less than a decade ago. In 2013 researchers vied for their part of a $141.3 million actual 2013 budget. Until 2003 the NIH research budget was rapidly doubling but flattened out until 2008 when the Great Recession forced a dramatic tightening just as substance abuse was spreading. Demands for research dollars soon far outpaced what was available.

In this tight climate, NIDA has opted for caution and familiarity over innovation. Seasoned scientists have been given the advantage in competition, with a greater percentage of the purse now going to those with a solid research history, placing more dollars in fewer hands. “There is concern across the board in the research arena with a decreasing budget,” says Jack Stein, PhD, director of NIDA's Office of Science Policy and Communications. “There is no doubt: those with experience have a better edge…unfortunately wonderful grant requests have come in that could not get funded because of budgets.”

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) has an even smaller budget: Out of 530 applications last year, 166 were funded for $55,291,978.

Some history: Federal money for research was plentiful after World War II. And until the 1980s, scientists found support and funding for novel ideas. Take Jim Topolski, PhD, research associate professor at the Missouri Institute of Mental Health, a unit of the University of Missouri, St. Louis.

Back in the mid-1980s Topolski worked for the Missouri Department of Mental Health. There was little competition for grants. While his first grant request - to study substance abuse services for the homeless - was not funded, his second, which was aimed at reducing waiting times for people with AIDS who needed substance abuse treatment, was awarded funding. Over the years he has been successful with many of his grant requests, especially with funds from The U.S. Dept. of Health's Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

These days Topolski, like others, finds himself competing for less money from both SAMSHA and NIH.
Another segment of funding derives from private research dollars. These come from private foundations, investors, pharmaceutical manufacturers and the alcohol industry. Biopharmaceutical research companies - working in collaboration with academia, government researchers, and patient organizations - have 20 new substance abuse drugs or vaccines being considered for financing, according to a report released in May by the Pharmaceuticals Research and Manufacturers of America Assn (PhRMA), an industry advocacy group.

One drug hungry for financing is AD04, licensed by ADIAL in Charlottesville, VA. A serotonin blocker, it has shown in Phase II trials of 283 patients to dramatically reduce the craving for alcohol. AD04 was initially studied at the University of Virginia and University of Texas and funded through the NIAAA. Then ADIAL licensed the technology. “We’re a small biotech pharmaceutical manufacturer,” says William Stilley, CEO. “We raised under $10 million initially. We are ready to go into Phase III trials, and we are seeking funding.” Stilley says the company will most likely be a financial or strategic partner. “It is getting harder and harder to get funding.”

Those frustrated with research funding ask: what about funding more grants with less money? Would there be room for new ideas? Without it, what happens to innovation given that there is hardly a way for creative approaches to demonstrate effectiveness without funds to produce peer-reviewed studies?

The gorilla in the room around this question turns out to be the ideology of the decision makers. “There are ideological constraints tied to what gets funded," says Ethan Nadelmann, founder and executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance in New York City. An example? The tendency to fund "abstinence only" programs and the war on drugs at the expense of drug prevention research. "There is not a lot of evidence of what works because it does not get studied. Today, kids lose their drug virginity before their sexual virginity. What’s the needle exchange of today?"

The Unhappy Side of Anti-Depressants
SSRI's can aid in depression and recovery, but users also become dependent and there can be major withdrawal symptoms. So where's the healthy balance?

careful . . . Shutterstock

By Jeaneane Swanson

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Use of antidepressants in the US has skyrocketed in recent years, with one in ten people taking them. While depression is often misdiagnosed, the fact remains that more patients are demanding them and more physicians are prescribing them. The most commonly used antidepressants are SSRIs, or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.

Many people stop taking their antidepressants for a variety of different reasons. First, SSRIs have been shown not to work for mild cases of depression. Often, people will experience side effects, common ones being restlessness, nausea, sexual problems, and GI upset. Sometimes people who have taken an SSRI for a long time will become “immune” to its effects, and it stops working.

While it’s routine for doctors to advise patients about these things, it’s less common for a doctor to talk about the “withdrawal” effects associated with not only SSRIs, but with all antidepressant drugs and prescription psychiatric medications. Counseling patients about the possible discontinuation syndrome is imperative, especially for dual diagnosis addicts who are at risk for relapse of both depression and addiction.

Short-acting medications, such as paroxetine (Paxil) and venlafaxine (Effexor) are more likely to cause discontinuation symptoms than longer-acting medications, such as fluoxetine (Prozac).

Not “withdrawal,” but still unpleasant

Some statistics state that about half of patients taking SSRIs will experience “withdrawal” effects - over a million people. Sam Ball, President and CEO of CASAColumbia, estimates that number to be lower, at about 20 to 25 percent of patients. Medically speaking, this is not a true “withdrawal” and is instead referred to as SSRI discontinuation syndrome. Severe discontinuation symptoms, Ball says, “come for a minority of patients, particularly for those who abruptly stop taking [their antidepressants].”

As with any medication taken regularly, one's body adapts. Coming off the medication is going to require a recalibration period. However, SSRIs are not technically addictive. “It would be a misinterpretation to call it an addiction,” Ball says. “Physiologic dependence is really different from drug addiction. In drug addiction, you often times have that physiologic dependence, but you have other symptoms,” including craving and drug-seeking behavior. Confusing the issue puts addicts with depression at an even greater risk, especially when taking these medications could literally mean the difference between life and death.

Symptoms of SSRI discontinuation vary considerably among people due to individual differences. They also depend on how long a patient has been taking the medication, the choice of medication, and most importantly, how long the taper is. Abruptly stopping an antidepressant leads to the worst possible outcome; taking lower and lower doses on a weekly or monthly regimen, also called tapering, affords the best results.

According to the book, SSRI discontinuation symptoms include nausea, headache, dizziness, chills, body aches, paresthesia (tingling), insomnia, and electric shock-like sensations; psychological symptoms; and in rare cases, auditory and visual hallucinations, extrapyramidal symptoms (problems with movement), and mania/hypomania.

Go on a number of online forums, however, and you’ll find everything from benign to hellish, and short- to very long-term symptoms. A popular web site for SSRI discontinuation syndrome, called Surviving Antidepressants, offers peer support; the second most visited topic is how to quit, or taper, effectively. Says the administrator in an email, “There are hundreds of thousands of patient postings all over the Web about the difficulties of quitting psychiatric medication and benzos, even under a doctor’s supervision.” The administrator adds that there are dozens of sites like this, set up to help confused patients figure out how to best taper based on other people’s experiences.

Another site, Beyond Meds, talks about the particularly “harsh” withdrawal from lamotrigine (Lamictal), an anti-epileptic that is sometimes used as a mood stabilizer to treat bipolar disorder, or as an add-on drug to treat unresponsive major depressive disorder. Discontinuation symptoms of extreme mood changes, irritability bordering on rage, and a general feeling that you are “going crazy” seem to be common among those who do experience a severe syndrome. Larissa Mooney, director of the UCLA Addiction Medicine Clinic, makes no mention of the withdrawal, only that she has used lamotrigine successfully for the treatment of bipolar depression and to help prevent mood episodes in patients with bipolar disorder, and that she has “found that it is often well tolerated.” She adds: “Though you can read almost anything on the Internet, Lamictal is not associated with a classic “discontinuation syndrome” like the SSRIs/SNRIs. However, its dose should also be tapered rather than stopped abruptly.”

SNRIs, or serotonin–norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, help keep both more serotonin and norepinephrine around in the brain. The two most commonly prescribed ones are venlafaxine (Effexor) and duloxetine (Cymbalta). According to online groups, going off Effexor too quickly can cause horrible dreams.

All this being said, most symptoms are mild and short-lived. In the case of more severe symptoms, the antidepressant can simply be restarted, followed by more cautious tapering. “It really depends on the specific medication and the half-life of the medication,” Mooney says. “Short-acting medications, such as paroxetine (Paxil) and venlafaxine (Effexor) are more likely to cause discontinuation symptoms than longer-acting medications, such as fluoxetine (Prozac).” The syndrome is more common when medications are stopped abruptly or when the taper occurs too quickly, she adds; slowly tapering off medication helps to minimize the risk of these symptoms. Sometimes, substituting a short-acting antidepressant with a longer-acting one helps minimize symptoms, too.

Activists or AA Bashers? | The Fix

Activists or AA Bashers? | The Fix

Man Murders Drinking Buddy Over Last Beer

Rather than go to the nearest supermarket, Ocala native Daniel Trent took matters into his own hands last month during an argument with his drinking buddy over the last beer. He stabbed both 56-year-old Mark Durham and the man’s dog to death because Durham “didn’t want to share it. He wanted it for himself.”

The two men had been drinking copious amounts of Natural Ice that night at Trent’s house, with both men downing about 20 beers each. After initially denying the murder to police, he later admitted that when Durham claimed the last beer and refused to leave, he stabbed the man twice with a kitchen knife. However, he claimed it was in self-defense because Durham stabbed him first and that he only killed the dog after a dying Durham asked him to. In a gross understatement, he admitted that he “should have stopped drinking.”Trent was ultimately charged with second-degree murder and held without bond.