Monday, August 31, 2020

Advanced Addiction Education #NAADAC2020






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Advanced Addiction Education at the NAADAC 2020 Annual Conference


You asked NAADAC to provide you with advanced addiction education, and we heard you!


The virtual NAADAC 2020 Annual Conference: Learn, Connect, Succeed, will feature an Advanced Addiction Treatment Skills subject track to provide you with training sessions that are both challenging and thought-provoking. Earn up to 28 CEs!


Presentations in the Advanced Addiction Treatment Skills subject track will include focused specialization on evidence based practices and treatment approaches that advance addiction and recovery.


These presentations will take place on September 24-26 and include the following sessions worth 1 CE each:

Thursday, September 24


Breakout Session

Clear the Mind and Cut the Craving: An Evidence-Based Approach to Alcohol Use Disorder

John Umhau, MD, MPH, CPE


Friday, September 25


Keynote Session

Relapse and Recycling Revisited
Carlo C. DiClemente, PhD, ABPP


Breakout Sessions

Clinical Application of Pharmacokinetics in Cannabis Use Disorder

Eric Geisler, MD, ABAM, ABFP


Appearance and Performance Enhancing Drugs: A Hidden Epidemic

Tavis Piattoly, MS, RD, LDN


Saturday, September 26


Breakout Session

How Does the Neurobiology of Addiction Guide Choices for Medication Assisted Treatment?

Peter Coleman, MD


Are you looking for education on a specific topic or to learn something new? Either way, the NAADAC 2020 Annual Conference has something for you. Click here to learn more about the sessions available.


Can't make a session? Watch all education sessions on demand at your convenience, starting one week after the conference through January 31, 2021!



Please visit our webpage or contact NAADAC at or 703.741.7686.


NAADAC, the Association for Addiction Professionals

44 Canal Center Plaza, Ste 301, Alexandria, VA 22314
703.741.7686 |


Higher Logic

The Truth.


When I got sober I made the mistake of thinking that when I stopped drinking, the sun would shine on me for the rest of my days.

Life has its ups and downs. The trick is to accept them without the aid of drugs or alcohol. Overtime, I've learned that perfection is far from my reach, but Vince Lombardi said, "If we chase perfection, we may catch excellence."

We must face the fact that every recovering addict is a work in progress and that constant awareness of our problems is the price of freedom.

To do this, we first have to admit the truth. The truth can be a tough pill to swallow. Most of the time, we need only to admit the truth to ourselves. People around us generally know about our drinking problem before we do. Admitting the truth to yourself is a big hit on the ego. But not until I was able to admit the truth, was I able to take the steps I needed to get sober and enjoy my life.

What was your moment of truth? 
Hit reply and let me know. Enjoy the rest of this week's highlights.

🔔 Healing From Trauma
Traumatic events shape us. Whether it be a childhood experience, or an event we went through as an adult, these specific situations change how we see the world and ourselves.

But how, exactly, do we begin the healing process and become “unstuck” from these negative patterns that are still impacting our lives years later?

Check out this week's Recovery Coaching Session, here.

🎂 The Birthday Party Meeting

The last Monday of each month, we're throwing a Birthday Party! Whether you have 30 days or 30 years, the last Monday of the month is dedicated to celebrating how far we've come, no matter where we're at.

Find all the details of this new meeting, here.

✅ Emotional Sobriety

In this week's check-in, I asked what your definition of emotional sobriety is.

Emotional sobriety means being able to confront and cope with all the negative emotions that were ignored when using drugs or alcohol. These are the feelings that can act as triggers for relapse, so being able to manage them is crucial for recovery and for staying sober over the long-term.

Want to enhance your skills? Check out our course on Emotional Sobriety, which uses Dialectical Behavioral Therapy skills, here.

🎙️ A Sober Girl's Guide

As a club DJ, Jessica was living what some might think is the dream life. After 10 years of failing to get sober, the consequences started to grow in the form of gripping anxiety and depression.

Today Jessica has found purpose by helping women in recovery through her motivational speaking and coaching programs.

Listen to this week's podcast, here.

👥 New Members

Welcome to our new members! We hope to see you at an online meeting soon!
Tisha Beckman
Laura Earles
Laura Guill
Jason Waddell
Summerlynn Dame
Sarah Clifford
Cathy KING
Kristy Martinez
Mark Gurrey
Jlove cc
Natasha Archer
Shannon Holy
Kar Jones
Elaine Camarini
Patti Jason
Samantha Bevevino
Renée Callaway
linda carter
Kelly Mabrier
Christina Carmer
Tiaunna Christianson
Pam Redlightning
Jessica Selwyn
Lisa G
Connie brock
Erica Towell
Gen Smyth

Have a safe weekend everyone! And as always, reach out anytime if you need support.

If you need to find a drug rehab, please visit our rehab directory on Sober Nation