Tuesday, April 14, 2020

CityTeam's Annual Angel Event Postponed. Services Expand. Needs Remain.

How you can help neighbors in need now
CityTeam Igniting Hope. Restoring Lives.
Dear Joseph,
You are an important part of our CityTeam family. As a partner in our work, I want to provide you with an update on how CityTeam Chester continues to serve during this important time and more information on our critical needs right now.  
As you might imagine, as an organization, we are now faced with new financial considerations. We must now cancel this year's Annual Angel fundraising event, which is a key annual giving opportunity.
In fact, postponing the Annual Angel Event could present a shortfall in our budget of $200,000 -- which would normally cover a significant portion of our annual Mother Baby program operating expenses. In addition, we are deprived of the opportunity to celebrate God’s work at CityTeam Chester with our faithful volunteers and donors, a valued and loved part of our family.
As a key partner, our ask is simple. If you are in a position to give, please consider a gift now to help our neighbors in greatest need. We believe we are called to stay steadfast to our mission and that there is no better time to share Christ’s unconditional love than in this time, in this place. 
We are grateful for a group of generous donors who have already contributed $40,000 toward our $200,000 goal. 
We are committed to continuing to help feed, shelter, and care for our neighbors in greatest need. We've increased distribution of emergency food boxes for families and we are still providing to-go meals from our dining hall, and providing diapers and formula for babies. And of course, we're continuing to keep our shelter and residential programs open with specific guidelines for cleanliness and social distancing to maintain the safety of our staff and clients.  
With a public health emergency like this one, the reality is more people in our area are now at even greater risk of hunger and homelessness. With business and school closures, their ability to make ends meet is stretched even further. And without many of the safety nets and benefits you and I have, individuals and families who are at risk need our services now more than ever.
There are many elderly and unsheltered individuals in low-income housing developments and encampments who are relying on us for food and supplies. Without CityTeam Chester, these neighbors would have no one to support them during the current crisis.
In spite of these turbulent times, our hope and faith endure. We know that we are in this work together, living out Matthew 25:
"35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink,
I was a stranger and you invited me in,
 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me."
You and your loved ones remain in our prayers and we ask for your prayers as well. As always, thank you for your partnership and generosity.

In His Service Together,
Kwinn Tucker
Executive Director

CityTeam Chester
634 Sproul Street
Chester, PA 19013

WFS Monday Thoughts April 13, 2020

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”  ~~Aesop
“Happiness is acceptance.  ~~Unknown
“The grass is always greener where you water it.”  ~~Unknown
#3 Happiness is a habit I am developing.
Happiness is created, not waited for.
Last week I was able to celebrate a new milestone in my New Life; 13 years of sobriety.  This felt incredibly special to me, one year for every Statement.  Yet, what is even more significant are all the changes that have come from that initial day of sobriety.
The changes did not occur overnight and have come over an extended period of time.  Statement #3 encourages me to challenge unhappiness and create it myself. The definition of happiness also took on a whole new meaning in my New Life.  In the past, happy meant escaping from reality and having a “good time.” Little did I know that I was creating the opposite effect while cementing emotional turmoil.  Today, happiness feels more like contentment and remains even while feeling imbalance.
As we move through this time of uncertainty in our lives, it is important to keep joy, happiness, contentment and even laughter present.  Below, you will find a calendar that can be used to track, implement and continue to find joy as we live and adapt to ever changing circumstances.  Stay healthy, be well.
What methods help you to remain balanced during this global crisis?
 Hi 4C Women,
I love this calendar and have subscribed to receiving it by email for over a year.  I love the positive reminders as it relates to various feelings such as coping for April.  It may seem extremely challenging to practice Statement #3 at this time yet it is crucial that we have a foundation in place to sustain us as we work through the ups and downs of social distancing. 
Jean always said that happiness comes in moments.  It’s the awareness of those moments that we can hold onto in our memory banks.  Those precious moments will help build our foundation.  I call it contentment as Karen does.  There is a strong sense of contentment and peace that keeps me assured I will make it through this pandemic.  It also helps me accept that my feelings - a mixture of fear and hope - are okay.  I, too, understand that I denied or tried to ignore my fears which led to drinking.  Now I can say I don’t fear, fear.  It’s a natural response to circumstances.  It’s how I cope and respond to fear today that makes the difference.  That’s where the strong foundation I created gives me hope and, yes, courage.  So, if I feel sad, disappointed, concerned or unsure, I am okay with that.  I accept it, I examine it and then cope by working diligently on recalling fond memories and am grateful for those and the new ones I will create. 
I decided to clean out my bedroom closet and found so many treasures I had completely forgotten such as my mom’s Easter hats, button collection that was hers and won me an award when I was a little kid for having the most different buttons, a love letter my dad wrote to my mom, lots of professional photos of my granddaughter growing up, wigs from the 70s and so much more.  I found myself smiling and crying and then smiling again.  There were a lot of memories buried in that closet and I wouldn’t have gone through it if it wasn’t for the social distancing.  I’ve also been in contact with so many people and that’s been such a gift.  So, Jean was so right when she said happiness comes in moments.  It is our willingness to create and be aware of those moments, hold onto them and know new ones are out there. 
What happiness moments have you experienced recently? 
Can you recall past happy moments in this time of quiet solitude? 
What is giving you hope and courage? 
Bonded in developing happiness and building a foundation of contentment, Dee

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Monday, April 13, 2020

The Spirit That Lives In Your House

NEW Tax Benefits 👉 Read More

There are now NEW tax benefits for financial donations to nonprofits like The FoundryThe CARES Act relief initiative now allows taxpayers to deduct up to $300 per individual taxpayer ($600 for a married couple) of their cash donations to qualifying organizations like The Foundry without even itemizing your deductions. That is to say, you can deduct $300/$600 even if you do not itemize your deductions.

Also part of the bill increases deductible limits for individuals and corporations, as follows:
  • Individuals who itemize deduction can elect to deduct cash contributions, up to 100% of their 2020 adjusted gross income. This is up from the previous limit of 60%. 
  • Corporations may deduct up to 25% of taxable income, up from the previous limit of 10%.

It’s an incentive to give in 2020 and have less taxes owed when you file in 2021, so people are encouraged to help now, when it’s needed most.
Give Today
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Mindfulness, Eat, Spring, Dogs – the Best of Excursions Magazine!

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Mindfulness, Eat, Spring, Dogs – the Best of Excursions Magazine!

By Sanford Addiction Treatment Centers, Sunday, April 12, 2020 9:19 AM
We’re not going to lie, spring has sprung here in Michigan, but it’s tough to appreciate when cloistered inside. The challenge is to find the beauty in the season even when it’s not easy to be in the season. Open the windows and listen to birdsong (they are still singing). Go for an early morning […]
Read more »      
Sanford House Addiction Treatment Centers 74 Lafayette Ave NE Grand Rapids Michigan 49503 United States

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Help Families in This Critical Moment

Center on Addiction
Partnership for Drug-Free Kids

Dear Joseph,
we are here for you
We hope this message finds you and your loved ones safe and well.
During this uncertain time, our urgent work continues. We are seeing an uptick in the intensity of calls and texts to our helpline from families who are struggling with a child being released from treatment prematurely and loved ones relapsing due to stress. Parents who reach out are not only worried about kids sneaking out to use substances, but also about the heightened risk of exposure to COVID-19, putting the health and safety of the rest of the family at risk. Others are experiencing daily anxiety while being quarantined at home with a loved one who is struggling with a substance use disorder or in early recovery.
Families need us. They need the online, remote support we've always offered now more than ever. We are proactively taking steps to ensure we are available to families, with one-on-one help and timely, informative content addressing parent and caregiver challenges during this COVID-19 crisis. We’ve also expanded services with the development of our free online support community and our new Text COVID program enabling family members to receive daily support via SMS messaging.
We know you care deeply about the families we serve, and your support has been especially vital these past few weeks. Now, as we face new challenges and increased need in the coming weeks and months, your support is even more important.
While this is a time of economic uncertainty, a gift in any amount will help us in this critical moment. Your donation will help us continue to provide uninterrupted support services and resources to the families who need us most.

Be well,
Kaila Sassano Signature

Kaila Sassano
Vice President of Development

P.S. If you are not able to make a monetary donation, there are other ways to support our families through this crisis:

      ✔ Find other ways to give, including hosting a digital fundraiser, employer matching, donating rewards points and more.
Partnership for Drug-Free Kids and Center on Addiction have merged. Learn More



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