Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Can Brain Surgery Cure Alcoholism?🍸

January 21, 2020 • Vol. 7., No. 21
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5 arrested in $3.2 million Southern California sober living home fraud scheme
Jan. 17, 2020 - The defendants also are accused of orchestrating a massive money-laundering scheme by filtering funds through a nonprofit, StopB4UStart, by providing so-called donations from ... Among other things, some litigation raises the question of whether referral fees — the common industry practice of paying someone to find clients, often on retainer — is a simple business practice or a matter of fraud. @OCRegister
“Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” —Martin Luther King, Jr.
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Endorses Legalizing Drugs January 19, 2020 - “If we take that step to legalize and regulate, then we’re no longer treating people who are struggling with substance addiction and abuse as criminals and instead getting them the help that they need,”...@Forbes
Alcoholic deaths have doubled every year since 1999
Jan. 13, 2020 - ...there were roughly 70,000 drug overdose deaths in the US in 2017. Based on the Alcoholism study, alcohol was linked to more deaths than all overdoses even at the height of America’s opioid epidemic. @Vox
From Division 1 to dead: How opioids claimed the life of a once-promising player 
January 13, 2020 - BALTIMORE — David Lunn Jr. died alone on Jan. 5, 2019, his body pressed against the basement door of the laundry room of a rundown apartment building not far from the famous Pimlico Race Course. Officials said the cause of death was a fentanyl overdose... @TheUndefeated
Before deadly plane crash, sobriety brought these 4 together Jan. 17, 2020 - “His recent passion was to provide safe, sober housing for anyone in need,” his obituary said. Rusty Jungels, 36, had proudly posted on social media about his milestones in sobriety, his aunt Debbie Greenwalt told The Gazette. Greenwalt said her nephew had been sober for more than 120 days, had been working in the food service industry, and had three children. @BillingsGazette
Americans are binge drinking themselves to death
January 17, 2020 - Thanks to our ballooning benders, 73,000 Americans died from liver disease and other alcohol-related illnesses in 2017 — more than double in 1999 when that number was 36,000... @NYPost
US Drug Overdose Deaths Drops for First Time Since 1990  
January 18, 2020 - “[For the] first time in almost 30 years, we’ve seen a decline in the number of Americans dying from an overdose—its a 5 percent reduction,” said Jim Carroll, the director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy... @NTD
Beauty sleep could be real
JANUARY 15, 2020 - Thicker fibrils measuring about 200 nanometres in diameter – a million million times smaller than a pinhead – are permanent and stay with us throughout our lives, unchanged from the age of 17. But thinner fibrils measuring 50 nanometres, they find, are sacrificial, breaking as we subject the body to the rigours of the day but replenishing when we rest at night.
Acclaimed scientist gets brain surgery for alcohol addiction 
Jan. 19, 2020 - Dr Plummer’s research subjects were Kenyan women, sex workers, some who were found to have a natural immunity to the virus ... In those stressful times, five or six glasses of scotch a night were giving him room to exhale after hectic days and weeks. @BBC
Vancouver Introduces World’s First Opioid Vending Machine
Jan. 17, 2020 - The machine is a pilot program of the University of British Columbia (UBC) MySafe project. It was first launched in Vancouver in December ... The machine, which has been described as resembling an 800-pound ATM, dispenses tablets of the powerful painkiller hydromorphone, also known under the brand name Dilaudid... @Newsweek
Book Review: Roland William’s “Recovery Is A Verb”
January 15, 2020 - There’s a saying amongst recovering alcoholics and addicts that AA isn’t for people who need it, it’s for people who want it. Recovery Is A Verb goes a little further to assert that sobriety isn’t for people who need it OR want it; but for the people who DO it. 
Do you want fried brains with that? Watch
‘I’m you in 10 years’: Michigan’s new anti-marijuana ads raise eyebrows WATCH
Jan. 17, 2020 - The ad shows what is supposed to be what a teenager will look like 10 years in the future if they keep using marijuana. While it is designed to discourage teens from smoking pot, some people believe it is not the right way to convey that message. @LansingCityPulse
It's a Laughing Matter LISTEN
Comedian takes on mental illness LISTEN
January 17, 2020 - Maria Bamford, whose new talk show is called “What’s Your Ailment?!,” herself lives with bipolar disorder. “I feel like everybody is on a spectrum of different mental experiences. It’s just comedians are much more likely to talk about it.” @KCRW
London Calling: Dark web drug dealers are targeting middle-aged, middle-class users with 'ethically sourced' and 'conflict free' cocaine January 19, 2020 - In 2018, the Global Drug Survey found that cocaine can be delivered more quickly in England and Scotland than a takeaway pizza....Cocaine has exploded in popularity in Britain... @DailyMail
Methadone can help people beat opioid addiction
Jan. 16, 2020 - After 6 years of accelerated drug use, Megan King found a treatment that worked for her: methadone; she’s now planning to abandon the regimen for one reason: “100 percent, it’s the costs.” @Vox
Scientists Give Psychedelics the Serious Treatment January 16, 2020 - The first research center of its kind in the country is bringing renewed rigor to the investigation of the drugs’ therapeutic uses. Scientists are rediscovering the substances’ therapeutic potential for a vast range of issues, from depression to drug addiction and acceptance of mortality...
Smoking link to mental illness  
February, 2020 - It’s long been known that people with mental illness are more likely to smoke than those without mental illness. But no one ever looked at what came first — the smoking or the mental illness. @HarvardHealth
Timbaland reveals how he overcame drug addiction and lost 130 pounds
January 13, 2020 - “It put me in a great feeling of not caring, of just being free,” Mosley told the magazine of his addiction to OxyContin and Percocet. “I’m like traveling, doing shows, popping ’em, having fun, just being ignorant.” At that same time, he was going through a bad divorce with his wife Monique Idlett... @Yahoo
Miss America stresses opioid education at symposium
January 14, 2020 - When they called Camille Schrier’s name as the winner of the Miss America title, she forgot what song was playing in that moment. She described the feeling as “delirious” and something she “never thought would happen.” @CommonwealthTimes
Benzodiazepines might be a ‘hidden element’ of the US’ overdose epidemic WATCH
January 20, 2020 - Doctors often prescribe them to relieve acute anxiety, agitation or to help someone sleep. Taken over the long term, they can become addictive. Despite the risks, among the doctor visits at which benzodiazepines were prescribed, approximately one-third involved an overlapping opioid prescription... @CNN
Twitter’s ‘Secret Drug Addict’ Talks About Cocaine at the Height of Britpop Jan. 20, 2020 - he embarked on years of addiction before finally getting clean in 2007. Now 42, almost absurdly affable, with a wife, two kids and a natural raconteur’s love of an unpublishable story, he has opened up his Twitter DMs for anyone suffering with drugs or mental health problems. @Vice
Demi Lovato’s Next Album Will Focus on Her Journey to Sobriety? - Jan. 17, 2020 - The album will reportedly talk about her overdose and time in rehab where she was said to have gone directly after her resulting hospital stay from the overdose. @Seventeen
Dry January All Year... WATCH
Ben Affleck Is Focusing on ‘Being Healthy’ WATCH 
January 15, 2020 - Ever since a video surfaced of the actor drunkenly stumbling on Halloween, his focus has been on “being healthy,” the source tells Us, and part of that is eating right and exercising. @USMagazine
Beverly Hills Wants Historic AA ‘Log Cabin’ Gone
Jan. 15, 2020 - The Log Cabin has long been a well-known haven for Alcoholic Anonymous meetings. “Every morning people come there and they talk about this building as a magical place,” ... The Log Cabin hosts 29 meetings a week for those seeking recovery, and thousands have already signed a petition to save it as shockwaves spread through the sobriety community.@LAMag
Recovering alcoholic to cycle across six countries
Jan. 17, 2020 - The journey will start in the UK and go through Holland, Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium and France before finishing back in the UK ... He hit rock bottom two years ago, but found a lifeline in the charity Action on Addiction. @Gazette-News
Astronauts and addiction: Ending the stigma 
January 16, 2020 - As famed astronaut and Experience Strength and Hope Awards recipient Buzz Aldrin has explained in his memoirs and interviews, addiction among NASA astronauts is real, prevalent and serious. @Space
Fitness Instructor Shares Her Story of Overcoming Heroin Addiction - Jan. 14, 2020 - Heroin nearly destroyed Kim Harari’s life. Now, she’s celebrating three years clean. I started abusing the Percocet I was prescribed, as well as OxyContin and Xanax, to try to forget about the physical & emotional pain. @PhillyMag
Body brokering, where addicts are sold as investments, can continue in sober homes
Jan. 15, 2020 - A bill forbidding “body brokering” in sober living homes — and slapping a $50,000 penalty on each occurrence — was sent back to the drawing board by the Senate Health Committee Wed. Jan. 15. @OCRegister
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Our Mission:  Providing advocacy and recovery related services to individuals and family members impacted by addiction and/or mental health disorders.

This Week at Message Carriers:

Recovery Helpline Flyer

Save the Date for Two Upcoming Events!

On Thursday, April 30, 2020 Message Carriers will be hosting its annual fundraiser, An Evening Celebrating Recovery at the Ace Hotel, 120 Whitfield Street, Pittsburgh, PA  15206.  More information to come.
Our newest venture, the 2020 Highmark Walk will take place on Saturday, May 9, 2020.  Registration starts Jan. 31, 2020.  Stay tuned for more information to come.
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