Thursday, June 27, 2019

Opioid Pre-Conference Sessions at the 2019 Annual Conference!

NAADAC Annual Conference via 

Mon, Jun 24, 3:32 PM (3 days ago)
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The 2019 Annual Conference Features Two Opioid Pre-Conference Sessions!


The NAADAC 2019 Annual Conference will feature two opioid-specific full day pre-conference sessions on Saturday, September 28, 2019 at the Renaissance Orlando at SeaWorld in Orlando, FL.

The Opioid Epidemic: A 360 View will feature four nationally-recognized experts in the addiction community who will present a comprehensive look at opioids and their use and abuse.

Los Opioides y La Comunidad Hispana (Opioids and the Hispanic Community) will focus on the unique challenges of the Hispanic community and will be presented entirely in Spanish!
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The Opioid Epidemic: A 360 View

This full day session will feature four nationally recognized experts in addiction discussing the history of opioid drug use, factors that have contributed to the epidemic, different pathways of the use of opioids, different pathways to treatment and recovery, and current opioid research and its implications for treatment, long-term recovery, and policy change.

Darryl Inaba, PharmD, CATC V, CADC III, Richard Paul "Rick" Green III, BSBA, LCDC, Cardwell "C.C." Nuckols, PhD, and Peter D. Mott, MA, ICPS, LCDX
Can't attend the Pre-Conference? Join these presenters for their afternoon Keynote Panel, The Opioid Epidemic: A 360 View, on Sunday, September 29th.

Los Opioides y La Comunidad Hispana

(Opioids and the Hispanic Community)

Los opioides son un contribuyente principal a nuestra adicción y a la crisis de sobredosis. Mientras que el "uso de analgésicos opioides fue más bajo entre los adultos hispanos esta comunidad continúa siendo afectada de manera desproporcionada por los trastornos por el uso de opioides. Esta sesión proporcionará una descripción general de la epidemia de opioides, cómo el DSM 5 considera el trastorno por uso de opioides, el tratamiento actual de las afecciones relacionadas con los opioides, y "qué sigue", en los pasos que se están tomando para abordar la epidemia.

Pierluigi Mancini, PhD, MAC, NCAC II, Glory McDaniel, MA, LPCC, NCC, CAC I, and Carlos D. Costa, MHS, LCSC, MAC, SAP

Presented in partnership with the National Hispanic and Latino Addiction Transfer Technology Center (ATTC).
Are you looking for education on a specific topic or to learn something new?

Either way, the NAADAC 2019 Annual Conference has something for you. Click here to learn more about the sessions available. Earn up to 43 CEs!
Don't miss your chance to take advantage of the Early Bird Registration discount for the 2019 Annual Conference! Early Bird Registration ends August 15, 2019 at midnight (EST). Register today and we'll see you in Orlando, FL at the Renaissance Orlando at SeaWorld from September 28 - October 3, 2019!
Register Today!

Please visit our webpage or contact NAADAC at or 703.741.7686. 
44 Canal Center Plaza, Ste 301, Alexandria, VA 22314
(p) 703.741.7686 | (f) 703.741.7698 |
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"We had to start somewhere, either succeed or fail, and then build what we knew as we went along.

             - Homer Hickam (Rocket Boys)
Homer Hickam is a best-selling author, a Vietnam veteran, a former NASA engineer, and a master storyteller. Did you also know that Homer received 
Alabama's Distinguished Service Award for heroism, was appointed by the Vice President to serve on the Users Advisory Group of the National Space Council, and was selected by the United States Olympic Committee to carry the 
Olympic Torch through Huntsville on its way to Atlanta in 1996? The governor of West Virginia even declared an annual "Rocket Boys Day" in honor of Homer. 

Celebrate the 50th anniversary of the moon landing with Homer Hickam!

"Barry's Army"

Learn about His Way's First Responders Program and how you can get involved to help and support the families of the men receiving help from His Way. 

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We have volunteer opportunities for individuals and small groups including transportation assistance, office administration, kitchen help, teaching/mentoring, and thrift store help!
With 4 Locations of The Saving Way Thrift Store, we can use your donations of clothes, furniture, books, tools, and household items more than ever. Call (256) 503-4404 to have your tax-deductible donation picked up or visit TSW Pick-UP
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His Way Recovery Center, 582 Shields Road, Huntsville, AL 35811
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Monday Thoughts 06/24/2019

“Recognizing and replacing the unhealthy thoughts, behaviors and feelings that may be sabotaging your best efforts is the key to building mental strength.” ~~Amy Morin

“Everyone is comparing lives on social media and wants the perfect body, perfect image, perfect outfit, perfect life—we’re striving for the perfection, and it’s so unhealthy because there is no such thing as perfection.” ~~Emily Atack

“In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our responsibility.” ~~Eleanor Roosevelt

Statement #13
  I am responsible for myself and for my actions.
I am in charge of my mind, my thoughts and my life.

What do you think responsibility looks like? I imagine it looks a lot like courage. Using the definition, “responding with our ability,” responsibility is highly personal and is obviously different for everyone. Therefore, Statement #13 in action is as individual as we are.

While this Statement can appear and feel different for everyone, one similarity is certain; releasing unhealthy dependencies encourages self-acceptance. In our WFS Program booklet it states, “The purpose of the New Life Program is self-acceptance and being responsible for ourselves and all that we do. By accepting responsibility, we can break away from unhealthy dependencies.”

Sobriety and Statement #13 in action fosters independence and healthy relationships. It can feel incredibly uplifting and rewarding to live in responsibility when compared to past dependencies. This opens the door to contentment and strengthens self-worth. You are in charge of your mind, your thoughts and your life!

Hi 4C Women,
Whenever I think of responsibility, I think of freedom - the freedom to make my own choices, to stand on my own, to express my feelings, cry when I need to and to have hope in my heart. The best part of all of these is that I get to share my life with others who are walking the same path, who are working hard in making similar life-changing choices. I experienced this at the WFS Conference, the NJ WFS meeting I attended and, of course, the meetings I lead in AL. I am grateful to be surrounded all these years by women who accept the challenge of change and responsibility. To witness their personal growth in our meetings is a gift of pure joy. It keeps me uplifted and supports my sobriety.  

A few years ago, I wrote about freedom and recovery and how I viewed it then. I'd like to share it with you and hope it will get you to think about your own definition of freedom in recovery:  

  Freedom to be available when needed
  Freedom from lies
  Freedom to use my time for learning and healing
  Freedom to make choices and to own my mistakes
  Freedom to know that any mistake I make will not break me but teach me
  Freedom to grow spiritually as I choose
  Freedom to make my own path with confidence

What freedoms are you experiencing in sobriety/recovery?
Bonded together in accepting responsibility for ourselves and our actions, a 4C sister
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