Monday, December 24, 2018

“Surround yourself with people who empower you to become better.” ~~Anonymous
“I’ve seen plenty of powerful women squander a chance at power simply because they waited for someone else to give them permission to have power. There is no permission slip—you just have to BE powerful.” ~~Shonda Rhimes
“Your self-worth is determined by you. You don’t have to depend on someone telling you who you are.” ~~BeyoncĂ©

Statement #13:
 I am responsible for myself and for my actions.
I am in charge of my mind, my thoughts and my life.

Years ago, did someone tell you couldn’t do something? Has doubt defined you? Have you questioned your self-worth or value? Sobriety and Statement #13 in action can eliminate doubt and instill feelings of ability and confidence. 
Our Program booklet states “Often our thoughts are formed by past experiences, actions, and attitudes inherited from family and society. By understanding our thoughts, we can accept responsibility for our actions. We recognize we have options and choices.” It’s like moving into the driver’s seat.
Dina Marais, a Business Growth Coach writes, “To take responsibility for your life, is to take responsibility for your powers of thinking, feeling, speaking and acting, because this is the structure of all human experience. You create your life with your thoughts, feelings and actions.
You take responsibility when you accept that the thoughts you have are your thoughts coming from your mind. How you feel happens in your body and is a result of your thoughts. The words you speak come from your mouth and voice. The actions you take, are taken by you. What this means is that nobody can make you think, feel say or do anything. Nobody can push your buttons, because you are the button maker! In the same way you don’t have control over how other people respond as they respond from their mindset.”
Here are 4 ways Dina encourages for taking responsibility:

  1. Stop blaming. When you stop blaming and accept responsibility, you shift from victim to victor.
  2. Stop complaining. Complaining is another form of blaming and playing victim as if you have no choice.
  3. Refuse to take things personal. More than likely it has nothing to do with you.
  4. Live in the present. Be here now, the only moment there is.

Hi 4C Women,
Those old messages can play havoc with our lives when we keep them in the present. Learning to be and feel in charge of our minds, thoughts and lives takes time and understanding that as we develop responsibility, disappointments are bound to occur. Nancy Cross once wrote about disappointment, lack of confidence and rebellion that I thought was quite powerful.  

Disappointment: A certain amount of negative feelings are inevitable, even necessary. But don't repress them or get bogged down in them. Instead, experience them, work through them, and learn from them. For example, don't allow disappointment to halt your progress. Disappointment is just a message or feedback telling you that things are not going according to plan. So, instead of quitting, find out what went wrong and what changes need to be made. When I first read that, I thought about the disappointments I experienced in life and how would I ever overcome feeling unworthy or inept to handle life because of my choices. Nancy's words helped me realize that I don't have to win in every situation or put myself down to prove my worth. I work through it, learn and survive.

Lack of confidence/low self-esteem: Nancy shared about how early childhood experiences may have caused us to lose confidence and if so, this is a FACT, not an EXCUSE. This is why, as adults, we need to heal those wounds and realize that self esteem is not a goal but a result of our willingness to heal and trust in who we are today.  

Rebellion: Many of us are stuck in the "resistance syndrome" learned from childhood when we had no power. That may be happening as an adult when we automatically resist because you hear the "should" echoing in your thoughts. Rather than saying I "should" go to school to complete my degree, say I "want" to go to school and your personal reasons for that choice. "Shoulds" create resistance while "wants" dissolve resistance.  

My response to her message rings true today as it did years ago. What we deserve is the chance to try our best, learn from it and take those lessons into the next challenge - because we know there will be more! Positive self-talk, reflection and changing our attitude and approach from a rebellious child getting in our way to an empowered woman with clarity of choice is Statement #13 in action.  

Bonded in in being responsible for ourselves and our actions, 4C WFS Member

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Email: | Ph: 215.536.8026 | Fax: 215.538.9026
Women for Sobriety, Inc. | P.O. Box 618Quakertown, PA 18951-0618
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Sunday, December 23, 2018

‘Tis the Season - Make a Charitable Donation to NERF

December 23, 2018

Give to the NAADAC Education & Research Foundation (NERF) This Holiday Season!

Give to the NAADAC Education and Research Foundation (NERF) to help out a fellow addiction professional.
 Give back for your many blessings this holiday season by making a monetary donation to support NERF. 

Through contributions from people like you, NERF is able to:
  • Provide addiction professionals with full registration scholarships to the NAADAC Annual Conference (over 30 scholarships in 2018 alone);
  • Support professional development for addiction professionals through NAADAC's in-person and online trainings, webinars, credentialing, workshops, publications, and conferences; and
  • Support advocacy for better wages, compensation, and benefits for addiction professionals, loan forgiveness, and the continued specialization of the addiction profession.

Your gift supports our commitment and dedication to addiction professionals and the people they help, allowing NAADAC to continue its important role in sustaining quality health care services and protecting the well-being of the public.

Donating is easy! You can make your tax-deductible donation online, by phoning our office at 703-741-7686, or by sending a check made out to “NAADAC Education and Research Foundation” to NAADAC at 44 Canal Center Plaza, Ste. 301, Alexandria, VA 22314.

As addiction care advances, NAADAC is committed to keeping addiction professionals at the cutting edge – for you, for your loved ones, and for every person in the community. Please help to make this possible with your contribution.

Your donation will make a world of difference.

Thank you so much for your help.


Cynthia Moreno Tuohy, BSW, NCAC II, CDC III, SAP
Executive Director
NAADAC, the Association for Addiction Professionals
NAADACThe Association for Addiction Professionals
44 Canal Center Plaza, Suite 301Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: 703.741.7686 / 800.548.0497

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