Monday, January 5, 2015

January 5, 2015

Enroll Now in the New Online Master's Degree Program from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation

Have you been waiting for a flexible and personalized way to further your education? Now is the perfect time! 

You will have the opportunity to study the science of addiction, mental health, and other co-occurring conditions and master evidence-based approaches to promote integrated recovery to transform the lives of those struggling with addiction.
Why Online?

Pursuing an online education is a flexible way to obtain a new degree with your busy lifestyle. In as little as two years, you could earn a Master of Arts degree that will expand your future career opportunities. for detailed information about State Authorization status for your state
When Can I Start?

Complete your application for any of the 2015 Summer Semester programs and receive a $100 early decision discount off tuition. Applications must be completed by 11:59 pm on March 6, 2015. Discount will be awarded the first week of Summer Semester.

Remember, you may be eligible to apply for the NAADAC Minority Fellowship Program for Addiction Counselors (NMFP-AC). Click here to learn about eligibility requirements and the application process. All applications and supporting documents must be submitted to NAADAC by February 28, 2015.

Classes will begin as soon as May for our summer semester. Applications are available now on our website.

For more information email Jennifer Urciaga or call, 651-213-4175.

The Hazelden Graduate School of Addiction Studies educates future leaders in addiction counseling to improve treatment and recovery from alcohol and drug dependence.

The Association for Addiction Professionals
1001 N. Fairfax Street, Suite 201, 
Alexandria, VA 22314

 Women for Sobriety, Inc.
Enjoy a Life of Well-Being and Love


“As this New Year begins, I focus on my life--where I have been and where I see myself going.  I review my accomplishments and mistakes with honesty.  What am I most proud of?  What do I want to change and how?  I begin by accepting my current circumstances honestly.  Each New Year brings unlimited possibilities to write a new story.  I am true to myself and focus on what is really important.  From this awareness, I create an authentic life that reflects who I really am.  I am unique and my life is unique.  I am creator, director, and writer of my story, and I direct it in a way that brings the greatest joy for myself and others.  As I live authentically, I enjoy a life of well-being and love.” -Unity Daily Word (January/February 2015)

Statement #9, “The past is gone forever.”
No longer will I be victimized by the past.  I am a new person.

     With the holidays over and the new year in motion, it is time for me to shift focus and examine where I am in this moment.  Is there something that I am clinging to?  Is there anything that I need to release?  Am I repeating any self-defeating behaviors?  Answering these questions and more, with honesty, I am able to begin the process of letting go and putting Statement #9 into action.
     Letting go of the past allows me to experience and enjoy the present.  While under the influence, I was unable to do this; I clung to most anything from past hurts to past drama…especially the past drama.  Sobriety, and the subsequent growth, enables me to unhinge from unhealthy choices and write a new beginning.
     Here are some ways to release the past, plan for tomorrow and live for today, as our WFS Mission Statement reads.

1. Focus and affirm that you want to move forward.  Have you ever kept writing the past year in your checkbook?  It can take some time to realize that it is a new day or new year.  Acknowledge where you are right now and decide you are moving on.

2. Dare to dream and go for the goals.  Someone once said that “A goal is a dream with a deadline.”  Every day give yourself the gift of dreams, deadlines and goals.  What would you like to accomplish or experience this week, month, or year?  By focusing on where I would like to go, I direct my mind forward instead of becoming or staying stuck in the past.

3. Apply forgiveness.  Letting myself or someone else off the hook does not mean that the experience that I am upset about is erased; instead, it means that I will no longer allow it to control me.  Understanding and peace of mind can blossom with forgiveness.

4. Be an observer.  Approaching a person, experience or feeling with the eyes and mind of an observer gives me a fresh and different perspective.  I may be clinging to what I think is true but I can inspect each aspect with different views.  It may be that I need to step back, or I may need to move closer.  Either way, a new angle is a way to be present.

5. Affirm that this is the moment.  This moment is all there ever is.  Yesterday will always be yesterday, tomorrow will always be tomorrow and the moment is now.  Live, grow and experience life in the present.

  • Is there something that you are clinging to?
  • How do you embrace the present?
Hugzzz, Karen
Hi 4C Women,
     This message is powerful and a great guide for how we approach the New Year.  Dr. Phil has made this year one that is dedicated to tearing down the barriers of fear, unraveling the lie we tell ourselves about who we are, why we do what we do and don’t do what we don’t do, or settle for what we settle for; to start to deal with the absolute, unmitigated truth in each and every aspect of our lives.
     When he said we do what we do because it feeds a need and there is a truth we don’t want to face, I cringed as I thought about this past year and health concerns I put on the back burner because of my fear of not being available to my daughter if she needed me.  Fortunately, the WFS program taught me how to live an authentic life; yet, I needed this reminder that life is not stagnant.  It changes constantly.  What was perhaps my truth or “why lie” this past year required a second look.
     Have you ever had an exchange with someone who just tore you to pieces to the point that you shut down and heard nothing?  I’ve had quite a few of those conversations in my life.  It took a long time to hear the truth within the “garbage.”  I learned to throw out the garbage and work on the truth.  For the truth produces change if we let go of the fear of change.
     Karen’s question about clinging to something, repeating self-defeating behaviors is a huge part of my “why lie.”  The past is gone forever, a new year is open to us if we are willing to face our fears, to change and dig deeper into our “why lie.”  -Dee
Thank you, Karen and Dee, for your words of encouragement and inspiration to start off our New Year!
~Becky Fenner, WFS Director

Email:   *   Tel215-536-8026   *   Fax:  215-538-9026   *

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Rockers In Recovery
January NewsletterJanuary 2015 


CALL 954-826-5968 
2015 Upcoming Gigs 
Washington, D.C. -Rockin' The Mall - September 2015

Holistic Recovery in Florida
What is involved in a drug rehab program in Florida? Many people get the idea that drug rehab has to be this serious thing where you sit in a room and tell horror stories from your life of drug addiction and then endure the long-lasting terrible pains of detox in a strange, clinical hospital dormitory. If this is what you picture drug rehab to be like, then you've got it all wrong! Read More 
Is Marijuana Addictive?
"Marijuana is a much bigger part of the American addiction problem than most people-teens or adults-realize."-John Walters
The reputation of cannabis being natural and harmless makes some addicts think that its use is a good way to mitigate the effects of giving up alcohol or harder drugs. However, the goal of recovery should be to eliminate all mind-altering drugs, and addicts should realize that marijuana carries real risks. Read More 

Address: 400 Civic Center Way - Suite B
Royal Palm Beach, FL - 33411

Telephone: 561-408-2495
Recovery Unplugged Addiction Network Inc.   
The facilities are located across the country, offering unmatched programs and services that honor mind, body and soul. The addiction treatment and detox facilities work with HMO's, Commercial Insurances, Medicare,self pay, and ScholarshipsRead More 

PLEASE SHARE - Starting February 14, 2015 - Recovery Unplugged Addiction Network Inc. and our members will be donating one scholarship bed per month throughout the rest of 2015. Please Contact Lori Sullivan @ 954-826-5968 For More Information. Meet The Network Here: READ MORE 
Dual Diagnosis: Living With A Substance Abuse Problem And A Mental Health Issue
When a person is living with a substance abuse problem and a mental health issue such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia or post-traumatic stress disorder, it is referred to as a dual diagnosis or a co-occurring disorder.Read More 
Overcoming a Past of Trauma and Abuse
Trauma and abuse can have widespread negative impacts on your health, well being and sobriety. In addition to working on your recovery at women's drug rehab, you will work on overcoming any past trauma or abuse. Any such unresolved issues can lead to a number of difficulties including the hindrance of your recovery processRead More
Thank you to the millions we reach everyday through Rockers In Recovery platforms. I want to thank you for your support.

Lori Sullivan - President/Co-Founder
RIR Corporate Office
The National film documenting America's worst public health crisis in history. PLEASE visit our new website.