Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Christian Life Prison and Recovery Ministries, Inc.
conquering grounds header 
Join us this  
       Saturday February 7, 2015    
7- 10:00pm
doors open at 6:30
A Love Never Fails Event
 Featured Artist:

Plus Special Guest
"Jesse Shultz"
Join us for a Night of High 
Energy Worship!!
  (Donations appreciated to cover costs and for the band. Thanks for your prayerful consideration and generosity so we can keep this event FREE!)   
The Edge Building at Christian Life Center 
3100 Galloway Rd., Bensalem, PA   


Conquering Grounds 
Outdoor Music Fest
On September 13, 2014 We held our 2nd annual outdoor music fest to help fight addiction. Thank You to all who sponsored, supported, attended or volunteered at this year's event. It was a HUGE success!! And Thank You to all the wonderful Artist's who gave their time and talents. Also to Christian Life Center for allowing us to do God's work at their campus and be a blessing to the community. 
Next Music Fest will be:
Saturday September 12, 2015
12pm to 7pm
Stay tuned for more details and visit the website at www.clprm.org
Has this ministry been a Blessing to you or someone you Love? 
Would you prayerfully consider a 
Gift to CLPRM?
This ministry, coffee house, recovery meetings, prison chapel services and ALL Special Events operate because of private donations from people like you. Your Gift 
will be fully 
Tax-deductible and will help us to reach those trapped in addiction and crime with the Hope of Jesus Christ!
or you can send a check to 
CLPRM Po Box 1624 
Southampton, PA 18966
 Thank you and Blessings to All of you in 2015!!
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The Conquering Addiction Hour with CLPRM

February 7th
"Descendants of Noah"
Plus Special Guest
Jesse Shultz

March 14th
Plus Special Guests
Kris and Ed Vincent

April 11th
Plus Special Guest

May 11th

Conquering Grounds Café, our monthly coffee house ministry, reaches out to individuals and families who have been affected by substance abuse. The Café serves up Christian bands, plus
FREE beverages and baked goods in a laid-back atmosphere. ALL are invited to this
FREE event!
Thanks to Shoprite Bensalem and Hornbergers Bakery for their generous donation of baked good to Conquering Grounds.  
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"My eyes are ever on the LORD, for only he
will release my feet from the snare."  ~Psalm 25:15
CLPRM logo
OUR MISSION: CLPRM is a 501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to helping those incarcerated and to stop substance abuse in the community by offering support to those actively struggling with addiction, as well as to their families. We offer recovery meetings, resources, counseling, and referral services to those who wish to seek treatment.
 Women for Sobriety, Inc.
Take ACTION to Make Those Inside Changes: Happiness is CREATED
Greatness takes CONSCIOUS EFFORT
Enthusiasm is DAILY EXERCISE


5 Ways to be Happier Today 

These cold grey winter days can send even the most positive people into a downward funk.  Now that winter is truly upon us, what can you do to keep your spirits up?  Here are five ways to be happier TODAY:

1.  Start a gratitude list or journal.

Concentrating on what you are thankful for in your life is a sure fire way to feel better about yourself and improve you attitude.  A few lines written in a journal is sufficient--I like to simply jot down something I am grateful for each day on my calendar.  Don’t have pen and paper handy? That’s okay, you can also think about what you are grateful for---or even say it out loud.  Once you get on a roll with this, it’s amazing how quickly you can turn complaints into gratefulness.

2.  Do something you love.

Take a few minutes out of your day to spend time on a project you enjoy, read a few pages of a book you love, or engage in an activity that brings you joy.  It is so easy to get caught up in our crazy, busy schedules and ‘to do’ lists and then, before you know it, you are simply going through the motions of life instead of enjoying it.  Taking a little more time each day to fully engage in something that you love to do will increase your satisfaction in life and therefore increase your happiness.

3.  Connect with others.

Call a friend or family member to talk.  Or better yet, meet someone you have fun spending time with for coffee or a bite to eat.  Connecting with the people we love is a terrific way to feel happier about your life.  After all, what’s better than reminding yourself of the people who love you and enjoying their company?

4.  Exercise.

Moving your body will help reduce stress, improve your health and make you feel better about yourself.  Exercise is an underused happiness booster.  When exercising, your body releases endorphins.  I’m sure you have heard runners talk about a ‘runners high’.  When they mention this, they are referencing this release of chemicals--those endorphins that create a surge of positivity.

5.  Help someone else.

This tip is a guaranteed way to feel happier.  Help out at a shelter, pick out a toy or coat for a child in need, buy a drink for the person in line behind you in the coffee shop or even just offer a compliment and a smile to a harried store clerk.  Have doubts that this will work?  Give it a try—it’s simple and infectious.

Next time you find yourself feeling down, pick one of these ideas and go for it.  Odds are good you’ll reap the benefits immediately with an increase in your happiness level regardless of the weather.  Want to boost your happiness further?  Incorporating some of these practices into your regularly weekly routine is a fantastic way to create an overall happier life.
~~Pam Howard, Certified Health Coach~~

Statement #3, “Happiness is a habit I will develop.”
Happiness is created, not waited for.

     Reading this blog from Pam Howard, I had to smile.  I am doing a number of items on this list for creating happiness.  Back in 2011, I began two different gratitude journals.  One I write in the morning and acknowledge one thing that I feel grateful for; while the second one is for right before I go to sleep at night.  This one ritual has made an immense difference in my life and I am able to not only see but genuinely feel gratitude almost everywhere.
     Upon becoming sober, I felt incredibly happy.  I was now sober and staying sober.  I felt proud of this great accomplishment and, not long after this, I began to feel something was amiss.  I could not put my finger on it so I reminded myself every day that I was sober and growing.  This helped for a while and then I happily found WFS.  As I read the 13 Statements, I found what I was searching for:  I was home!
     Today I create happiness by taking action.  Doing something I love usually involves creativity, whether it be writing, doodling or my new favorite, watercolor.  Connecting with others on a daily basis grants multitudes of happiness, from our face to face WFS group to the newest crew, our county beekeeping group that my dear husband has recently started.
     The one area in which I feel I am lacking is #4 Exercise.  I can get started on my stationary bike and go for a bit; yet, for reasons I have not discovered, I lose interest and make excuses.  I have also let my Tai Chi practice go to the wayside.  This is the area where I need to apply my effort and feel the joy from taking care of myself physically.  Time to make a plan of success.
     The last item mentioned is helping someone else, which I feel is exactly what WFS does.  You may never meet face to face with a WFS sister or you might be attending the yearly Conference with gusto...together we make this program benefit individuals everywhere.  From this beautiful beginning, we have the opportunity to touch the life of another, whether we volunteer at the library or support our local animal shelter.  Happiness is an expression of pure love!
     So on this “Groundhog Day”, shadow or no shadow...I am creating happiness and living in joy!

What action(s) do you take to create happiness?

Hugzzz, Karen


Hi 4C Women,
     Great ideas for creating your own happiness.  I was one of those women who thought happiness came from the outside - whether it was material things or hoping someone would love me enough to heal all of my wounds.  WFS taught me that happiness is indeed an inside job. While there can be a momentary joy of receiving an item you were desiring or feeling joy at having someone acknowledge they care about you, if you are depending on things and other people to continually feed your need for happiness, it will always be elusive.  It also puts a lot of pressure on a relationship for a loved one to fulfill such an unending need if it is one sided.  I do believe we can receive happiness from healthy relationships.  I guess what I am trying to say is that we need to have a healthy relationship with ourselves - to be responsible for bringing our own happiness into our lives, to be able to share that so we have balance in our relationships when it comes to creating happiness.  -Dee

Thank you, Karen and Dee, for your words of encouragement and inspiration to start off our week!  As for Groundhog Day today - there were no words of encouragement coming from Pennsylvania's Punxsutawney Phil - he predicted 6 more weeks of winter - boo!  However, Staten Island Chuck wasn't afraid of his shadow - woohoo!  Early Spring!  (AND the stats say that in the last 10 years, his predictions are 80% accurate...that's pretty good!  Phil - only 39% - not so good.  I'm sticking with Chuck's positive attitude!).  PS: Thanks to Chantel "SlightlyOff" for inspiring the title to take action - her inspiring article will be in an upcoming newsletter!
~Becky Fenner, WFS Director

Email:  newlife@nni.com   *   Tel215-536-8026   *   Fax:  215-538-9026
http://www.womenforsobriety.org   *   http://www.wfscatalog.org

Sunday, February 1, 2015


Put me on trial ,Lord ,and cross -examine me .
Test my motives and my heart. (GODS BIG BOOK)

STEP 5. Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.

There is an order to this step in which it is very important to follow. God should be first in everything when it comes to us living life. Especially for those of  us in recovery . We were first always and that is selfishness and pride . Coming second teaches humility and that cultivates patience and these two are essential for sobriety .What is driving your behaviors and what are the reasons behind the decisions you are making when it comes to how you treat others and how you live your life . Is your heart still ruled by a ME desire or is it full of love for others . During cross-examination be ready to discover the real reason behind the pain you caused others . During my working of this step the reality of all the pain I caused hit me like a run away locomotive. The self-inflicted pain was slowly opening the bars around my heart .It is so important we take this on it is called accountability and responsibility . It will be one of the hardest steps but it is one that will bring a joy and freedom you thought not possible in this life. When working this step with another person be sure it is with someone who has a proven track record when it comes to carrying other peoples dirty laundry.

James 5:16 Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

(GODS BIG BOOK)         By Joseph Dickerson

Hello Newfound Freedom alumni, family, and friends!!!  Our newsletter has arrived...please click on attachment to view.  Enjoy!!!!

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Rockers In Recovery
February Newsletter February 2015 


CALL 954-826-5968 
PRE-FESTIVAL Rockers In Recovery
Addiction Awareness & Prevention Free Meet & Greets

Palm Beach County
February 7th Royal Palm Beach - 6:00-9:00PM
Host All About Recovery Center
400 Civic Center Way Suite B
Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411

Entertainment by Rockers In Recovery Unplugged

Guest Speakers:

Lori Sullivan - President/Founder of RIR

John Lehman - President of FARR

Allie Severino - Fresh Start Magazine

All Around Wellness Psychiatry and Healthcare

Candice Conway - Academy for Addiction Professionals

Robert Gluck - Marchman Act Attorney

David Jones - Advanced Medical Laboratories

Broward County  
Host Fellowship Foundation 
261 SE 13th Avenue 
Pompano Beach, Florida 33060

Entertainment by Rockers In Recovery Unplugged

Guest Speakers:

Rob Vincent - Director of Rockers In Recovery

Rick & Susan Riccardi - Fellowship Foundation

Candice Conway - Academy for Addiction Professionals

Robert Gluck - Marchman Act Attorney

David Jones - Advanced Medical Laboratories

RIR All-STAR BAND - Musical Director and Rock-N-Roll Hall of Fame Member: Lou Esposito-(The Capris)
Eliot Jacobs- (The Capris) 
Greg Deppe- (Bruce Springsteen and Soul Cruisers) 
John Gianoulis- (Earl Slick Band and Felix Cavaliere) 
Jeff Ganz-Bass- (Johnny Winter and Lou Reed Bands)

Mark Stein -(The Vanilla Fudge)

Ben Smith - (Heart)
Jeff Ousley - (Heart)
David Shelley- (Cher ,Government Mule)
David Uosikkinen -(The Hooters)
Colin McGuinness -( Axl Rose,The Red Hot Chili Peppers)
Tommy Conwell - (Tommy Conwell & The Young Rumblers)
Share Ross-(VIXEN)
Bam Tastic - (The Dogs D'Amour)

Music & Speaker Schedule:
MC's Tom Coderre & Rob Vincent RIR Director
12:15 - Rick & Susan Riccardi (Fellowship Living Foundation)

12:30 - The Few

1:15 - Barbara Theodosiou (Addicts Mom)

1:30 - Grateful Road

2:15 - Kristen Harper (The Recovery Schools)

2:30 - Crush

3:15 - John Lehman - (FARR- Florida Association of Recovery Residences)

3:30 - Chillbillies

4:15 - Brittany Ringersen - (Young People in Recovery)

4:30 - Mrs. Chows Funhouse

5:30 - Michael DeLeon - (Steered Straight, Inc.)

5:30 - McCartney Mania

6:15 - Alton Smith- (The Academy for Addiction Professionals)

6:30 - Dave Shelley & The Bluestone

7:30 - Casey Montana & Friends Unplugged

7:45 - Lori & Rob Recovery Count Down

8PM SHOW -RIR All-Star Band & Guest Rockers

10:00 - Closing Ceremonies - Lori Sullivan & Rob Vincent

MAIN Sponsors Introduced

Speaker - Tom Coderre, Senior Advisor to SAMHSA.

Closing Songs - RIR Band and All Guest Rockers

Please contact 954-826-5968 for more information


Lori Sullivan - President/Co-Founder
RIR Corporate Office