Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Christians in Recovery® News
December 2014
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PLEASE READ this Important Letter regarding Christians in Recovery and Alcoholics Victorious.ANSWERS

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You are encouraged to download this, print it out or put on a diskette and share it with your loved ones, church, pastor or recovey group. It is jam packed with inspiration, tips, resources and information for all Christians as well as those in recovery.

Reach your faith-based market and support the ministry of CIR at the same time Over 80,000 unique Web site visitors and half a million page views every month. Over 7,000 subscribers to this newsletter.


Morning Exercises
This is not only a Devotional but also a valuable resource for Bible study. Feed your soul, be inspired! Receive comfort, hope and guidance from the valuable perspectives of William Jay.

Life Journal Journaling Software - Christian, Sober and Divorce modules available!

Alcoholics Victorious is a program of Christians in Recovery. Founded in 1948, Alcoholics Victorious support groups offer a safe environment for people recovering from the effects of alcoholism or drug addiction. We recognize Jesus Christ as our "Higher Power" and gather together to share our experience, faith, strength and hope. AV meetings use the 12 Steps, the Bible and the Alcoholics Victorious Creed.CHRISTIAN RECOVERY READING

Christians in Recovery Devotional Journal
365 Recovery Thoughts, Scriptures & Prayers to Change Your Life.
This devotional and journal is for those who are seeking healing and
wholeness in their life as well as a closer relationship with God.

You will find biblical tools to help you examine your heart's motives at the root of your addiction and/or dysfunctional behavior. Learn how you can experience true freedom. This book is helpful for ANY type of addiction drugs, alcohol, food, gambling, sex, shopping, lust, porn, etc.

Our hearts betray us in those moments when we give into the temptation to please ourselves despite the consequences. This booklet explains why sexual temptation is so strong and how we can conquer it through the power of the Holy Spirit. Includes practical things to do to fight the enemy of our souls.

Have an old cell phone? Help others and Donate it

Repentance is not a penance for guilt or a quick prayer for forgiveness. Repentance is a complete brokenness, a change of heart, and a detest of one's sin. ~Kathy



Bible Mapper FREE Bible mapping softwareRECOVERY EVENTS, COURSES & CONFERENCES

City Vision College

RISE is the Premier Online Certificate Program for Professional Addiction Recovery Coaching. This 90 hour, self-paced, online training program provides:
Professional Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
TWO Credentials: Certified Professional Recovery Coach and Certified Professional Coach
You will be Certified to provide: Professional Recovery Coach services AND Professional Life Coach services
Certified online courses and training DVDs. Get certified to help others.
Courses for: Support Group Leaders, Addiction Counselors, People in Recovery, Recovery Coaches, Pastoral & Ministry Leaders, Outreach Workers. All courses include CEUs pre PRE certification and RE certification. Recognized by leading 1C&RC and NAADAC certification boards..
Get accredited bachelor's degrees in Urban Missions and/or Addiction Studies
Contact: Michael Liimatta, Director
City Vision College
712 E 31st Street - PO Box 413188
Kansas City MO 64141-3188 USA

Help CIR meet its goal for 2014

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Christian Book Dist. & Amazon.
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Dorchester, MA 02125

Get Health Coverage NOW!

If you or someone you love doesn't have health insurance, COA can help. 

If you or someone you love doesn't have health insurance, COA can help. This Wednesday, December 10th at 6:00 pm  a representative from WellCare will be at Dwier Center - 392 Church Street, Groveville, NJ assisting with Medicaid & The Affordable Health Care Act Coverage enrollment. Medicaid is now available for single people and marrieds without children, in addition to families with children; it's FREE for anyone making less than $15,500 per year. COA will help you fill out the paperwork, and get your documents together. Most people qualify for some type of low or no-cost plan, so it's worth coming in to check it out. Even if you're in good health, people without insurance will soon have to pay an annual penalty - which is cumulative! - so it's worth it to get on the rolls.

If you would like to take advantage of this FREE assistance, please RSVP tocityofangelsnj@hotmail.com - we need to get some idea of how many people will be coming so we can plan.
Saturday, December 13th at 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Dwier Center - 392 Church Street, Groveville, NJ

Pictures with Santa and toys for the kids! Bring your children, your pets or just yourself to this fun holiday event as we celebrate the season with lots of holiday cheer. Refreshments will be served - feel free to bring cookies or other holiday treats to share! All are welcome. 
For details contact: cityofangelsnj@hotmail.com
Let's Talk About Recovery!

With 10 original shows, COARR plays Recovery Talk 24/7/365....past shows are available online atwww.coaradio.com/pastshows.html and in each show's online archive. 

Tune in thru the smartphone app (free in the iphone/droid stores) or on www.coaradio.com to hear what's playing now.....

New show on COARR: Step by Step is a Pennsylvania-based network of recovery homes where recoverees gain support from one another. This show explores what it's like to live in a sober home. If you missed the show, it's now online: click here to listenIt's a great introduction to what sober living & recovery homes are all about!

Listen to past COARR shows any time: 

For "Women & Addiction" with Terri Thomas, click here. 

For "Wellness in Recovery" with life coach Nancy Tilelli, click here. 

For "Journey Thru the 12 Steps with the Life Recovery Bible," click here. 

For "Share Your Scars" with Vicki, click here.

For "Wings Over Water: Creativity in Recovery" with recovery musician Kathy Moser, click here.

For "Laughter & Recovery" with stand up comic Wil B. Kleen, click here. 

For "Relationships in Recovery" with Alexa, click here. 

For "Saving Lives" with COA Director of Interventions Tom Redneck Clark, click here.

The Fix: Addiction and Recovery, Straight Up
Best of the Week:
November 29–December 5
COMING UP IN THE FIX// A Day with Cambodia’s Needle Exchange * Interview with Drug Policy Alliance Director Ethan Nadelmann * Death Row Drugs * Hep C Q&A * Have We Grown Past Anonymity? * Freedom and Recovery * Sober in Mexico* PLUS: Other incisive articles

IN THE ROOMS// Is AA at Fault for the Murder of One of its Members?
No. But that isn't stopping AA critics from seizing on a tragedy to state their case.
By Zachary Siegel
ART// The Man Behind 'Faces of Addiction'
“I have a few rules. I don’t get intimate with anyone and I don’t buy or do drugs. Everything else is open.” ~ Chris Arnade
By Regina Walker
PROFESSIONAL VOICES// Inside the Mind of An Addiction Medicine Physician
The Director of Stanford's Addiction Medicine Program, caught between protocol and her own bruised ego.
By Dr. Anna Lembke
TREATMENT// Shortcuts to Recovery
A survey of four medical treatments to aid recovery.
By Jeanene Swanson
WILD LIFE// Animal Addicts
How monkeys, elephants, dolphins and cats get high, and how it could change the war on drugs.
By Daniel Genis
Covered Insurance Deductibles May Mean Lower Treatment Costs at Year’s End
Kansas Law Requires Drug Testing of Welfare Applicants
California Parolees Getting Arrested on Purpose to Smuggle Drugs Into Jail
Michigan Approves, Florida Rejects Welfare Drug Testing
Smart Drug Modafinil Doesn’t Work If You’re Already Smart
Wes Bentley: There's Life After Heroin Addiction
Light Up The Rooms
This week, Zachary Siegel pondered who was to blame when someone is murdered in AA. Readers sympathized and contemplated the root cause:
This death is a great tragedy. Whether or not AA is responsible, or found responsible, this case has brought into the light a darker side of AA which many people are familiar with, but which an even greater number of people seem to be unaware of or turn a blind eye to. This is getting some media attention, and I wonder if shining the light on these issues will have any sort of disinfecting effect on the more toxic side of AA culture, even nothing becomes of this legal murder case in question.
I agree with the author that the problem is actually much larger than AA, is systemic in nature and has to do with how our society tackles addiction and social dysfunction. Many people in America still assume that all places offering help for addiction are safe places, but maybe now the rose tinted glasses are slowly being lowered.


Sunday, December 7, 2014


Let the oppressed see it and be glad ; you who seek God , let your hearts revive.

Oppressed- to burden with cruel or unjust impositions or restraints; subject to a burdensome or harsh exercise of authority or power:to lie heavily upon (the mind, a person, etc.to weigh down, as sleep or weariness does.Archaic. to put down; subdue or suppress.
Archaic. to press upon or against; crush. 

Revive - comes from the Latin roots re-, meaning “again,” and vivere, meaning “to live.” So, the word revive means “live again.” While the possibility of bringing folks back from the dead isn't something we’re qualified to comment on, we will note that revive can be used in a sense that’s very close to its literal meaning; specifically, revive can mean “cause someone to regain consciousness.

3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God 

I think it is so important to know the true meaning of these words. Gods Big Book contains a lot of them , that at times can be confusing. I wanted to be sure about the words oppressed and revive. Now that I have seen the real meaning behind these words my eyes have been opened in a new way and the Psalm has new meaning. Oppressed any way you slice it is what life is like in active addiction . Revive now that words meaning really got my attention. Back from the dead ,whoa that hit me like a truck. Mentally , physically , and spiritually I was a corpse in a living body .Addiction has a funny way of killing you yet letting you barely live.Like a zombie or a robot is how I lived my life. Feeling-less , untouchable , driven by an insatiable desire to get high at any and all costs to life and limbs. How our brains slip into snooze and our hearts become in-trenched in a impenetrable force field is beyond my comprehension .Back from the dead is the best way to describe sobriety .Hey didn't Jesus come back from the dead and didn't He go to hell for three days to release the captives before He walked out His tomb. That is something to dwell on. Gods Big Book states when we find Jesus we find life ,so is it possible your not finding Jesus .For many years there my oppression from addiction in every sense of the word kept me trapped in chains unable too live my life to Gods given full potential. I found Jesus and was revived to live again and I am living to my full potential unafraid and back from the dead . By Joseph Dickerson