Sunday, February 28, 2021

Finding purpose and peace within addiction recovery


Finding purpose and peace within addiction recovery


In Mary Ozanic's search for serenity in her recovery, she discovered a job that truly makes her happy and gives her purpose. It was a similar search – one for peace and fortitude years within her recovery – that led her to Face It TOGETHER.

Read her story

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Ask a coach

Peer coach

Q: How do I deal with my loved one's bad behaviors like lying or manipulating? 

A: It's critical to set healthy boundaries within the relationship. Ultimately, you need to protect yourself and your wellbeing. Clearly explain the standards you need them to meet and then be sure to follow through. 

Read more

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Mother and Son - Laura and Tom Boldt


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Mother and Son - Now Both Sober
Laura and Tom Boldt Mother and Son A Happy Ending
It seems more often that we speak to a parent who has lost their child to addiction.

But this story is a happy one – while mom, Laura, had her history of alcohol addiction and her son, Tom, had his history of drug addiction – both are clean and sober today. Recently they published a book about their story – Unraveled

CLICK HERE to listen and CLICK HERE to watch on our YouTube channel.
Stay tuned for our upcoming new podcast all about people doing good and helping - The Why I Help Podcast.
Steve Sigal, Producer
Joanie Sigal, Host

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Saturday, February 27, 2021

Don't get stuck in these conversation traps


Partnership to End Addiction


Navigating Around “Communication Traps” When Talking to Your Child

For some, the pandemic finds parents with endless hours within the same four walls of their teens. Boundless opportunity for great and insightful conversations?

Not exactly, and easier said than done.

Sometimes getting a conversation going is the hardest part, especially when talking about substance use. Your child may be defensive or disinterested, and you may find yourself falling into a “communication trap.”

Do any of these sound familiar?

The Lecturing Trap:

This trap is based on the idea that if you could just get one nugget of information across, your child would have an “AHA” moment and agree with what you’re saying. If you find yourself talking at your child rather than having a conversation with them, chances are you’ve gone into lecture mode.

The Question and Answer Trap:

Often this type of conversation sounds like an interrogation. Are you finished with your homework? Did you drink tonight? What time did you get home? These all yield one-word answers. This is okay in some cases, but questions like these don’t lend themselves to a more meaningful conversation.

The Scare Tactics Trap:

Scare tactics may work with very young children, but not with teens. They will hear what you have to say but discount it based upon their personal experiences, what their friends say or the idea that nothing bad will happen to them.

We use two types of questions in conversations: closed questions, which can be answered with one word, or open-ended questions, which invite a lengthier response.

The benefit of asking open-ended questions is that they allow you to get more information and gain insights from your child’s answer. It’s especially useful if you find yourself falling into the “lecturing” and “question and answer” traps.

Learn more about open-ended questions and practice in our online skill-building course >>