Monday, April 20, 2020

Successful Recovery During Coronavirus Quarantine

Arizona's Premier Addiction Treatment Facility
With locations throughout Scottsdale and Phoenix with Detox Referrals, 30,60 & 90 day Inpatient Treatment, PHP and IOP services available, Scottsdale Recovery Center is the premier upscale addiction treatment center in Arizona. Providing proven and effective drug and alcohol rehab programs for young adults (18-35) and adults (35 and older) who are serious about recovery, for a lifetime of success. Licensed, accredited and upscale recovery for adults. 
The outbreak of Coronavirus has caused a lot of fear, panic, and insecurity all over the world. Because of this pandemic, most of the world has been mandated to quarantine themselves inside their homes. The isolation coupled with the unsure future of the world and its state is causing a lot of stress and anxiety amongst people everywhere. It is indeed a frightening time, with cities and countries shutting down, some of us are bracing themselves for the worst. “What is going to happen next?” is the question on everyone’s mind. The uncertainty of this catastrophe drives us all into overwhelming fear and anxiety of the things that are happening around the world. But do not let fear and anxiety cripple you as you can still do something amidst this crisis. Managing your anxiety is one of them.
Presently, around 23 million people are suffering from some kind of addiction in America. Surprisingly, only 10% of them get a chance at recovery. Since there is a vast knowledge gap among the masses about the subject, here are five movies that show what it’s like to live with an addiction – regardless of how serious or superficial it is.
So, you have completed your treatment program! You probably feel better than you have for as long as you can remember. You feel excited to finally begin your new life in sobriety. But this may also stir up feelings of nervousness and anxiety. You may be wondering “What if I relapse?” “Will I really be able to live a sober life?” Adjusting to your new life after rehab can be stressful, and unfortunately people do relapse during this time. So before you take your first steps out of rehab, make sure that you understand what is waiting for you so that you can do what you need to be a productive and healthy individual once again.
If you're one of the many people going through recovery in the U.S., COVID-19 (Coronavirus) has likely created some problems with recovery meetings. Thankfully, there are online meeting resources for you to use! The last thing any recovering addict needs is isolation, and that's why these resources exist. Click this link and you can find some helpful resources for counseling and recovery assistance.
Michelle, of Scottsdale Recovery Center, spoke on the online resources SRC and various other rehabilitation centers are offering to recovering addicts during this time of self-quarantine and social distancing.
Online Resources for Addiction Treatment During COVID-19 | SRC
Below are a few of our drug rehab facilities in Arizona
Our Doors Are Always Open

If there’s someone you know who could use our support, pass this email on.    

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Scottsdale Recovery Center | 1-888-NODRUGS (663-7847) |

Scottsdale Recovery Center | 10446 N. 74th St. , #150, Scottsdale, AZ 85258

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You Gave Michael Joy and a Family!

Beacon Newsletter Headeing

You Gave Michael Joy and a Family!

Michael starts each day with joy. While he once struggled with homelessness, he is now a full-time staff member with the Mission with his own apartment – a dream come true.

Michael is an only child who struggled in school; he was easily distracted. In the midst of these struggles, he and his mother moved from Washington D.C. to Jamaica, Australia, and then to England. With each move, they stayed with a relative for a short time and tried to find a fresh start. Unfortunately, they never found the stability which they needed to succeed.

When Michael was in his early 20s, he returned to Washington D.C. Without a family to lean on or a strong support system, he made some desperate decisions. While searching for true joy and love, a few grave missteps caused him to be incarcerated. 
Once released from prison, he was determined to succeed. He came to Philadelphia to escape the grips of negative relationships, including his marriage. When he arrived in the City of Brotherly Love, Michael was searching for a place to stay and found his way to Sunday Breakfast Rescue Mission in April 2019.

He came to the Mission not expecting much, but he found what he had been searching for his entire life a loving family who believed in him and supported him. The staff showed him God’s love; they walked with him through struggles and empowered him to grow. While staying in the emergency shelter, he began to volunteer at the Mission. He then was invited to join the Mission’s “NEXT LEVEL” transitional housing program. As a NEXT LEVEL resident, he began to grow spiritually and renew his commitment to learning new skills. This program involved him in various duties such as cleaning the dining room after meals; and with each passing week, the Homeless Services staff saw his potential to grow. “A long time, I have cried. I thought I could never live without my mother, but my family here at Sunday Breakfast proved me wrong,” Michael shared with a smile.

Michael started to support the guest in-take team, as well as the guest baggage team. He excelled at caring for homeless guests. After a few months, he earned a paid position as a part-time Homeless Services Staff Member and in December 2019, he became a full-time team member.

For the first time in his life, Michael is earning a living wage. As soon as he became full-time he found his own apartment in order to reconcile with his wife. She had moved to Philadelphia from Baltimore to begin again, working through past hurts. They have found a church too.

“Every person at Sunday Breakfast has taught me something, they have shown me who I can be... who I should be,”
 Michael says in a quiet voice.

“Sunday Breakfast Rescue Mission saved my life,” Michael continues. “Jeremy, the ‘coach,’ taught me about leadership and to believe in myself. Rich C. has taught me that hard work pays off. Daryl taught me brotherhood. Erin has taught me compassion. And, I would like to thank the whole volunteer team because without them I wouldn’t know what a team is.”

God is transforming Michael, and his dreams are coming true every day. He has found his family, and you are a member of Michael’s family too. 
Help More Men Like MIchael Find Family & Their Future

Meeting the Need

Women are an important part of our ministry and our daily services are available to them as well. In January and February, we were able to serve 682 meals to women and provide clothing and toiletry kits to 98. 
Without your generosity, this wouldn't be possible, thank you!
Read More From Our Newsletter Here
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Reminder about Friday's Peer Support for Peer Supporters and some great news!

Hey I cannot believe it is Friday. I don't know about you, but for Robyn and I are days are all blending into each other. Robyn did a funny Fit n Fun yesterday about just that topic. You can check it out on our Robyn Priest Facebook page or on You Tube - Robyn Priest Live your Truth.

Just a reminder about today's Zoom session. If you are planning to attend, please just let me know.

Robyn and I also wanted to share with you an announcement from the Province of Manitoba

So there are Peer Support Jobs looking for Peer Supporters in Manitoba!

If you are interested, please let Robyn know or go to the

Please feel free to pass this invite and job information on to any Peer Support Worker in your community.

We look forward to seeing you again.

Please stay healthy,

Robyn & Charlotte
Charlotte & Robyn
(aka Sue & Crocodile Dundee)
Halloween 2019
(before physical distance)
The Online Peer Support Group for
Peer Supporters

Here are the Zoom Links for Each of the Sessions
You are welcome to attend as many as you would like just please let us know.
Mondays from 1:00pm - 2:00pm CDT

Meeting ID: 654 477 152
Password: 418173
Wednesdays from 6:00pm - 7:00pm CDT

Meeting ID: 505 410 341
Password: 080448
Fridays from 4:00pm - 5:00pm CDT

Meeting ID: 186 556 485
Password: 813623

And for all of you who are on Facebook

Robyn is live each day at 4pm CDT
for Fit n Fun at 4 for 5 minutes
Mental Health

And on Sundays
Facebook Live
3:00pm - 4:00pm CDT

Robyn Priest Facebook Page

Robyn will be chatting about mental health and what supports you can do for yourself and for others.
We are all in this together!

And remember

Social Connectedness in spite of
Physical Distance.

Robyn Priest Live Your Truth | 7 Castle Ridge Drive Winnipeg, Manitoba R3Y 1W1 Canada

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Extenuating Circumstances in Recovery – COVID-19 UK

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Extenuating Circumstances in Recovery – COVID-19 UK

By Nicola Lee, Friday, April 17, 2020 9:12 AM
I don’t know about you, but my mind is very easily led to catastrophe. And in light of the current extenuating circumstances and COVID-19, it all feels a little like an episode of “The Walking Dead”. Reality does remind me that this pandemic is not going to wipe out society as we know it. (Although […]
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Sanford House Addiction Treatment Centers 74 Lafayette Ave NE Grand Rapids Michigan 49503 United States