Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Alcoholism Medication May Help Treat Methamphetamine Addiction - Partnership for Drug-Free Kids

Alcoholism Medication May Help Treat Methamphetamine Addiction - Partnership for Drug-Free Kids
 Women for Sobriety, Inc.

Hello WFS Friends!
I thought you would like to read one of the day passages from the WFS booklet, "Reflections for Growth" that WFS's Founder, Jean Kirkpatrick, wrote.  All women using our program in their recovery are encouraged and welcomed to submit their comments on this reflection for possible publication in the July 2015 issue of Sobering Thoughts newsletter...please send them to by June 22nd.  Thanks!


Sobriety can be hell or sobriety can be the most marvelous time of our life.  I choose to make it the latter.  Those who find it a state of hell are those who are still wanting to drink.
Today I cherish my wonderful, new life.
(This was an excerpt from "Reflections for Growth" booklet and may be purchased through the WFS Catalog at - there are 12 booklets - one for each month of the year.  Copyright WFS Inc.)
Warm regards,
Becky Fenner, WFS Director

Email:   *   Tel215-536-8026   *   Fax:  215-538-9026   *
Creation Story We Never Get Tired Of
80 years of sobriety: Alcoholics Anonymous celebrate 80 years of dodging the drink    
WHAT was a seemingly unplanned meeting in Akron, Ohio on June 10, 1935 between two men, both "hopeless" alcoholics, began a programme of recovery that has helped millions get sober and a fellowship known as Alcoholics Anonymous. A stockbroker from New York, Bill Wilson, was one of them. He was fighting his own battle against drinking and already knew that helping other alcoholics was the key to maintaining his own sobriety. Bill traveled to Akron on business. He had been sober for five months but found himself alone...(more will be revealed)

Researchers Reveal New Criteria For Diagnosing Alcoholism « CBS New York

Researchers Reveal New Criteria For Diagnosing Alcoholism « CBS New York

Tuesday, June 16, 2015


Your eyes saw my unformed body, all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. (GODS BIG BOOK)

ordained- order or decree (something) officially.

decree- an official order issued by a legal authority.

STEP 3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.

What if our poor decisions on choosing to use are a test designed by God to lead us too Him. It is so easy too think we are in control until we find ourselves strung-out and homeless in an alley somewhere on our knees crying out to God above , if you there please help me escape this hell or just take me outta here. What I do know is if it was not for my addictions I would have never got to know God on a deep personal level like I do now. Growing up I went to a school that told me about Him but I never Knew Him ! I had to take myself too hell to discover He is a loving merciful Father and creator and He desires a relationship with us and in order too accomplish this we must first realize we are not alone in this world and He is seeking us too find Him and know Him. That emptiness in our hearts that causes us too use and seek whatever it is to try and fill that empty space can only be filled by our Heavenly Father. Read the verse above over and over and ask God too reveal Himself and he will and no it wont be a burning bush it will be a sense of wholeness love and completion in your heart. When you have reached a point of brokenness in your life and all you want to do is die cry out to Him and don't stop until His spirit comes bringing freedom and comfort. Don't try to rationalize what I am saying just do it even if you think its crazy.GOD IS REAL ! GOD LOVES YOU ! YOUR ARE HIS DEARLY LOVED CHILD ! GOD MISSES YOU ! HE ALREADY KNOWS YOU ! GOD IS DESPERATELY SEEKING TO KNOW YOU ! GOD WILL NOT FORCE YOU ! YOU HAVE TO TELL HIM YOU NEED HIM ! 

Revelation 3-20 - Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
(GODS BIG BOOK) By Joseph Dickerson


 Sat., June 20, 10 am: COA Baseball! 

On Saturday, June 20 at 10:00 am, the COA Angels will play their annual Sage Ferraro Memorial Game at Thunder Stadium against the NJ Spartans in a regular season NJABL game. There will be no charge for admission, though donations will be accepted. Enjoy hot dogs, soda & water on us!

As Rich Fisher, writer for the Trentonian, put it "If the story of the newly formed City of Angels adult amateur baseball team doesn't make you feel good, then you're either the crankiest person on earth or the emotionless Dr. Spock from Star Trek. This is a story of second chances, dedication and courage." Click here to read more.

Sat. June 20, 2 pm: Life ReScripted Workshop

Are painful memories holding you back? 

ReScript them at this workshop!

Life ReScripted is a (FREE!) experiential workshop that uncovers and clears unresolved issues that can undermine recovery. There are strong and compelling reasons why these issues persist. 

A rescripting identifies and transforms the root cause of our self-sabotaging choices & behaviorWhether they were small injuries or major dramas, from last week or many years ago....

A few comments from past workshop participants:
"Life ReScripting is one of the greatest gifts I have received." - Male, New York
"Vicki, you are part of the healing force for survivors" - 12 Step Retreat Coordinator

"It has taken me over 40 years to get to this point and this event has been my spiritual awakening.... feels like a mountain has been lifted from my shoulders. ...Vicki I wanted to share with you that the outcome that we did in the ReScripting session that I so badly wanted from my father all those years ago did come true. ...the response from my Dad was so real and authentic that I couldn't help thinking what a blessing the Rescripting session was. G-d bless you and thank you." - Male,­ Sydney, Australia

To learn more about Life ReScripted and its facilitators, click here

Time: 2:00 to 6:00 pm, Dwier Center (392 Church Street, Groveville, NJ).

For questions or comments, contact: