Thursday, October 16, 2014

Most Doctors Registered to Use Prescription Database Check it When They Suspect Abuse
October 15th, 2014/

A survey of doctors in Oregon who are registered to use their state prescription drug monitoring database finds 95 percent say they consult it when they suspect a patient is abusing or diverting medication. The survey found 54 percent of doctors registered to use the database report they have made mental health or substance abuse referrals after consulting it.

Thirty-six percent said they sometimes discharge patients from their practice because of information in the database. Fewer than half say they check it for every new patient or every time they prescribe a controlled drug. Almost all doctors who use the program say they discuss worrisome data with patients.

Registered users of the state’s database were more frequent prescribers of controlled substances than non-users, Newswise reports. The survey included 650 doctors who frequently used the database, 650 who used it infrequently and 2,000 who did not use it at all.

Database registrants were most likely to be practicing in emergency medicine, primary care and addiction medicine. “Clinicians reported frequent patient denial or anger and only occasional requests for help with drug dependence,” the researchers report in The Journal of Pain.

Prescription drug monitoring programs are designed to reduce doctor and pharmacy shopping to obtain prescription medications. The Office of National Drug Control Policy and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have endorsed the programs.

Missouri is the only state that does not have a prescription drug monitoring database. Almost all states either allow or require pharmacists to enter filled prescriptions into the database. Doctors or pharmacists review the data before deciding to fill another prescription. Rules vary from state to state. Forty-eight states have operational databases, and New Hampshire will begin using its database this year.

Children More Likely to Take ADHD Drugs During School Year Than in the Summer
October 15th, 2014/

A new study finds children are 30 percent more likely to take drugs for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) during the school year than in the summer.

The study found children from wealthier families who live in states with stricter academic standards are more likely to use ADHD drugs only during school months, compared with children in lower-income families in states with less strict school standards.

The findings suggest higher-income families are more likely to make their own decisions about when their child needs ADHD medications, while lower-income families tend to follow doctors’ recommendations to fill prescriptions for the drugs throughout the year, according to USA Today.

“As schools become more academic, as a consequence we’re seeing an increase in school-based stimulant use,” said researcher Marissa King of the Yale School of Management. “Kids are actually just trying to manage a much broader shift in the way the school day is structured.” She said higher-income families want to help their children stay focused in class, which can be difficult without regular physical activity or diversions from academic subjects. “Kids are having more pressure on them to have more sustained attention,” she said.

The researchers found even when children from wealthier and less-wealthy backgrounds were treated by the same doctor, children from wealthier families were more likely to use ADHD drugs only during the school year.

The findings appear in the American Sociological Review.

The prevalence of children ages 4 to 17 who take ADHD medication increased from 4.8 percent in 2007 to 6.1 percent in 2011, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Do you have a favorite book that helped you with especially pertaining to being an addict's mom? Did you write a book on addiction? Would you like to share a page from the book with us? Or just share your story. Sharing is so powerful!

Tomorrow Night October 16th on The Addict’s Mom Live Video Online Meeting on In the Rooms at7:00pm EST we will be sharing pages, poems and stories from our fav...orite books.

If you would like to share please pm me. Please include your phone number.

To join us create an account if you do not have one sign up or if you do sign in for f.ree at Please use Google Chrome of Firefox. Log in Tomorrow Night at 6:55pm EST. You will see a link to go to the Addict’s Mom, click on the link and you will be in the meeting. Please check your settings to make sure you are not muted.

Remember you can remain anonymous or not.

Much love to all Addict’s Moms and their families.

Supporters of Recovery
RIR Music Fest is not an us and them thing

Dear Supporters, 

Here are some options if you would like to support the Rockers In Recovery free Love of Recovery Music and Art Festival. Please support us to make this years awesome Addiction Awareness & Prevention Message through music and art a huge success. 

ALL of Rockers In Recovery Productions are funded by sponsorship dollars. If you or your organization would like to be a sponsor of Rockers In Recovery through Rockers In Recovery Radio and Productions Inc which is a for profit company we use to put on events and your sponsorship can be a marketing tax write off. 

If you or your organization would just like to make a donation towards the festival - Rockers In Recovery Inc. is a 501(c)(3) your donation is 100% tax deductible. Please call 954-826-5968 to make your donation. Rockers In Recovery uses this Non-Profit to produce addiction awareness & prevention festivals & concerts around the United States. 

We are so excited about this years free festival not only is it a time for all people who want to celebrate recovery to come together. It's also a time for old recovery friends to come together to enjoy some great music and some awesome art produced by people who are in recovery or support recovery.

Supporters of recovery help us every day in our recovery wives, husbands, brothers, sisters, moms dads, friends and employers. They also sometimes endure years of insanity living and dealing with an addict. This is a time for the supporters too. The supporters of the recovery movement in our communities like musicians and artists that want to help because they have lost people or are struggling with someone in their lives that is suffering from the throws of addiction. RIR Music Fest is not an us and them thing.

People need to know what their resources are and where to go. It is an important time for recovery education, addiction awareness and prevention to reach the masses. Events like this help the S. Florida community who suffers through their addictions issues. This also helps supporters of friends and family who are in recovery to know that recovery is honorable, can have a positive result and we have fun doing it.

Rockers In Recovery's focus is to help provide direct and indirect support to everyone who needs help with addiction and mental health issues. Through RIR and our supporters we can all continue to grow stronger, and better serve all those struggling with addictions, while supporting educational preventative measures and community awareness.

This event will be the anniversary of our very first free addiction awareness & prevention concert back in February 15, of 2011. It is also the 20th concert RIR will be producing for the recovery community.. We have been bringing an awesome Addiction Awareness & Prevention Message all over the U.S. to our attendees and look forward to producing many more.

We thank you for your support and look forward to seeing everyoneFebruary 14, 2015 at at CB Smith Park 900 N Flamingo Road, Pembroke Pines, Florida. Music starts at 12:00 PM. 

Much Love To All,

Lori Sullivan and John Hollis -Founders

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Hi everybody!
  Please click on the link below the image of the cover below to view the new issue of the 12 Step Gazette.  Any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
  Hope you enjoy it!!

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Buy a Full Page - Get your co. name on the front cover of the upcoming Holiday Issue!

Bruce Huberman

Daily Quote

"Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you." - Lao Tzu

Today's Online Meetings

Guest Speaker - 12:00 pm CST: "Progress Not Perfection"

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