Friday, September 19, 2014

Daily Quote

"In the last analysis, the individual person is responsible for living his own life and for 'finding himself.' If he persists in shifting his responsibility to somebody else, he fails to find out the meaning of his own existence." - Thomas Merton

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Teens Who Feel Less Favored By Parents More Likely to Use Drugs, Alcohol: Study
September 18th, 2014/

Teens who feel their parents favor their siblings over them are more likely to use alcohol, drugs and tobacco, a new study finds.

“There’s this cultural perception that you need to treat your children the same, or at least fairly,” lead researcher Alex Jensen of Brigham Young University told NPR. “But if kids perceive that it’s not fair, that’s when issues start to arise.”

The researchers studied 282 teenage sibling pairs, ages 12 to 17. He asked each participant how their parents treated their children overall, whether any sibling was favored, and how the family functioned.

They found an association between feeling less favored and substance abuse. Teens were more likely to abuse substances if they felt less favored and were in a family that was not particularly close. The more they felt slighted, the more likely they were to use alcohol, drugs or tobacco.

Teens in these disengaged families who felt less favored were almost twice as likely to use alcohol, cigarettes or drugs. If the preferential treatment was perceived to be extreme, the less favored child was 3.5 times more likely to use any of these substances, the researchers found.

In families in which members were more engaged with one another, teens who felt less favored were less likely to abuse substances.

“It’s not just how you treat them differently, but how your kids perceive it,” Jensen said in anews release. “Even in the case where the parents treated them differently, those actual differences weren’t linked to substance use – it was the perception.”

The study appears in the Journal of Family Psychology.

Jensen advises parents to try to minimize any bad effects of perceived favoritism. “See them as individuals and love them for who they are. Show them how you love them. Hopefully you do, but try to communicate that love.”

Football Players Will be Tested for Human Growth Hormone Under New Plan
September 18th, 2014/

Football players will be tested for human growth hormone (HGH) under a new drug-testing plan agreed upon by the National Football League (NFL) and the players union. The plan has been in the works for several years, The New York Times reports.

The plan also includes a higher threshold for a positive marijuana test. Under the new plan, a positive marijuana test will require 35 nanograms of THC per milliliter in a player’s urine, compared with the previous limit of 15. Players who test positive for amphetamines for the first time in the off-season will be referred to the league’s substance abuse program, instead of being suspended. No agreement has been reached on new terms for the substance abuse program, the article notes.

Appeals for positive test violations will be heard by an independent arbitrator, not an appeals officer appointed by the league. Up to five arbitrators will be selected, approved and paid for jointly by the NFL and the union.The plan will require a player to be suspended for two games if they are convicted of, or plead guilty to, violating laws involving drinking and driving.

To address privacy concerns, the plan calls for fines of as much as $500,000 for any NFL, union or team employee who is found to have disclosed information about drug violations. Players, agents and drug policy administrators can also be fined.

HGH testing should begin by the end of the month, and will be fully implemented this season, according to the NFL.
     September is National Recovery Month.

     We need you more than ever.
September 18, 2014  
Dear Subscribers,

September is National Recovery Month, a time when we celebrate individuals who have bravely navigated the difficult and often devastating path of addiction.

For many of our Join Together subscribers, we know that recovery is something you are focused on not just this month, but every day of the year.

We are as well, providing a place for those in recovery – like Ricky, Trena and Joshua – to share their stories and a chance to connect with our community who supports them. Every day, we take calls from people across the country looking for help for a loved one, giving them the tools they need to find and maintain sobriety.

We look for your support this month to keep these efforts going. We want to reach even more individuals who are struggling with addiction, giving them a place to come together, get help and share hope.

Let’s celebrate together those overcoming their addiction, and please help us continue our commitment to recovery by making a donation today.

Thursday, September 18, 2014


Restore to me the joy of your salvation ,and make me willing to obey you .

Then I will teach your ways to rebels ,and they will return to you .

STEP 11 - Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood God, praying only for knowledge of God's will for us and the power to carry that out.

Six weeks clean time and I am ready to sponsor . I have seen many fall due to this misguided thinking .Six weeks clean time is a lot but enough too help others . If you have the slightest doubt about reaching out then you need to wait . Believe me and beware they are plenty of people in the rooms who are not there for sobriety .They are very much still in the game and looking for another victim .Give yourself one year with a good sponsor ! Pray everyday for what the Psalm states a willingness to obey God . Work the steps , I cant tell you enough how important the steps are. This is why I write what I write ,I am trying to stress the importance of the steps. I know you feel awesome and I am glad and I know you wanna give back and that's great but you gotta take it slow . Just because you can say the word recovery does not mean you have been recovered .

Galations 6:1 - Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.
By Joseph Dickerson