This week on the Addict's Mom Live Video Online Meetings on In the Rooms, W Have Extra Some Extra Special Guests!! Our very own Addict's Mom members reading letters, poems, songs, blog entries they wrote about addiction. Grab a box of tissues and us!!
All loved ones react to and deal with the addicts in their lives in different ways. Some of us express our thoughts and feelings in creative ways to help ourselves and sometimes to help others who are feeling the same way. During this week's online video meeting (Thursday night7Pm EST) on, some of the members on the Addict's Mom will share their letters, poems, songs, blog entries, with the Addict's Mom audience.
We hope you will participate in the discussion during the second half of the meeting and share with our group your feelings about these "creations", your reactions, and maybe about something you've created to help you with your situation.
Remember you can remain anonymous also while you on in the rooms join the Addict's Mom group here is the link See More
Remember when you sign into In the Rooms use Google Chrome of Firefox they are best to access the live online video meetings.
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