Hello Joseph,
I wanted to thank you for calling attention to the issue of medicine abuse in your recent blog post on the Mitch Winehouse “Meet the Parents Hour.” In addition to prescription medicine abuse, more and more young people are now using cough medicine to get high – approximately 5% of teens reported abusing OTC medicines in 2011.
You can visit www.stopmedicineabuse.org to learn more about these issues, read parent and child testimonials, and find ways to prevent abuse or steps to take if you believe your child is abusing cough medicine. It would be great if you could share this information with your readers on the blog. If you or your readers have any questions about cough medicine abuse, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Jenni Terry
Manager, Communications
Consumer Healthcare Products Association
900 19th Street, NW
Suite 700
Washington, DC 20006
Fax (866)332-0490
E-mail: Jterry@chpa-info.org