Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Saturday, June 22: 5th Annual Rockfest
Come rock with the Angels at this fun, free event!
Held in the East Picnic Area of Mercer County Park from 11:00 am to 7:30 pm on Saturday, June 22, 2013, Rockfest will feature live music on two stages all afternoon from License to Chill, A Clever Con, Soul Fire, Motherload, Luna Laval, Under Fire, Jeff Palmer Band, Kevin Toft, Dusty Rivers Band, Radio Fiction, Mike Matisa, KCM Band, Dana Isles & Facedown and others.
Rockfest will also feature a car/truck/ motorcycle show, Rhythmania drum circles, Happy Heart Pets reptile exhibit, an amateur Barbeque Grill-Off with Wounded Warrior judges, children's games and amusements, lots of great food and much, much more!  
For details about Rockfest, click here.

For businesses, organizations and other groups wishing to join the Rockfest Exhibit Area with a 10 ft. table, please contact cityofangelsnj@hotmail.com. Cost is $75 for-profit businesses, no charge for non-profit groups. All vendors must be registered by Monday, June 17.

Saturday, June 8: Robbinsville Community Day

Join COA in our tent at this annual family event in Community Park (at West Manor Way & Gordon Road) as we help educate the public about the disease of addiction. Community Day features a Kid's Play Zone, other games & contests, Trackless Train, pony rides, face painters, balloon artists, rock climbing wall, a Prize Alley and food court as well as live music all afternoon and fireworks at 9:00 pm.

For questions, contact cityofangelsnj@hotmail.com.

COA Recovery Radio
Tune in to City of Angels Recovery Radio (COARR) for 24/7/365 for music and original programs on addiction and recovery:

Sunday nights, 5 - 6 pm: Christian Life Prison & Recovery Ministries (CLPRM) talks about recovery from a Biblical perspective. This is a great show with new guests every week, live music and inspiring testimonials.
Thursday nights, 9 - 10 pm: Tom Redneck Clark, COA's Director of Interventions, talks with folks from the COA community about their experiences with recovery.
Josh Howard on City of Angels Recovery Radio
Josh Howard on City of Angels Recovery Radio
If you missed any of the shows so far, click here to replay them on demand. For a show schedule or to listen any time, click here.
For updates on COARR, new Recovery Radio shows and Rockfest bands, photos and videos of the shows, click here to "like" the new COARR Facebook page.

June 7 & 8: Yard Sale at Redneck's House
Don't miss the yard sale on Friday, June 7 (4:00 pm - 8:00 pm) and Saturday, June 8 (9:00 am - 2:00 pm) at the home of Tom "Redneck" Clark, COA's Director of Interventions. This will be a massive sale with lots of bargains, Redneck-style.
If you've been spring cleaning and would like to make a donation, please drop off any items for the sale near the red shed in Redneck's yard (2330 Whitehorse-Mercerville Rd., Hamilton, NJ, corner of Rt. 33).
Proceeds of the yard sale will benefit COA.
 COA hosts support group meetings for both addiction sufferers and their families every day of the week at the Dwier Center (392 Church Street, Groveville, NJ). This includes 12-step meetings, a new Thursday night veteran's support group, Saturday night self-injury support group, Sunday night Spirituality Meeting, and the popular Sunday morning family support group, The Breakfast Club. To check out our online calendar, click here.
For directions to the Dwier Center, click here. 
The COA website now offers an Addiction News Feed with the latest studies, reports, new and other info on addiction. It's updated in real time with the top 30 articles. To read the feed, click here. 
New videos are up on the COA YouTube channel. To watch, click here.

Join COA's Pinterest community! To visit the boards, click here.
Keep current on COA activites - join the COA group on Facebook!  COA news is posted first on Facebook, and this page often has photos not available elsewhere. Click here to visit.

City of Angels NJ, Inc. is a non-profit organization that provides many services to addicts and their families including interventions, recovery support, Family Program, counseling services and more. All of our services are provided at no charge.


Today’s ‘Ask’

I have a really hard time sitting with myself. My mind likes to make the best of me during these moments and I can easily lose sight of my recovery. What do I do?
Truly sitting with myself is not always easy, especially in recovery. For so long, I looked to escape from myself. To disconnect from myself. I did not like the person I was and thus, the last thing I ever wanted to do was be alone and in my own company. It felt like hell. In recovery, I have to sit with anger, with frustration, with sadness, and with feeling in general! To go from years of never truly feeling or being with myself because I always had my addictions to engage in, to sitting with myself has been a major adjustment. But an adjustment I could not be more thankful for and one that has skyrocketed me into living the life I was put here to live.
By sitting with myself I am getting to know myself. Getting to understand the inner workings of my mind a little more. My ego a little more. I can now discern between when my heart is talking and when my mind is talking. This is something I was never able to do and it is because I have learned to be patient with myself. Learned that thoughts come and go into the mind and I don’t have to always listen to them. Triggers happen and I don’t have to self-sabotage because of them. I can challenge them in a whole new capacity. So, as hard as it is to sit with myself, this is where the true healing and growth takes place for me. In the end, all we have is ourselves and this is where the foundation of recovery is really started.
What do you do when you are alone with yourself? How do you stay in recovery?
Have an ‘Ask’ for me? Send me an email @ ask4recovery1@gmail.com!
Livengrin's Home in Bensalem
"When the addict in my life stops using, everything will be better!"

Sound familiar?  Free Seminar helps families learn why change is important for them, too.
Small group 
When a family member has an addiction, everyone has to adapt to that person's challenges.  But changing the script, the patterns of communication, can help everyone.

Join us on Tuesday, June 11, for our free seminar on "Family Dynamics and Healthy Communication." 

This informal session will offer information and reassurance on how to establish new roles in the family system.  Families, educators and healthcare professionals can all benefit.

Bring your questions and household issues to be addressed by experienced family counselors. 

View and print the fact sheet.

The event takes place from 6 - 8PM in Shanahan Hall on Livengrin's main Bensalem campus. Seating is limited! To register for the event, contact family therapist Dana Cohen at dcohen@livengrin.org or by calling 215-638-5200, ext. 162.

We look forward to seeing you there!  

To learn more about this and other upcoming Livengrin events, please visit our calendar page
Learn More at:

During its 47 years of service, more than 120,000 people have come to Livengrin to learn how to be healthy, sober and a part of their families, work and communities again.  You can play a role in a person's success story - make a contribution, volunteer, and tell someone about the help and hope to be found at Livengrin.  There's information, guidance and much more to learn 
throughout our website

Friday, May 31, 2013

May 31
Psalms 69:4
They that hate me without a cause are more than the hairs of min head: they that would destroy me, being mine enemies wrongfully, are mighty: then I restored that which I took not away.
Being king isn't easy. Either people love you or they hate you. The same is true of every position of power and authority. Presidents, deans, prime ministers-the list can go on and on-all these people have to face the passions of the people they lead. Even God, Himself, has to face such problems. God is not loved by everyone. There are those who, for whatever reason, have chosen to reject God. There are those who curse Him as regularly as we praise Him. We are the subjects of the greatest sovereign in creation. Our Lord rules us with justice and love. We might not agree with everything He does or everything He calls us to do, but we owe Him our allegiance and loyalty. Be loyal to the Lord, and He will rule over you justly and with compassion.
Prayer: It is easy to bow down befo re a ruler of such love and grace, Lord. In every age, You have ruled fairly. I pray for all those who do not know Your greatness and Your goodness. Break through with Your light into their lives. Amen.
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Inhaling Alcohol: Dangerous Trend, Expert Says

Some college students are experimenting with inhaling alcohol by pouring it over dry ice and “smoking” the vapors, according to an expert who says the practice is dangerous.
Young adults are inhaling alcohol to get high without ingesting calories, the Daily News reports.
Dr. Harris Stratyner, Regional Clinical Vice President of Caron Treatment Centers in New York, told the newspaper, “When you inhale alcohol, it goes directly into the lungs and circumnavigates the liver. The liver is what metabolizes alcohol, but when you inhale it, it goes directly from the lungs to the brain.”
The practice is more likely to lead to deadly alcohol poisoning than drinking liquor, he said. Inhaling alcohol vapors can dry out the nasal passages and mouth, making a person more susceptible to infection, Stratyner added.
“One of the things that prevents alcohol poisoning is that you usually vomit,” he noted. “When you circumvent the stomach and go straight to the lungs, you don’t have that ability.”
Inhaling alcohol has become more popular in the past year and a half, Stratyner said. “This is a stupid, highly dangerous thing to do. The fact that youngsters in particular can purchase the equipment for a relatively cheap price…this has to be made illegal.
- Annual Conference Schedule Released
- Training Needs Survey
- Reason #14 I Love My NAADAC Membership
- Events from Our Partners
- NAADAC Webinars
- Affiliate Events

Collaborating with Other Professions, Professionals and Communities
Tues, 6/4/2013 
3 - 4pm EST
(2 CST/1 MST/12 PST)
[ more information ]

Including Family and Community in the Recovery Process
Wed, 6/19/2013 
3 - 5pm EST
(2 CST/1 MST/12 PST)
[ more information ]

Virginia Summer Institute of Addiction Studies (VSIAS)
July 15-17, 2013
Williamsburg, VA
Hosted by Virginia Association of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors (VAADAC)
This conference provides training to addiction professionals at a reasonable cost. The conference registration cost is low and the hotel cost is also low..
May 30, 2013
NAADAC Releases Its 2013 Conference Schedule 
With two pre-conference sessions, five plenary speakers, 54 workshops and three post-conference seminars, NAADAC's 2013 conference will provide a well-balanced educational experience focusing on the needs of addiction-focused professionals. The comprehensive conference schedule will focus on the educational needs of addiction-focused professionals.

From October 11 to 15, 2013, the NAADAC 2013 conference in Atlanta will provide innovative sessions and cutting edge presenters will provide education you need to get ahead in your job and provide the hours you need for your certification or license.

More Details ]
National Hispanic and Latino ATTC: Training Needs Survey
The National Hispanic and Latino Addiction Transfer and Technology Center (ATTC), in collaboration with representatives of credentialing bodies and service organizations, invites you to take part in a short, seven item survey. The survey aims to measure the training needs of professionals in substance abuse treatment and recovery support services for Hispanic and Latino populations. This effort will provide us with the opportunity to focus on relevant training addressing cultural aspects of providers serving or planning to serve Hispanics and Latinos. Thank you in advance for your input. The instrument is available in English and Spanish and will take no more than 5 minutes of your time. 
[ More Information ]
Reason #14 I Love My NAADAC Membership
NAADAC members can look through NAADAC's national and international job listings and post openings with your organization.
Join NAADAC now and locate your next job!
[ View Career Center ]
Events from Our Partners
Understanding Addiction and Supporting Recovery: Strategies and Tools for Clergy and Other Congregational Leaders 2013 Webinar Series
A program of The Clergy Education and Training Project®
Sponsored by the National Association for Children of Alcoholics and the American Association of Pastoral Counselors,
with support from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, U. S. Department of Health and Human Services 

The first of six webinars in the series is open for registration.
[ More Information ]
Insight & Innovation in Eating Disorder Treatment:
Case Studies, Research & Debate
June 13 - 15, 2013
Charlotte, NC

Presented by the Ben Franklin Institute
Summit for Clinical Excellence is the premier provider of Addiction, Mental & Behavioral Health Continuing Education for therapists and counselors. This training will be valuable for those working in the areas of:
Mental Health, Behavioral Health, Addictions, Marriage & Family Therapy, Psychology, Nursing and Trauma
If you have not joined us before, you will discover how the Summits are a whole different experience in conferencing!
[ More Information ]
NAADAC, The Association for Addiction Professionals
1001 N. Fairfax Street, Suite 201, Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: 703.741.7686 / 800.548.0497
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Thursday, May 30, 2013

Thank you for supporting our effort to have products that promote prescription drug abuse removed from Urban Outfitters stores and website. We are closing in on our goal of 5,000 signatures (if you haven't signed yet, please do!) on our Facebook Causes petition and we continue to make headlines. However, Urban Outfitters has yet to respond to our requests.

This is unacceptable. Join us Thursday, May 30, 2013 for a phone campaign to Urban Outfitters CEO & Chairman, Richard A. Hayne. Ask him to have the merchadise removed immediately. Here's how you can get involved:

1. Call (215) 454-5000.

2. Please feel free to use this suggested phone script:

“Hi my name is _____ and I'm calling to leave a message for Richard Hayne about the products made to look like prescription pill bottles that are being sold in Urban Outfitters stores. While you make a profit off of these pint glasses and flasks, prescription drug overdoses are killing our high school and college-age kids who are also your customers.

In 2010, prescription drug overdoses were responsible for over 38,000 deaths in the United States. I don’t think overdoses and deaths are something to laugh at, and these products make light of prescription drug abuse.

On behalf of [the teen in my life], I ask you to remove this merchandise from your shelves and website immediately."

3. If you can’t call, you can still:

Sign the petition.

Send an email to:

Richard A. Hayne, Urban Outfitters CEO & Chairman

Crystal Carroll, Public Relations Manager


Write a letter to:

Urban Outfitters, Inc.
5000 South Broad St
Philadelphia, PA 19112-1495

Tweet Urban Outfitters with any of these sample tweets:

Join me in stopping @UrbanOutfitters from selling products that promote teen Rx drug abuse. http://ow.ly/kQbJm #endmedicineabuse

Help stop @UrbanOutfitters from selling products that promote teen Rx abuse. http://ow.ly/kQbJm #endmedicineabuse
Together, let’s get these products off their shelves!

Thank you,

The Partnership at Drugfree.org

P.S. Respond to this email to let us know if you called, wrote, emailed or tweeted.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Almost One-Quarter of Parents Don’t Think They Can Influence Teens’ Substance Use

Almost one-quarter of parents do not think they can influence their teens’ use of alcohol, drugs or tobacco, according to a new government report.
Nine percent of parents say they did not talk to their teens about the dangers of substance abuse in the past year. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) found 68 percent of parents who had not spoken to their children thought they would influence whether their child uses drugs if they had spoken to them.
“Any time is a good time to talk to your kids when you have a chance,” Peter Delany, Director of the Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality at SAMHSA, told USA Today. “But if you haven’t started talking to your kids, before school gets out is an especially good time. In the summer months, especially around holiday weekends, kids are more likely to get involved with substances.” He notes teens may more easily obtain substances when they are not attending school.
According to Delany, national surveys show that teens who believe their parents would strongly disapprove of them using substances are less likely than their peers to try them.
“Surveys of teens repeatedly show that parents can make an enormous difference in influencing their children’s perceptions of tobacco, alcohol, or illicit drug use,” SAMHSA Administrator Pamela S. Hyde said in a news release. “Although most parents are talking with their teens about the risks of tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs, far too many are missing the vital opportunity these conversations provide in influencing their children’s health and well-being. Parents need to initiate age-appropriate conversations about these issues with their children at all stages of their development in order to help ensure that their children make the right decisions.”

Study Finds Little Proof Mothers’ Cocaine Use in 1980s Led to “Crack Babies”

A new study finds little evidence that mothers’ use of cocaine during pregnancy in the 1980s led to a proliferation of “crack babies,” the Associated Press reports.
Researchers reviewed 27 studies that included a total of 5,000 11- to 17-year-olds, whose mothers used cocaine during pregnancy. The teens came from low-income families, most of which were black and urban. Some of the studies found a mother’s cocaine use could increase the risk her child would have behavior and attention problems, anxiety and worse performance in school. These effects generally were small, and could have been caused by other factors, such as family problems and exposure to violence, the researchers report in the journal Pediatrics.
In the 1980s, when use of crack cocaine was widespread, some babies born to women using the drug were jittery and had smaller heads, the article notes. At the time, studies concluded maternal crack use could lead to irreversible brain damage in children. Many of these children were born prematurely, which could have caused many of their symptoms, the researchers said. Studies that followed these children beyond infancy did not find severe outcomes.
“The field of prenatal cocaine exposure has advanced significantly since the misleading ‘crack baby’ scare of the 1980s,” the study authors wrote.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Being a Chronic Relapser: The Husband's Story | The Fix

Being a Chronic Relapser: The Husband's Story | The Fix

May 28
Psalm 68:19
Blessed by the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation.
When we ask God for our daily bread, what do we mean? Is it merely food to nourish our body? Is it all the basic necessities of life? Does it include the bread Jesus spoke of: the Word of God? It is all these things and more. Our heavenly Father wants us to have everything we need to affirm His image within us. God never calls His children to tasks they are not ready for, and He will not abandon us without the resources we need to succeed. Our God provides us with everything we need to be the best people we can be. Call upon the Lord to load you daily with benefits. He will do even more than you expect.
Prayer: Lord, I do not even know what I need to be better than I am today, but in Your wisdom, You see my every need. Give me what You will, in order that I might be an honor and a glory to You. Amen.
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Bucks County teen tells of her road from heroin addict to prostitute - phillyburbs.com: Courier Times

Bucks County teen tells of her road from heroin addict to prostitute - phillyburbs.com: Courier Times

Lindsay Lohan Lands at Betty Ford | The Fix

Lindsay Lohan Lands at Betty Ford | The Fix

Billy Joel Is No "Hardcore Alky" | The Fix

Billy Joel Is No "Hardcore Alky" | The Fix

Monday, May 27, 2013

May 27
Psalm 68:5
A father of the fatherless, and a judge of the widows, is God in his holy h abitation.
Andy was a saint. It wasn't enough that he had a wife and a large family to take care of. He chose to adopt every person he met who was in need. He befriended a young boy in the neighborhood who had no father, and spent precious time with him. He sought out the widows and single women on the block and offered to do whatever they needed done around their houses. He never took payment for what he did. Instead, he shared a Christlike love and spirit, and served everyone unselfishly.
The Andys of the world are those rare individuals who take seriously their call to be perfect as God is perfect. They strive to be the best people they can be, and they do this by exemplifying love and sacrifice. God gives us the Andys to prove that it can be done. We, too, can walk in the steps of Christ, if we will only give ourselves totally to God. It means nothing more than giving to God what He has given to us.
Prayer: I want to walk in Your footsteps, Lord. Help me to be willing to share with others what I have been given. Teach me to use my time, my talents, my gifts, and my service to show Your glory. Amen.
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Sunday, May 26, 2013

May 26
Psalm 68:2
As smoke is driven away, so drive them away: as wax melteth before the fire, so let the wicked perish at the presence of God.

The conference room was a fog of cigarette smoke. Everyone sat red-eyed, both smoker and nonsmoker alike. It was hard to utter a sentence without choking. Finally, someone discovered switches that turned on exhaust fans. The room cleared, and breathing was possible once more.
Evil is as oppressive as a thick cloud of smoke. It envelops people and chokes them, making it impossible for them to function. The Lord will one day dispel all evil as a fan dispels smoke. On that day, all good people will breathe richly of the fragrance of God, and no more will we be covered by the haze of sin.
Prayer: Lord, send the breath of Your Spirit to cleanse me of all sin. Free me from the oppression of all that I have done wrong, through Your blessed forgiveness. Amen.
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