Thursday, March 14, 2013

View as a Web Page
Dear Joseph,
As a father, middle-school basketball coach and St. John's University freshman basketball team member, I couldn't be more excited to announce that Chris Mullin, former NBA basketball star, All-American at St. John's University and ESPN sports analyst, will host our next Facebook chat.
As part of The Medicine Abuse Project, Chris will host "Meet The Parents Hour," our popular, live Facebook chat and Q&A this Thursday, March 14 at 12 pm EST/9 am PST.

Chris shared this with us, "As both a dad and a person in recovery, I truly believe that parents need to educate themselves about drug and alcohol abuse, so we can help protect our kids from future struggles with addiction. Education and open, honest communication are so important and this is why I look forward to sharing my experiences and story of recovery. In doing so, I hope I can help others who are now struggling, in the way that I was helped so many years ago."

At 12 pm EST on Thursday, we will feature Chris’ photo on The Partnership at Facebook timeline and the chat will take place right under Chris’ photo in the comment thread. Please make sure to refresh your browser throughout the chat to view all comments in real time.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Go team!
Bob Caruso
Father, grandfather, basketball coach, St. John's alum and CFO at The Partnership at

P.S. Submit your question for Chris Mullin now for Thursday's Facebook chat. Please note that Chris may not be able to get to everyone’s question during the one-hour chat, but like any good athlete, he will certainly do his best.

352 Park Avenue South | Ninth Floor | New York, NY 10010

Heroin Education & Dangerous Substance Understanding Program

Free HEADSUP Education Seminar, April 3rd 
An insightful presentation on the latest drug trends among teens.
Small group 
The Livengrin Foundation presents the Heroin Education & Dangerous Substance Understanding Program (HEADSUP) Seminar, an informative and powerful presentation on the current drug trends among teens. 

This free seminar is for parents, educators, healthcare professionals and community advocates.  It features experienced law enforcement and drug awareness experts who will share their insights and first-hand knowledge about heroin and other drugs and the impact they has on families and community.

The HEADSUP Seminar is brought to you by the new Adolescent Program at Livengrin's Fort Washington, Pa., Counseling Center on Wednesday, April 3rd at 6:30pm. Attendance is free, but seating is limited.  Free parking, private entrance, light refreshments.

To register, call Adolescent Program Coordinator Gabrielle Bealer: 215-540-8301, ext.112
For more information on this and other Livengrin events, please visit our calendar page.

We look forwarding to seeing you there!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Combination of Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorder Raises Risk of Being Murdered

A new study finds people with mental illness who also have a substance use disorder are nine times more likely than the general population to be murdered. Overall, people with mental illness were almost five times as likely to be a murder victim, compared with those with no psychiatric diagnosis.
The researchers studied Swedish government data covering psychiatric diagnoses and causes of death among the nation’s 7.2 million adults, from 2001 to 2008. During that time there were 615 murders; 141 of the victims had a mental disorder, The New York Times reports.
People with personality disorders were three times more likely to be murdered compared with the general population. People with depression were 2.6 times more likely to be murdered, while having an anxiety disorders increased the risk 2.2 times, and schizophrenia, 1.8 times.
The Stanford University researchers noted that while the issue of homicide by people with mental disorders has received much attention, their risk of being a victim of homicide has rarely been examined.
The study appears in the British Medical Journal.

Washington Senate Approves Bill Permitting Alcohol Tasting in College Classes

A bill that would allow college students under the legal drinking age to taste alcohol in classes was approved by the Washington state Senate, according to the Associated Press. The bill applies to culinary, beer technology and similar college programs.
Students have to be at least 18, and supervised by faculty or staff at a technical or community college. The bill states they can taste—but not consume—the alcohol, the AP reports.
The proposal would improve these educational programs, the bill’s supporters say. A senator who opposed it, Jim Hargrove, said he is concerned the measure is the first step on the road to lowering the drinking age and expanding access to alcohol.
The bill will now be considered by the state House.


Good Afternoon!

There has been a change on one of the topics for the next “Expanding Your Recovery Toolkit” program on:

Tuesday, March 19th
7:00 – 8:30pm
At The Council of Southeast Pennsylvania, Inc.
252 W. Swamp Road, Bailiwick Unit 12, Doylestown, PA 18901

Please pass along the REVISED flyer attached here!!  Sorry for any confusion.

PLEASE REGISTER if you plan on attending by contacting me at 215-345-6644 x3122 or shooting me an email at  Also, if you do register ahead and your plans change and you are no longer able to attend, PLEASE contact me!!  We do plan for food and we are working with a very limited budget.  Thank you in advance for your respect and understanding! 

I look forward to seeing you all on the 19th!

Jessica Schwartz
Community Development Coordinator
The Council of Southeast Pennsylvania, Inc.
252 West Swamp Road, Unit 12
Doylestown, Pennsylvania 18901
(800) 221-6333 - 24 Hour Information Line

Expanding Your Recovery Toolkit 3-19-13.docExpanding Your Recovery Toolkit 3-19-13.doc
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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Money Matters for Women in Recovery program

The next cycle of sessions for the Money Matters for Women in Recovery program are listed below and the flyer attached.  Please pass along the information to any woman you know that might benefit from this program.

moneytreeWednesdays from 5:30-7:30
March 27th- Financial Decision Making – Identify and examine personal attitudes, beliefs, and values surrounding the role of money in life and how to use this info to make financial decisions that support  short and long term financial goals.
April 3rd - Budgeting for Women – Build a foundation for economic self-sufficiency by creating and working within a budget based on one’s resources.
April 10th – Building and Repairing Credit – The importance of credit will be examined.  Techniques to build or repair credit will be the focus.  See how budgeting and good financial decision making increases the likelihood of building good credit.
April 17th – Nutrition on a Budget – Proper nutrition is a large part of recovery and overall wellness. What a body needs in order to function at an ideal level will be examined.  Eating healthy on a budget will be the focus.
Location: The Council of Southeast Pennsylvania
252 W. Swamp Rd., Bailiwick Unit 12
Doylestown, PA 18901
There is no cost for this program!
Please Register

Jeanne McDermott, CRS
Volunteer Coordinator
Central Bucks Recovery Support Services
PRO-ACT, The Council of Southeast Pennsylvania
252 W. Swamp Rd, Bailiwick Unit 12
Doylestown, PA 18901

Monday, March 11, 2013

PA Bill Aims to Prevent People From Other States Filling Painkiller Prescriptions

A bill introduced in Pennsylvania is designed to prevent people from other states from filling painkiller prescriptions there.
State Representative Brandon Neuman wants to amend state law to help prevent people from using cash to obtain narcotics by visiting different doctors and pharmacies in the state, the Associated Press reports.
“The dealers are moving out. Now pharmacies are seeing these customers with all kinds of sob stories from Ohio, Kentucky, West Virginia and Tennessee,” he told the AP.
The bill would set up a Pennsylvania Accountability Monitoring System database, which would alert doctors and pharmacies when patients who have already received an adequate supply of opioids try to obtain another prescription.

Advocacy Group: Push for Peer Recovery Support Services in Essential Health Benefits

Recovery groups should advocate for inclusion of peer recovery support services as part of essential health benefits that will be covered under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), according to Faces & Voices of Recovery. Peer recovery support services are delivered by individuals who have “lived experience” with addiction and recovery.
Faces & Voices of Recovery, an advocacy group, has produced an issue brief that explains how recovery advocates can support inclusion of these non-clinical services that help people achieve long-term recovery from addiction.
The ACA requires states to set up state health insurance exchanges, which will act like marketplaces, where each person can choose a plan that suits them. Through these exchanges, states must offer a core of what are called essential health benefits–services that will be reimbursed or covered by the new exchanges. Services for mental and substance use disorders must be included.  Each state can decide what specific services will be offered.
If peer recovery support services are offered as an essential health benefit, they will be covered by insurance or Medicaid, and organizations that provide the services will be reimbursed for providing the services.
According to Faces & Voices of Recovery, scientific evidence is growing to support the beneficial effects of peer recovery support services. To find out more about how you and your organization can advocate for inclusion of peer recovery support services, visit the Faces & Voices of Recovery website.

Drug Testing of Middle-School Students May Help Prevent Substance Abuse: Study

Random drug testing of middle-school students may help prevent substance abuse, a six-year study of New Jersey students suggests.
Students who were randomly tested for drugs were less likely to use them in later years, according to the study, conducted by the Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey and Fairleigh Dickinson University. The researchers found drug use by students in grades 6-8 is relatively rare, Newsworks reports.
The study found that only about 1 percent of 8th graders say they have ever used illicit drugs, and only about 14 percent indicate that they have ever drunk alcohol, other than in circumstances where it’s allowed, such as religious ceremonies. Among students who were tested for drugs and alcohol, 6 percent said they had ever consumed alcohol.
Lead researcher Dan Cassino said when middle-school students are tested for drugs, they realize drug use can get them in trouble. He noted expanding random drug testing, while it might be effective, would be costly.
“We still see a spike around the junior year of high school,” Cassino said. “Once the kids get a car and get a job, all bets are off, and the rates of drug and alcohol use go through the roof; but that spike is much smaller among students who actually were randomly drug tested at some point.”
“These results show that student drug testing changes the environment of the school community and show they serve as an effective prevention strategy for the abuse of drugs and alcohol in their future,” Angelo M. Valente, Executive Director of the Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey, said in a news release. “This study proves random drug testing in New Jersey middle schools helps prevent substance abuse.”

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Faces & Voices of Recovery and Congressman Tim Ryan,
co-chair of the Congressional Addiction,
Treatment and Recovery Caucus are proud to present
a Pre-Release Screening of THE ANONYMOUS PEOPLE

A FEATURE DOCUMENTARY FILM about the 23.5 million Americans living in long-term recovery, and the emerging public recovery movement that will transform how alcohol and other drug problems are dealt with in our communities.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Doors open: 5:45 pm
Film: 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Q & A: 7:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Tickets are $15 in advance or $20 at the door
Located at the Archives-Navy Memorial-Penn Quarter Metro Station on the Green/Yellow Lines

Event Location

The Heritage Center at The United States Navy Memorial 701 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20004

Friday, March 8, 2013

New start, new challenge

Carol Hardy believes if her local Minister hadn’t the confidence to talk about and support her battle with alcoholism, her life would have likely taken a very different course. Her personal experience of the importance of being able to turn to religious leaders in the community, and for them in turn to feel they have the ability to talk about addiction, form part of Carol’s main aims as she takes up a new post with Living Room Cardiff.

There has been a recent increase in individuals with addiction problems approaching the clergy and other church leaders for help and this is often the first time they have asked for help from anyone (NAADAC, The Association for Addiction Professionals, 2007). However, there is a significant knowledge and skills gap among clergy in regard to dealing effectively with individuals who have alcohol, drug and other addiction problems. Some clergy lack confidence and are not personally equipped to help individuals deal with deeply personal and disturbing problems.

Carol, said, “Personally, I was fortunate. My Minister had a background in addiction issues. However, I know this was and is very much a rarity. The natural tendency amongst our religious leaders is to avoid getting involved in people’s personal business, but much of this is down to a simple lack of experience and confidence in dealing with addiction issues.

“Part of my first duties will be to make contact will all denominations in Wales to pilot a course on how to improve skills in discussing addiction. I am looking for any support to kick-start the pilot, but the aim is to create a framework of courses and a handbook, the first of its kind to be published in the Welsh language.

“As addiction problems increase, I want to ensure clergy understand the issues involved and are ready and able to respond appropriately in a timely manner.”

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Louisiana Rules Welfare Money Cannot be Spent on Alcohol, Cigarettes, Lottery

People receiving welfare benefits in Louisiana will not be able to spend the money on alcohol, cigarettes or lottery tickets, the state’s social services department has announced.
The regulations ban the use of welfare electronic benefits cards at liquor stores, strips clubs and gambling sites, in order to comply with a recently passed federal law, according to The Middle Class Relief and Job Creation Act, passed by Congress in February 2012, prohibits the use of benefits in liquor stores, gaming establishments and adult-oriented entertainment establishments. Louisiana expanded the rule to prohibit the purchase of tobacco, alcohol or lottery tickets at any retailer.
The rules apply to two programs that provide cash assistance to low-income families for food, clothing and housing, the article notes. Anyone who violates the new rule will not receive welfare benefits for a year for the first offense, two years for a second and permanently for a third.
It may be difficult to track violations, because money can be taken off the electronic benefits card through an ATM. State officials said they will rely on businesses and the public to report suspected violations of the rule. The state will also randomly review transactions for possible use at prohibited locations.
“Today’s rule helps ensure that the assistance being received is being used for the purpose intended – to help a family meet their basic needs,” Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services Secretary Suzy Sonnier said in a statement. “Today’s rule does not impact or hurt families who are using the benefits as intended each month, but instead target those who use the funds for purposes never intended by the program. This rule puts in place the type of accountability expected by the public, and is simply just common sense.”


From: Bob Sofronski <>
To: Bob Sofronski <>

Dear Ministry Partners and Friends of CLPRM,
The Conquering Grounds Music Festival we are setting up for September 14, 2013 is the single largest undertaking this ministry has ever attempted. Amazingly complex logistics,  that need to be fully developed, and expenses that need to be completely taken care of if this event is to be a success, while also serving as a genuine outreach to community. Remember this benefit event is to raise funds for the Inmate Release and Recovery Scholarship Fund. In order to make this all happen, we need to, first and foremost, commit everything to God as all our efforts at CLPRM are ALL about Him in the first place. Just as important, this event cannot succeed without each of you praying diligently, making the volunteer base available for that day, but Most Important, assisting us to obtain solid sponsorship, which will generate the funds we need to stage this entire day of activities. If we all pitch in, roll up our sleeves, and make this a real team effort,  Lives will be changed, the community will see Christ in action, God will be glorified and EACH of you who helped, even in a small way, WILL BE BLESSED!
Please check out the enclosed attachments, which describe our sponsorship packages in complete detail, and present this unique opportunity for everyone you can get them to.  People such as your auto mechanic, a nearby store or pizza shop that you always purchase from, a friend, a neighbor, or even your boss, just to name a few! We have carefully spent allot of time to put these together in a manner which is clearly explained, simple, effective and really sells itself. All you have to do is help us get the word out to as many Companies, Ministries, Churches, potentially interested individuals, and Organizations as possible by simply handing them a packet while letting God’s Holy Spirit take the seed that you have just planted and causing it to grow in the hearts of the potential sponsor!
We truly love each of you and value you far beyond what words can express. So together, we can make a difference in the lives of others who so desperately need our help. Sounds pretty simple, when you think about it. Just pray, have faith then take these few printed pieces of paper and simply give them, or even email them, to someone who may just be willing to help us, while promoting what they do in the process! Please make a list of those who you will need to follow up with. You won’t know until you try and, no matter what the result is, I GUARANTEE God will bless you in a mighty way just for making the effort!!
Thanks for taking the time to prayerfully consider what God may want you to do! We are so glad to serve with you and will always be here for you!  If you have any questions (or if anyone you give the sponsorship information to has questions or would like further information), please do not hesitate to contact me Bob Sofronski 215-833-2512 or my project manager, John Accunzo (267-701-2116) and we will get the answers and provide everything we can in order to make your efforts a complete success!
Have a blessed week!

Bob Sofronski
Chairman and Director, CLPRM

Bob Sofronski,  Chairman/Director
Christian Life Prison and Recovery Ministries, Inc.
PO BOX 1624
Southampton, PA 18966
Fax # 267-988-4629
6 attachments — Download all attachments  
Pic of Stage fo CG music fest.jpgPic of Stage fo CG music fest.jpg
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CLPRM Brochure with pics.pdfCLPRM Brochure with pics.pdf
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CGC-CLPRM Event Sponsorship Letter.pdfCGC-CLPRM Event Sponsorship Letter.pdf
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CGC Music Fest Sponsorship Form (1).pdfCGC Music Fest Sponsorship Form (1).pdf
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CLC Grounds new.pdfCLC Grounds new.pdf
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Conquering Grounds Outdoor Music Fest info half sheet.docxConquering Grounds Outdoor Music Fest info half sheet.docx
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New Meetings at the Dwier Center

City of Angels NJ is proud to introduce a support group 
for veterans which will kick-off on
Thursday, March 7 at 7:00 pm at the Dwier Center - 392 Church Street, Hamilton NJ 08620. The meeting will be opened by Eric Arauz, who is a Navy veteran of Operation Desert Storm and president of AIE, Arauz Inspirational Enterprises, LLC. 

"We are so fortunate to have Eric Arauz at our inaugural veterans support meeting. He is the author of An American's Resurrection, an internationally supported book on bipolar 1 disorder, addiction, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and child abuse", said Pam Wilson, Executive Director of City of Angels. Everyday, more veterans return from Iraq and Afghanistan and while there are a variety of services afforded them, COA is offering a chance for them to just meet and talk to fellow veterans. 

Assisting in coordinating the veterans support meeting will be COA's Lead Interventionist, Tom "Redneck" Clark, who himself is a Marine veteran. "In addition to Eric Arauz, we will have Rich Bulvid join us, as Rich was drafted into the U.S.Army out of high school and served in a Combat Infantry, Air Mobil Unit, 1st Air Cav. and was wounded se
veral times, receiving the Purple Hearts (2), Bronze Star w V Device, Air Medal for Combat Air Assaults, CIB, Vietnam Cross of Gallantry", said Clark. 
Other new meetings include a support group for those who self injure, each Saturday night at 6:00 pm and an NA meeting for women that begins at 7:00 pm every Tuesday night.

For a complete list of meetings held at the Dwier Center and COA events, click here.
Open House Videos
The Effects of Addiction on the Brain.wmv
The Effects of Addiction on the Brain.wmv

City of Angels' 4th annual Open House was a huge success, with a full afternoon of speakers, information, camaraderie and of course, refreshments. If you missed some or all of it, videos of the speakers are now online.

To watch keynote speaker and Trentonian columnist L.A. Parker discuss his journey of recovery, click here.

For Launching Point founder Vicki Duffy discussing self injury, click here
For Dr. Karl Benzio describing how addiction affects the brain, click here
 COA hosts support group meetings for both addiction sufferers and their families every day of the week at the Dwier Center (392 Church Street, Groveville, NJ). This includes 12-step meetings, a new Thursday night veteran's support group, Saturday night self-injury support group, Sunday night Spirituality Meeting, and the popular Sunday morning family support group, The Breakfast Club. To check out our online calendar, click here.
For directions to the Dwier Center, click here. 
The COA website now offers an Addiction News Feed with the latest studies, reports, new and other info on addiction. It's updated in real time with the top 30 articles. To read the feed, click here. 
New videos are up on the COA YouTube channel. To watch, click here.

Join COA's Pinterest community! To visit the boards, click here.
Keep current on COA activites - join the COA group on Facebook!  COA news is posted first on Facebook, and this page often has photos not available elsewhere. Click here to visit.

City of Angels NJ, Inc. is a non-profit organization that provides many services to addicts and their families including interventions, recovery support, Family Program, counseling services and more. All of our services are provided at no charge.


Wednesday, March 6, 2013
“Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.” (John 17:17 NIV)
The Spirit of God uses the Word of God to make us like the Son of God. To become like Jesus, we must fill our lives with his Word. The Bible says, “Through the Word we are put together and shaped up for the tasks God has for us” (2 Timothy 3:17 MSG).
God’s Word is unlike any other word. It is alive. Jesus said, “The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life” (John 6:63 NASB).
When God speaks, things change. Everything around you — all of creation — exists because “God said it.” He spoke it all into existence.
God’s Word generates life, creates faith, produces change, frightens the Devil, causes miracles, heals hurts, builds character, transforms circumstances, imparts joy, overcomes adversity, defeats temptation, infuses hope, releases power, cleanses our minds, brings things into being, and guarantees our future forever! We cannot live without the Word of God! Never take it for granted. You should consider it as essential to your life as food.
Job said, “I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my daily bread” (Job 23:12 NIV). God’s Word is the spiritual nourishment you must have to fulfill your purpose.
Talk About It
How has knowing God’s Word transformed your life?
- Ask people what they do to stay in God’s Word. But also share with others what you do to stay in God’s Word. Learn from each other!
Rick Warren is the founding pastor of Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, Calif., one of America's largest and most influential churches. Rick is author of the New York Times bestseller "The Purpose Driven Life." His book, "The Purpose Driven Church," was named one of the 100 Christian books that changed the 20th century. He is also the founder of, a global Internet community for pastors.

This devotional © 2013 by Rick Warren. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

Alcohol is Third Leading Cause of Global Disease and Injury, Study Finds

Alcohol is the third leading cause of disease and injury worldwide, even though the majority of adults do not drink, a new study concludes. Just over 40 percent of the world’s adult population consumes alcohol, said researchers at the Center for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto, Canada.
They noted alcohol causes liver cirrhosis and leads to traffic accidents, and has also been linked to several types of cancer, including female breast cancer. “Alcohol consumption has been found to cause more than 200 different diseases and injuries,” lead author Kevin Shield noted in a news release. Only high blood pressure and tobacco smoking caused more disease and injury, the study found.
The researchers discovered wide regional variations in drinking patterns, MedicalXpress reports. For instance, drinkers in Europe and parts of sub-Saharan Africa consume the most alcohol, on average. People in southern sub-Saharan Africa frequently drink large quantities, drink until they become intoxicated, engage in prolonged binges, and drink mainly outside of meals.
Drinking is lightest in North Africa, the Middle East and South Asia, the study found. North Americans drink more than 50 percent above the worldwide average, and binge drink more than people in Europe.
Almost 30 percent of alcohol consumed in 2005 was “unrecorded,” meaning it was not meant for consumption, was home-brewed, or illegally produced. “The amount of unrecorded alcohol consumed is a particular problem, as its consumption is not impacted by public health alcohol policies, such as taxation, which can moderate consumption,” co-author Dr. Jürgen Rehm said.
The study appears in the journal Addiction.
PRO-ACT Family Addiction Education Program helps families address drug and alcohol addiction

Next free sessions start week of April 2 at various locations in five counties

Each month PRO-ACT (Pennsylvania Recovery Organization–Achieving Community Together) hosts a free Family Addiction Education Program to help individuals and families recognize and address an addiction problem in a spouse, parent, child or other loved one. Led by trained volunteers who have been in the same situation, these information and support programs begin the first week of each month and run one evening a week for three consecutive weeks. Each session lasts two hours.

Programs are offered at several locations throughout the five-county southeast Pennsylvania region:
·       Tuesdays—From 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. in Media and Northeast Philadelphia.
·       Wednesdays—From 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. in Pottstown; from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in North Philadelphia; and from 7 9 p.m. in West Chester.
·       Thursdays—From 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in Northern Liberties; 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. in Bristol and Colmar

Sessions are free and confidential—first names only. Pre-registration is required. To register, call 800-221-6333, weekdays 9 a.m. through 5 p.m., or visit and click the Family Addiction Education Program link.
Enjoy a Sober
St. Patrick's Day 
The Council of
Southeast Pennsylvania, Inc.
252 West Swamp Road, Unit 12
Doylestown, PA 18901
Celtic Cross
Celebrating the Irish Can Be Fun!
        There are about 35 million U.S. residents with Irish ancestry and roughly 145,000 U.S. residents who were born in Ireland. Most of us who want to celebrate all that's great about being Irish do it on St. Patrick's Day. But many people use the day as an excuse to get drunk, whether on green beer or other alcohol.
        Unfortunately, getting drunk is not one of the great things about the Irish. Many of our ancestors buried under the beautiful Celtic crosses in Ireland "drank themselves to death." So here are some tips for celebrating a fun and joyful day of honoring the Irish while staying sober:
  • Wear some green clothing--any shade. Get a leprechaun hat. 
  • Spray your hair green; paint a shamrock on your cheek; wear a "Kiss Me I'm Irish" button.
  • Start your day with the magical cereal, Lucky Charms! Add green food coloring to your milk!
  • Cook some Corned Beef and Cabbage; or traditional green and white Colcannon. Make some pasta with green food coloring in the water and add some Alfredo sauce on top with chopped parsley.
  • Make your own shamrock shakes--or you know where to get them!.
  • Get together with a group of sober friends and watch an Irish movie (Once; The Commitments; Borstal Boy; The Magdalene Sisters; Angela's Ashes; Waking Ned Divine; Michael Collins).
  • Put your feet up and celebrate Ireland's rich storytelling history by reading about some Irish myths and legends (Cu Chulainn, Finn MacCool, Oisin, Tir na nOg).
  • Attend a St. Patrick's Day parade with friends and family family and hear some Irish music.
  • Know that the next morning you will greet the sun with a smile and perhaps whistle Irish music you heard the previous day.
  • If you want to attend an event where there is drinking, bring a sober friend.

        If you believe, like many, that drinking alcohol is genetically in your Irish bloodline, you can break the chain by seeking recovery for yourself, your family, and your children's children. Recovery is not only possible; today recovery is real.

For information or help, call The Council's 24-hour Information, Intervention, Recovery Support Line:
Shamrock row
  For a free celebration of St. Patrick's Day
come and join us at
PRO-ACT's Southern Bucks Recovery Community Center
1286 Veterans Highway, D-6, Bristol, PA 
Sunday, March 17, 1:00 to 3:00 pm
Food, entertainment, activities--face painting, crafts,
Irish trivia, caricatures and more. . .
Free of charge and Free of alcohol!
 just so we have a head count
Walk Footer

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Federal Judges Work With Prosecutors to Create Drug Courts

Following decades of success for drug courts at the state level, federal judges around the nation are collaborating with prosecutors to create the special treatment programs for defendants who are addicted to drugs, The New York Times reports.
These defendants normally would face significant time in prison, the article notes. The judges hope to work around drug laws that are often seen as too harsh and inflexible. The Justice Department is permitting U.S. attorneys to reduce or even dismiss charges in some drug cases.
Defendants in drug court must accept responsibility for their crime, and agree to receive drug treatment and other social services. They must attend regular meetings with judges, who monitor their progress. If they successfully participate in the program, they receive a reduced sentence, or even no jail time. Failure to successfully complete the program results in them being sent to prison. Defendants facing more serious charges are not eligible for drug court.
Legal experts say drug courts are a less costly and more effective option than prison for many low-level repeat offenders. According to the Office of National Drug Control Policy, every dollar spent on drug courts yields more than two dollars in savings in the criminal justice system alone.
Federal judges have instituted drug court programs in California, Connecticut, Illinois, New Hampshire, New York, South Carolina, Virginia and Washington. So far, about 400 defendants have been involved in federal drug court programs.
The United States Sentencing Commission has established guidelines for sentencing since 1984, after studies found federal judges were giving different sentences for similar crimes. Judges feel the guidelines interfere with their judicial independence, according to the article. “When you impose a sentence that you believe is unjust, it is a very difficult thing to do,” Stefan R. Underhill, a federal judge in Connecticut, told the newspaper. “It feels wrong.”

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Conquering Grounds Café
Saturday Night March 9, 2013

At Christian Life Center, 3100 Galloway Rd Bensalem, Pa 19020
In The Edge Building
Doors open at 6:30 Event starts at 7pm
Latin Worship Band " Sandro El Siete"
plus Special Guest Holy Hip-Hop Psalmist "Virtuous"
This is a FREE event and open to everyone. There will be hot and cold beverages and goodies to eat, all free of charge. Come out and join us for a great night of music and fellowship.
Bob Sofronski, Chairman/Director
Christian Life Prison and Recovery Ministries, Inc.
PO BOX 1624
Southampton, PA 18966
Fax # 267-988-4629