Saturday, June 7, 2014

The Unhappy Side of Anti-Depressants
SSRI's can aid in depression and recovery, but users also become dependent and there can be major withdrawal symptoms. So where's the healthy balance?

careful . . . Shutterstock

By Jeaneane Swanson

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Use of antidepressants in the US has skyrocketed in recent years, with one in ten people taking them. While depression is often misdiagnosed, the fact remains that more patients are demanding them and more physicians are prescribing them. The most commonly used antidepressants are SSRIs, or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.

Many people stop taking their antidepressants for a variety of different reasons. First, SSRIs have been shown not to work for mild cases of depression. Often, people will experience side effects, common ones being restlessness, nausea, sexual problems, and GI upset. Sometimes people who have taken an SSRI for a long time will become “immune” to its effects, and it stops working.

While it’s routine for doctors to advise patients about these things, it’s less common for a doctor to talk about the “withdrawal” effects associated with not only SSRIs, but with all antidepressant drugs and prescription psychiatric medications. Counseling patients about the possible discontinuation syndrome is imperative, especially for dual diagnosis addicts who are at risk for relapse of both depression and addiction.

Short-acting medications, such as paroxetine (Paxil) and venlafaxine (Effexor) are more likely to cause discontinuation symptoms than longer-acting medications, such as fluoxetine (Prozac).

Not “withdrawal,” but still unpleasant

Some statistics state that about half of patients taking SSRIs will experience “withdrawal” effects - over a million people. Sam Ball, President and CEO of CASAColumbia, estimates that number to be lower, at about 20 to 25 percent of patients. Medically speaking, this is not a true “withdrawal” and is instead referred to as SSRI discontinuation syndrome. Severe discontinuation symptoms, Ball says, “come for a minority of patients, particularly for those who abruptly stop taking [their antidepressants].”

As with any medication taken regularly, one's body adapts. Coming off the medication is going to require a recalibration period. However, SSRIs are not technically addictive. “It would be a misinterpretation to call it an addiction,” Ball says. “Physiologic dependence is really different from drug addiction. In drug addiction, you often times have that physiologic dependence, but you have other symptoms,” including craving and drug-seeking behavior. Confusing the issue puts addicts with depression at an even greater risk, especially when taking these medications could literally mean the difference between life and death.

Symptoms of SSRI discontinuation vary considerably among people due to individual differences. They also depend on how long a patient has been taking the medication, the choice of medication, and most importantly, how long the taper is. Abruptly stopping an antidepressant leads to the worst possible outcome; taking lower and lower doses on a weekly or monthly regimen, also called tapering, affords the best results.

According to the book, SSRI discontinuation symptoms include nausea, headache, dizziness, chills, body aches, paresthesia (tingling), insomnia, and electric shock-like sensations; psychological symptoms; and in rare cases, auditory and visual hallucinations, extrapyramidal symptoms (problems with movement), and mania/hypomania.

Go on a number of online forums, however, and you’ll find everything from benign to hellish, and short- to very long-term symptoms. A popular web site for SSRI discontinuation syndrome, called Surviving Antidepressants, offers peer support; the second most visited topic is how to quit, or taper, effectively. Says the administrator in an email, “There are hundreds of thousands of patient postings all over the Web about the difficulties of quitting psychiatric medication and benzos, even under a doctor’s supervision.” The administrator adds that there are dozens of sites like this, set up to help confused patients figure out how to best taper based on other people’s experiences.

Another site, Beyond Meds, talks about the particularly “harsh” withdrawal from lamotrigine (Lamictal), an anti-epileptic that is sometimes used as a mood stabilizer to treat bipolar disorder, or as an add-on drug to treat unresponsive major depressive disorder. Discontinuation symptoms of extreme mood changes, irritability bordering on rage, and a general feeling that you are “going crazy” seem to be common among those who do experience a severe syndrome. Larissa Mooney, director of the UCLA Addiction Medicine Clinic, makes no mention of the withdrawal, only that she has used lamotrigine successfully for the treatment of bipolar depression and to help prevent mood episodes in patients with bipolar disorder, and that she has “found that it is often well tolerated.” She adds: “Though you can read almost anything on the Internet, Lamictal is not associated with a classic “discontinuation syndrome” like the SSRIs/SNRIs. However, its dose should also be tapered rather than stopped abruptly.”

SNRIs, or serotonin–norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, help keep both more serotonin and norepinephrine around in the brain. The two most commonly prescribed ones are venlafaxine (Effexor) and duloxetine (Cymbalta). According to online groups, going off Effexor too quickly can cause horrible dreams.

All this being said, most symptoms are mild and short-lived. In the case of more severe symptoms, the antidepressant can simply be restarted, followed by more cautious tapering. “It really depends on the specific medication and the half-life of the medication,” Mooney says. “Short-acting medications, such as paroxetine (Paxil) and venlafaxine (Effexor) are more likely to cause discontinuation symptoms than longer-acting medications, such as fluoxetine (Prozac).” The syndrome is more common when medications are stopped abruptly or when the taper occurs too quickly, she adds; slowly tapering off medication helps to minimize the risk of these symptoms. Sometimes, substituting a short-acting antidepressant with a longer-acting one helps minimize symptoms, too.

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Man Murders Drinking Buddy Over Last Beer

Rather than go to the nearest supermarket, Ocala native Daniel Trent took matters into his own hands last month during an argument with his drinking buddy over the last beer. He stabbed both 56-year-old Mark Durham and the man’s dog to death because Durham “didn’t want to share it. He wanted it for himself.”

The two men had been drinking copious amounts of Natural Ice that night at Trent’s house, with both men downing about 20 beers each. After initially denying the murder to police, he later admitted that when Durham claimed the last beer and refused to leave, he stabbed the man twice with a kitchen knife. However, he claimed it was in self-defense because Durham stabbed him first and that he only killed the dog after a dying Durham asked him to. In a gross understatement, he admitted that he “should have stopped drinking.”Trent was ultimately charged with second-degree murder and held without bond.

By McCarton Ackerman


Prosecutor Calls Addicts ‘Crack Hoes’ on Facebook Page

A Florida prosecutor apologized earlier this month after a Facebook post which referred to drug addicts as “crack hoes.” Kenneth Lewis, an assistant state attorney for Orange and Osceola County, was overwhelmingly slammed for his post which read: "Happy Mother's Day to all the crack hoes out there. It's never too late to turn it around, tie your tubes, clean up your life and make difference to someone out there that deserves a better mother."

Lewis apologized for his “poor choice of words,” but showed a lack of remorse by claiming he intended for the post to be only visible to his Facebook friends. The post still remains active on his page. Florida natives also objected to his lack of punishment. Lewis’ boss, Ninth Circuit State Attorney Jeff Ashton, called the remarks “offensive and dehumanizing,” but said that a punishment couldn’t be issued because his office did not have a social media policy.
Rockers In Recovery
JUNE NewsletterJUNE 2014
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Through Rockers In Recovery Radio and Productions Inc. we offer different platforms to carry the message of hope in an exciting new way. RIR Events, RIR Concerts,RIR Festivals, RIR magazine (in print and online), RIR Addiction Talk Radio, RIR TV, and RIR Live Concert and Event 
Streaming ,makes it easy to reach hundreds of thousands of people globally with just a click of a mouse.


Rockers In Recovery Newsletter is dedicated to addiction recovery through music, news, interviews, events, and festivals taking place within the clean and sober community.
Upcoming Gigs

Baltimore, Maryland - September 27,2014 (Pending)

Fort Lauderdale, FL - RIR Music Festival - November 1, 2014
RIR welcomes our new Researcher & Article Contributor Michael L. Dennis, Ph.D. Although Dr. Dennis maybe new to to RIR he is not new to the world of addiction.  The good Doctor has been reaching out to the issue for years along with his friend RIR Director Rob Vincent. Read More Click HERE 

Casey Montana Rogers - Battling Scars One Song at a Time. Montana was just previously introduced earlier this May when she sang at a treatment facility in Baltimore, Maryland, in affiliation with RIR Unplugged.   Read More Click HERE


When my son was nine, we were watching abaseball game together on television. As the camera panned over the cheering fans, he asked me why the kids in the stands were so excited. I said that the players are heroes to those kids. 
Summertime Is Concert Time 
RIR is kicking off the concert tour season this June 27, 2014 in Aberdeen, Washington, where the RIR East Coast All-Stars, Current Musical Directors Lou Esposito (Joe Walsh) and Mark Bosch (Ian Hunter), are rockin' the west coast, in addition to Casey Montana Rogers making her grand debut. 

RIR All-Star Band Rockin' The Philly Walk

PRO-ACT RECOVERY WALKS! 2014 RIR All-Star Band Rockin' The Philly Walk - PRO-ACT Building on our 12 previous years of hosting Recovery Walks! in Philadelphia, PRO-ACT is asking you to support our 13th annual Recovery Walk on September 20, 2014
A brand-new painkiller has been released, and it could pose a very serious threat to the public. Zohydro is the first painkiller that is made up only of hydrocodone, and available dosage amounts go as high as 50 milligrams. This is five times as much as comparable drugs.

Faulty Addiction Treatment- A conundrum (co-nun-drum) is a riddle which requires ingenuity in answering and discovering its meaning. So, here's a conundrum about addiction and recovery By Jack Kelly, CAP, NLP, LHMP. 


 There are lots of  Addiction Treatment Center Owners driving around in their  Bentleys and their Rolls-Royces. Why? Well Addiction Treatment is a multi-billion dollar a year industry. The common theme is HEADS IN THE BEDS. 

Check out the July 2014 Newsletter   

8PM June 27,2014 - D & R Theatre 

 RIR All-Star Band 

205 South St. Aberdeen, Wa. 98520 


Musical Directors of RIR All-Star Band: 
Mark Bosch (Ian Hunter, Rant Band, Garland Jeffries)
Lou Esposito(Joe Walsh, Bo Diddley, and Chuck Berry)
RIR Musical Contributors For D&R June 27:
Eliot Jacobs- Guitar (Peter Criss Band,The Capris)
Tommy Zvoncheck - Keys  (Formerly of Blue Oyster Cult)
John Gianoulis - Drums (Earl Slick Band,Felix Cavaliere)
Lee Brovitz- Lead Vocals & Bass(Cyndi Lauper)
Casey Montana Rogers-(Recovery Unplugged)
Please feel free to call our Director Rob Vincent 877-799-8773

Thank you to our 17,000 Email fans, and the millions we reach everyday through Rockers In Recovery. I want to thank you for your support.
Lori Sullivan - Co-Founder
Rockers In Recovery
Email Lori
California Murder Spree Raises Questions of Mental Health System, Warning Signs

“At some point in our lives – and probably at many points – each one of us will face situations that are painful, disappointing, even devastating,” said Dr. Karl Benzio, founder, executive director, and a psychiatrist at Lighthouse Network. “Whether it’s broken or non-existent relationships, business or personal failure, or the betrayal or death of a loved one, painful experiences and situations are unavoidable. The only thing over which we have any control is our decision on how we respond to life’s onslaughts. Some people respond by denying a problem exists, some by turning to prescription medication or illegal substances as an unhealthy coping mechanism, and some, sadly, by giving into anger and rage until these spill over into harmful actions against themselves or others.”  
A Testimony of a Changed Life

“Lighthouse Network brought our family so much peace by helping our son get the right kind of treatment for alcohol and drug abuse that was also affordable. Where can a parent turn to trust the care of their precious child in such a life-threatening circumstance? We can’t thank the Lighthouse Network team enough for the blessing they were to our family and our son. They were so flexible and accommodating with our son and his recovery process. We are so grateful for all they did to help him live life free from addictions. Thank you, Lighthouse, from the bottom of our hearts.”
New Lighthouse Network Radio Feature:
"Life Change with Dr. Karl

Lighthouse Network introduces its newest, life-changing radio short feature that helps you to grow in your parenting skills and cope with addiction issues in your family, while also helping you to support those you love. Lighthouse Network's "Life Change with Dr. Karl" radio feature airs every Monday through Friday on more than 420 radio stations nationwide.

Please click here to listen to “Life Change with Dr. Karl.”
Resources from Lighthouse Network:
This video will walk you through a biblical perspective on Depression, and helps you develop skills to help overcome its symptoms and to cope with struggles going forward. 
Mental Health and Addiction Awareness  Beaded Crystal Bracelet
 Each bracelet has 11 colorful and attractive beads to represent one category of mental health or addiction issues.
This 1-hour DVD is a great resource for parents, teachers, pastors, counselors, and those diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder.
Free Stepping Stones Devotional

Click here to receive The Stepping Stones Daily Devotional, which will encourage and challenge you while helping you grow in your daily walk with God.

If you or someone you love needs help, call our FREE 24/7 Lighthouse Network addiction and counseling helpline, 1-844-LIFE-CHANGE (1-844-543-3242).
About Lighthouse Network:

Lighthouse Network is a Christian-based, non-profit organization that offers an addiction and mental health counseling helpline providing treatment options and resources to equip people and organizations with the skills necessary to shine God's glory to the world, stand strong on a solid foundation in the storms of their own lives, and provide guidance and safety to others experiencing stormy times, thus impacting their lives, their families and the world.

Lighthouse Network offers help through two main service choices:
  • Lighthouse Life Change Helpline (1-844-LIFE-CHANGE, 1-844-543-3242), a 24-hour free, national crisis call center, where specialists (Care Guides) help callers understand and access customized treatment options.
  • Life Growth and self-help training resources for daily life, including online and DVD series and training events to help individuals achieve their potential

Friday, June 6, 2014

Old Hershey Plant Switches From Chocolate to Marijuana Production
/By Join Together Staff
May 29th, 2014/

A former Hershey chocolate production plant in Ontario, Canada has become home to a marijuana production facility, The New York Times reports. The facility houses 50,000 marijuana plants.

The plant is now owned by Tweed Marijuana, one of about 20 companies licensed to grow medical marijuana in Canada, the article notes. When the government first approved medical marijuana in 2000, it allowed people to grow their own or turn over their growing to small operations, prompting complaints from law enforcement.

Canada now has a heavily regulated system to grow and sell marijuana. People with prescriptions for medical marijuana must purchase it from an approved large-scale producer such as Tweed.

“It’s just so rare that you have an industry that’s growing but which has a huge established market,” Tweed Chief Executive Chuck Rifici told the newspaper. “A year ago, if you asked me if I’d be working while looking at thousands of pot plants, I would never have thought that would be the case.”

In the United States, medical marijuana is legal in 20 states and the District of Columbia, and recreational marijuana is legal in Washington state and Colorado. Marijuana remains illegal under U.S. federal law, creating uncertainty in the marijuana growing business. The federal government recently banned marijuana growers in states where the drug is legal from using federal water on their crops.

Old Hershey Plant Switches From Chocolate to Marijuana Production
/By Join Together Staff
May 29th, 2014/

A former Hershey chocolate production plant in Ontario, Canada has become home to a marijuana production facility, The New York Times reports. The facility houses 50,000 marijuana plants.

The plant is now owned by Tweed Marijuana, one of about 20 companies licensed to grow medical marijuana in Canada, the article notes. When the government first approved medical marijuana in 2000, it allowed people to grow their own or turn over their growing to small operations, prompting complaints from law enforcement.

Canada now has a heavily regulated system to grow and sell marijuana. People with prescriptions for medical marijuana must purchase it from an approved large-scale producer such as Tweed.

“It’s just so rare that you have an industry that’s growing but which has a huge established market,” Tweed Chief Executive Chuck Rifici told the newspaper. “A year ago, if you asked me if I’d be working while looking at thousands of pot plants, I would never have thought that would be the case.”

In the United States, medical marijuana is legal in 20 states and the District of Columbia, and recreational marijuana is legal in Washington state and Colorado. Marijuana remains illegal under U.S. federal law, creating uncertainty in the marijuana growing business. The federal government recently banned marijuana growers in states where the drug is legal from using federal water on their crops.