Friday, August 17, 2018

B  oth those struggling with substance abuse and their parents/loved ones worry about a relapse when the person gets out of treatment. Being in drug rehab is a safe environment and stepping back into day to day life can be riddled with pitfalls, some of which can be avoided relatively easy if you know what to watch out for. Here are some helpful guidelines:
1. Hanging out with the same group of people you were around before treatment. This is perhaps one of the most common pieces of advice from counselors to those fresh out of recovery. This is a huge problem for those getting out of treatment. They don't want to cut off their old friends, but their old friends are still doing the same old thing, alcohol and drugs. While your old friends may not be bad people, you have to realize they could be detrimental to your continued sobriety.
2. Letting problems in your life continue and do nothing about them. Substance abuse is how addicts “deal” with problems in their life. So, leaving problems in your life continue creates stress and can lead to a relapse for someone with a past of substance abuse problems.

3. Not setting goals or having any ambitions. Life is constantly changing, and everyone is getting better or getting worse. There is no constant normal. Failing to progress in life and move toward a goal can cause boredom and eventually lead recovering addicts to feel depressed. Their relapse could be just one small goal-less step away.
4. Not communicating with your support group. Whether this is your family, a 12-step meeting, or a group of good friends, they play a key role in your recovery. They give you an outlet to deal with your stress. Life is harder when you're alone and not talking to those who are supportive or even worse lying to friends and family hurts both them and you. Allow those around you to help and life will be a little easier. So will staying sober.
5. Getting into a relationship too quickly or with someone you shouldn't be with.Relationships can be a beautiful thing but that is when it is a healthy relationship. When you get into a relationship you are adding to your responsibilities and for someone just getting stable, it can be detrimental. Wait till you are stable and have established your “new normal” before getting into a relationship.
Help someone you know stay sober by using the above advice. And if someone you know is struggling with addiction, get them the help they need.
Narconon New Life Retreat offers beautiful and comfortable facilities matched with a highly successful non 12 step program which results in higher success rate

Finding The Music

The journey back from drug addiction is different for each of us.  No matter where we come from or how our addiction affected us we can all learn from each other.

Stepping Stones to Recovery

 Life before Narconon was pretty much a big game to me, just not a survival one.  Life got to the point that I started to get amused by pain and I didn’t even care about anything anymore

Got My Life Back

How does someone wind up addicted to drugs? The truth is each person’s descent into drug addiction is different. This amazing story shows us a different perspective on how a person becomes addicted to drugs.
PRO-ACT Recovery Walks! 2018
Great Plaza, Penn’s Landing, Philadelphia PA
Registration 7:00am │ Pre-Walk Program 8:15am
Walk 9:00am, followed by entertainment
Be a Part of the Honor Guard and Lead the 2018 Recovery Walks!
Last year, the men and women in the Honor Guard proudly represented a combined 6,300 years of addiction recovery!
The Honor Guard are individuals with 10+ years of recovery, and have led the Walk since its inception. Ten years of recovery is an important milestone and enduring symbol. It is the symbol of hope and proof that recovery is possible and it is happening now!
Sign up for the Honor Guard when registering at Pick up your purple sash at the Honor Guard Booth in the Great Plaza before the start of the Walk.
The Honor Guard will assemble on stage* for the annual group picture at 8:45 a.m., and will lead the Walk at 9:00 a.m.
*Please note that this is a new location from previous years.
Be a part of an event that puts the beauty of life in recovery on full display for everyone.
Volunteer! We need your help to make the Walk a success!
Sign up to volunteer at or call 215-923-1661 x4 for more information.
PRO-ACT is hosted by The Council of Southeast Pennsylvania, Inc.
Recovery Support Line: 800-221-6333
See what's happening on our social sites:
The Council of Southeast Pennsylvania, Inc. | 4459 W Swamp RoadDoylestown , PA 18902
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Top Drug & Alcohol News of the Week
PLEASE NOTE: We are taking a publishing hiatus the last two weeks of August and will resume service Thursday, September 6. Thank you for being a loyal reader.
Cemetery and funeral mourners
Drug Overdoses Killed 72,000 Americans Last Year: CDC
Drug overdoses rose 10 percent last year, killing an estimated 72,000 Americans, according to a new report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Read More
doctor and patient
Doctors Told of Patients’ Opioid Overdose Deaths Less Likely to Prescribe the Drugs
A new study finds doctors who were informed of their patients’ deaths from prescription opioids were less likely to prescribe the drugs for new patients. Read More
Pregnant woman
Pregnant Women Addicted to Opioids When Giving Birth Increases Fourfold
The number of pregnant women addicted to opioids when they give birth increased fourfold from 1999 to 2014, according to a new government report. Read More
Help Us Continue to Empower Families:

Some People May be Using Opioids Intended for Their Pets, FDA Warns
Some people may be using opioids that veterinarians have prescribed for their pets, the Food and Drug Administration said this week. Read More
Teens with Substance Use Disorder, Conduct Disorder at Higher Risk of Early Death
American teens with substance use disorder and conduct disorder are five times more likely to die an early death compared with the general population, a new study concludes. Read More
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352 Park Ave South | 9th Floor | New York, NY 10010