Saturday, December 31, 2011


Happy New Year!! Lets make sure we do our very best for ourselves and the ones we love . New Year means, I made it through the last by GODS grace!Learn from it and don't relive it, a life full of regret is no life at all.

Thursday, December 29, 2011


Today we need to watch our words and how we speak about ourselves and others.  Did you ever notice that you say something negative about your day or a certain situation and it happens.  The Bible teaches us that what we speak can set the course for our day.  We must be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to get angry.  Instead of thinking about yesterday and letting that decide how your day is going to be, start with 5 minutes in quiet and tell yourself today is a new day,  I can and will have a great day and overcome all of life's challenges!  REMEMBER JESUS LOVES YOU!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


We must never forget the ones we have lost in the battle of addiction.  Our hope and prayer at Recovery Connections is to reach the living through the lost.  Send us your photos of loved ones lost via e-mail.Lets give them a voice,  they will ever remain in our hearts,  let not there pain and sorrow be in vain.  Though they have moved on they will speak from this page louder than they did in life.  Just give them the chance!!


Things in life that our difficult are worth doing.  Have you ever noticed that the challenges we face that come easy are not as appreciated as much as those things we have to work really hard for.  I have been slow going at adding to this blog because it takes hard work and I have been feeling discouraged.  I know that this blog will reach people even if its only just one and it helps them find their way to freedom from addiction then all the hard work will be worth it.  So no matter what challenge you face in life,  do it with all your heart and make it worth doing!  REMEMBER JESUS LOVES YOU!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Thought for the day

Merry christmas!! For everone,today is a day we share with the ones we love, so live laugh and love like theres no tommorw.Remember Jesus loves you,and today is his bithday,We celebrate because he gave us a reason too.

Saturday, December 24, 2011


Todays thought is a thought we must put into action.When considering others our first action shoulb be is to encourage , especially with the ones that are close to us. This blog is work and it would be nice to be encouraged with a comment from someone who reads these thoughts. to be honest am I really reaching anyone .So please encourage me and let me know if I am helping anyone out there.