Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Education that benefits both you and your clients.
Los Angeles, California
July 27 - 29, 2018
Hosted by
Westside Treatment

International Recovery Institute offers a cutting-edge 3-day training led by top professionals in the addiction field.

Offering the most applicable, best-practice professional curriculum, advanced training, for
Recovery Specialists
A Recovery Specialist is defined as an individual who provides one on one client and/or family services within a treatment setting and/or client’s home comunity or travel,
job titles include:


Who Deserves the Best?
Whether a beginner or experienced Recovery Specialist, add to your skill set with advanced family systems, ethics, multicultural systems, crisis management and continuum of care planning.
Final 2018 training...
Nashville, Tennessee
November 6 - 8, 2018

International Recovery Institute is a Joint Venture of:
If you have questions or would like to get more information, contact JP Harrison at:


Friday, June 22, 2018

Top Drug & Alcohol News of the Week
Better Research Needed
FEATURED COMMENTARY: More, Better Research Needed on Marijuana’s Effects on Teens and Young Adults
A recent retrospective review published in JAMA Psychiatry demonstrates how little we know about the effects of marijuana use, particularly on teenagers and young adults. Read More
Too few survive
Too Few People Who Survive Opioid Overdose Get Medication-Assisted Treatment
A new study concludes too few people who survive an opioid overdose receive medication-assisted treatment that will reduce the chance of another overdose. Read More
Meth Use is Surging in Communities Already Struggling With Opioid Crisis
Methamphetamine use is surging in communities around the country that are already struggling with the opioid crisis, NPR reports. Read More
Help Us Continue to Empower Families:

42 Percent of Millennials Know Someone Who Has Dealt With Opioid Addiction
A poll of young adults finds 42 percent say they know someone who has dealt with an opioid addiction, according to NBC News. Read More
People Who Survive Opioid Overdose Remain at Increased Risk of Dying
People who survive an opioid overdose remain at increased risk of dying from a variety of causes, including drugs, other medical problems or suicide, according to a new study. Read More
NIH Terminates Study on Alcohol in Light of Questions About Industry Ties
The National Institutes of Health has announced it is ending a study on the benefits and risks of moderate alcohol consumption, in light of questions about industry funding for the study. Read More
Other Headlines of Interest
Parent Toll-Free Helpline1-855-DRUGFREE

© Partnership for Drug-Free Kids
352 Park Ave South | 9th Floor | New York, NY 10010

Thursday, June 21, 2018

June 21 2018 Through the Twelve Steps With Spiritual Support from Scripture

Luke 9 v 55 v 56  Jesus said ,You don't know what manner of spirit you are of ,For the son of man did not come to destroy men's lives but to save them.

STEP 2. We came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose. Philippians 2:13 NIV

Discover this truth and believe every word and your life will begin to change.When Jesus Christ walked this Earth,His mission then was to help the sick broken and those who were lost. Jesus was eventually murdered by the religious priests of the day because Jesus helped people that the priests hated and they thought were unworthy of Gods love.The priests of the day had there way of doing things and Jesus mocked them and their traditions. So in a way Jesus is a lot like us , a rebel ! Jesus knows what it is like to struggle ! Jesus experienced pain and suffering that could never be described with words.Jesus Christ died a criminals death in your place to make thing right with God our father and creator and then like now he is still your lawyer , fighting for you protecting you counseling you and loving you! Jesus said come to me all who are burdened and I will give you rest. Like the thief on the cross next to Jesus on his day of execution we can be with Jesus in paradise , all we have to do is believe. Jesus Christ died for your disease of addiction ,He nailed it to the cross!Receive Jesus as your Savior ask Him to enter your heart and  life!

By Joseph Dickerson/Recovery Connections Need Help email us recoveryfriends@gmail.comPsalm 103v3 He forgives all my sins and Heals all my diseases!   

June 20, 2018
Call Your U.S. Representative Today to Oppose the Overdose Prevention and Patient Safety Act (H.R. 6082)
You weighed in once before and we need your voice again – Congress votes TODAY!  Please help protect the privacy rights of individuals with substance use disorders.
This afternoon, June 20, the House of Representatives will debate and vote on H.R. 6082, the Overdose Prevention and Patient Safety Act. This bill would expand the circumstances under which medical records relating to substance use disorders could be disclosed without a patient’s written consent.
NAADAC strongly opposes this legislation and requests that you contact your U.S. Representative today to urge him or her to vote NO on this bill. H.R. 6082 is a clear departure from current laws intended to protect individuals’ confidentiality and this bill threatens the integrity of the patient-provider relationship. 
We expect the House to take up this bill, with debate, beginning this afternoon.
Why oppose this bill? Here's why recovery organizations, patient advocacy groups, and health policy organizations strongly oppose H.R. 6082:
  • The bill is harmful: It would eliminate the SUD patient's current legal ability to consent to disclose his/her SUD treatment information for "treatment, payment, and health care operations" purposes, allowing such information to be disclosed and re-disclosed to health plans, health care providers, and other entities without the patient's knowledge and consent;
  • The bill could discourage people from getting SUD treatment: Since the bill's proposed anti-discrimination provisions will not be sufficient to protect people currently using illegal substances from discrimination or protect their patient records from being subpoenaed or seized and used to prosecute them, people might be afraid to get the treatment they need; and
  • The bill is unnecessary: Current federal confidentiality law, 42 U.S.C. §290dd-2 and its recently updated regulations at 42 C.F.R. Part 2, support care coordination among providers in electronic health systems and current health delivery models, while maintaining patient confidentiality. 
Call Your U.S. Representative TODAY: Please call the U.S. Capitol directly at 202-224-3121 to be connected to your U.S. Representative to urge him/her to oppose H.R. 6082 Click here to find your U.S. Representative.
  • What You Need to Say: "As an addiction professional and constituent who lives in the Representatives district, I would like the Representative to oppose the Overdose Prevention and Safety Act, H.R. 6082 during this week’s Energy and Commerce committee markup.  This bill would reduce fundamental protections for people receiving addiction treatment by allowing the sharing of patient health information to a wide range of entities without their consent.  In the middle of our nation's opioid crisis, H.R. 6082 would prevent people from entering care without feat that their treatment records could be used against them in harmful and discriminatory ways."

Thank you for your dedication to support those in need of addiction and mental health prevention, intervention, treatment, and recovery support!

NAADACThe Association for Addiction Professionals
44 Canal Center Plaza, Suite 301Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: 703.741.7686 / 800.548.0497

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