Thursday, April 12, 2012

Submit your question to Chris Herren now.

Dear Joseph,

Inspirational, motivational, educational.

These are just a few words that could describe the amazing work by former professional basketball player and father Chris Herren, celebrating three and a half years in recovery from a drug and alcohol addiction.

The Partnership at is honored that Chris will host the next "Meet The Parents Hour" -- a live Facebook Q&A chat -- to talk about substance abuse recovery on Monday, April 16 at 12 p.m. EDT/9 a.m. PDT.

To make sure everyone has the chance to ask his or her question, submit yours in advance, and Chris will do his best to get to it during the session.

Submit your question to Chris Herren now.

Chris struggled with drug addiction for much of his basketball career and ultimately realized his dreams by playing for the Boston Celtics in the NBA, only to lose it all to substance abuse.

But since losing one dream, he has been able to rise again with a new one; a life of sobriety.

Drug- and alcohol-free since 2008, Chris now travels the country sharing his story and the experiences that led him to recovery with the hopes of reaching one person or assisting a family who may be facing a loved one's addiction. He also runs The Herren Project, a nonprofit foundation established in 2011 that assists individuals and families struggling with addiction.

Don't miss out on this special opportunity to chat live with Chris Herren and hear his story. Submit your questions now and then visit our Facebook timeline on April 16 to take part in the live chat:

We look forward to seeing you at our next "Meet The Parents Hour."

Thank you,

Tom Hedrick
Parent Support Leader
The Partnership at

P.S. If you haven't Liked us yet on Facebook, do it now so you can participate in the live chat session.


Dear RIR Friends,

"RIR Band members Ricky Byrd, Liberty DeVitto, and Christine Ohlman are off to Cleveland to prepare for the April 13 Rock n' Roll Hall Of Fame Pre-Induction Gala.

Ricky and Christine will also join Paul Shaffer and Carole King in inducting Don Kirshner at the April 14 induction ceremony, filmed for May 5 premier on HBO.

Watch for more information on the May 5 premier on HBO:

Ricky Byrd, Liberty DeVitto, and Christine Ohlman along with the rest of the RIR Band looks forward to seeing everyone May 26, 2012 for the RIR 2nd Annual Concert and Picnic. Venue 1St Step Sober House of Pompano Beach. This concert and picnic is sponsored by Treatment Solutions Network and Miami Subs and Grill.

Meet The RIR Band:

Love & Peace,

John Hollis


If your interested in becoming a sponsor for the May 26 concert, please call John Hollis at 954-826-4920 or Email no later then May 1,2012.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Millions of people are struggling with drug or alcohol addiction every day. Finding the appropriate addiction rehab has always been a challenge. We understand how important it is for you to find a treatment facility that is most equipped to treat your disease. A licensed facility with doctors, nurses , therapists and recovery coaches on staff with experience in substance abuse and dual diagnosis treatment.

A Center For Addiction Recovery is a rehab facility that for over 10 years has been helping to provide a safe, comfortable and effective rehab center and treatment facility offering the emotional, physical and spiritual healing required for the treatment for compulsive and addictive behaviors.
Our substance abuse treatment programs are individualized for each client according to her or his lifestyle and addiction behaviors. We want all our clients to not only stop the addiction and the destructive behavior they are involved in, but learn to live the productive and sober life they once knew or are searching for now. Realizing that a major setback for all drug or alcohol addiction is the relapse, we work with all our clients to understand the triggers for relapse such as people, locations and situations, thus minimizing the chances of relapse.

A Center for Addiction Recovery is a comprehensive addiction treatment center offering interventions, detox, drug rehab, alcohol rehab as well as treatment for a wide range of mental health issues (dual-diagnosis treatment). Our rehab center offers treatment for the following addictions and mental health issues, including but not limited to:

Alcohol Rehab
Bath Salts Rehab
Cocaine Addiction Treatment
Heroin Rehab
Marijuana Rehab
Meth Rehab
Prescription Drug Rehab
ADD, ADHD Treatment
Eating Disorders Treatment
Gambling Addiction Treatment
Sex Addiction Treatment
Bipolar Disorder Treatment
Depression, Anxiety Treatment
Mood Disorders Treatment
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
We at A Center for Addiction Recovery take pride in the success rate of recovery in our drug rehab programs. Our treatment programs incorporate traditional and holistic addiction treatment programs. Call now to get a FREE comprehensive assessment with one of our addiction treatment specialists. Whether you are just curious about the addiction treatment programs we offer, have questions about cost and insurance or seeking help for a loved one, rest assured that your inquiry will be kept confidential and our staff will guide you to the right solution. Our Addiction treatment staff is experienced in dealing with substance abuse and addiction issues, as many are former sufferers themselves who have dedicated their lives to treat others struggling with addiction.

When you call and talk to one of our licensed counselors at A Center for Addiction Recovery, you will be treated with the dignity you deserve and get the help you are looking for. You will get an understanding of the processes of addiction and its vicious cycle. Discussing your addiction with one of our counselors will give you the knowledge you need to have to choose the most appropriate treatment you need. From Intervention, Detox to Rehabilitation and Recovery, we offer you the tools you need to stop the cycle of addiction and struggle.

Drug Detox / Alcohol DetoxA Center for Addiction Recovery offers a safe, medically supervised Detox to those whose recovery requires detoxification, as part of the comprehensive addiction treatment program.
Our Drug and Alcohol Detox Program recognizes the importance of comfort and constant support through the hardest part of addiction recovery. We believe our clients benefit when they know the way their body is reacting to the withdrawal of substances from their system, and are better placed to cope with the whole process when they receive this supportive and sympathetic feedback.

Detox as part of addiction treatment and rehab programs is available for alcohol, cocaine, heroin, meth, marijuana, ecstasy (MDMA), prescription drugs, and other addictive drugs.

A Center for Addiction Recovery specializes in treating a wide variety of addictions and co-occurring disorders. For more information on drug detox, opiates detox and alcohol detox, call us toll free at 800-570-4562 or e-mail us.

Cocaine Rehab / Cocaine Addiction TreatmentCocaine Rehab may involve medications to help with the different aspects of the cocaine addiction treatment process. Our Cocaine addiction treatment is tailored to the individual patient's needs that often involve a combination of traditional addiction treatment therapies, alternative therapies, social support groups, and other therapeutic treatments. Through individualized treatment, recovery from cocaine addiction is achieved and the chances of relapse are minimized.

A Center for Addiction Recovery specializes in treating a wide variety of addictions and co-occurring disorders, for more information on cocaine rehab and cocaine addiction treatment, call us toll free at 800-570-4562 or e-mail us.

Heroin Rehab / Heroin Addiction TreatmentHeroin Rehab usually begins with medically assisted detoxification to help patients withdraw from the drug safely. Medications such as clonidine and, buprenorphine can be used to help minimize symptoms of withdrawal. Our Heroin addiction treatment is tailored to the individual patient's needs and it often involves a combination of traditionaladdiction treatment therapies, alternative therapies, social support groups, and other therapies. Recovery from heroin addiction is almost only possible through the medical and psycological treatment. Heroin addiction is one of the hardest addiction to beat and one that requires intensive treatment.

A Center for Addiction Recovery specializes in treating a wide variety of addictions and co-occurring disorders, for more information on heroin rehab, heroin addiction treatment, call us toll free at 800-570-4562 or send us an e-mail.

Meth Rehab / Meth Addiction TreatmentMeth Rehab usually begins with medically assisted detoxification to help patients withdraw from the drug safely. Our meth addiction treatment is tailored to the individual patient's needs and it often involves a combination of traditional addiction treatment therapies, alternative therapies, social support groups, and other therapies. Meth addiction is another devastating addiction that recovery from it requires intensive therapy.

A Center for Addiction Recovery specializes in treating a wide variety of addictions and co-occurring disorders, for more information on meth rehab, meth addiction treatment, call us toll free at 800-570-4562 or e-mail us.

Prescription Drug Rehab / Prescription Drug Addiction TreatmentPrescription Drug Rehab treatment is required for addiction to pain killer opiods and is similar to the treatment approaches to addiction to heroin. Prescription drug addiction treatment may include medications such as naltrexone, methadone, and buprenorphine, combined with behavioral counseling and psychological therapy.

Treatment of addiction to prescription stimulants, such as Ritalin, is often based on behavioral therapies that have proven effective in treating addiction to cocaine and methamphetamine. Systematic treatment programs make recovery from prescription drug addiction achievable.

A Center for Addiction Recovery specializes in treating a wide variety of addictions and co-occurring disorders, for more information on prescription drug rehab, prescription drug addiction treatment, call us toll free at 800-570-4562 or e-mail us.

Gambling Addiction Treatment / Gambling RehabGambling Addiction Treatment incorporates cognitive behavioral therapy approach - how we think (cognitive) and how we act (behavior). This recognizes the powerful relationship between thoughts, feelings and behavior and the impact it has on addiction and therefore, recovery. Our gambling addiction treatment program is designed to help clients explore feelings and behaviors which trigger the need for gambling. Through therapy like behavior modifications and support from family and friends, recovery from gambling addiction is achieved.

A Center for Addiction Recovery specializes in treating a wide variety of addictions and co-occurring disorders, for more information on gambling rehab, gambling addiction treatment, call us toll free at 800-570-4562 or e-mail us.

Eating Disorders TreatmentEating Disorders Treatment (Anorexia, Bulimia, and Overeating) offered to those struggling with weight issues are delivered through a stepped approach. We first restore the health of our clients and stabilize the medical crisis (in case of anorexia) and then engage the client in multidisciplinary restorative cognitive behavioral therapies which also include relearning healthy lifestyle choices with supported eating plans. Eating disorder is common problem with many struggling with substance abuse and other forms of addiction.

A Center for Addiction Recovery specializes in treating a wide variety of addictions and co-occurring disorders, for more information on eating disorders treatment, call us toll free at 800-570-4562 or e-mail us.

Sex Addiction TreatmentSex addiction, not unlike drug addiction, is a disorder that is highly destructive and can destroy families and marriages. As drug and alcohol treatment professionals, we understand that sexual addiction is more common among substance abusers than other members of the society and we approach sex addiction treatment with the same focus and intensity as chemical dependency cases and like any compulsive behavior disorder treatment.

Unlike drug addiction treatment or alcohol addiction treatment, the sexual addiction treatment does not follow the goal of lifelong abstinence. The sexual addiction therapy focuses on the goal of ending the compulsive and unhealthy sexual behavior.

In treatment of this compulsive disorder trained sexual addiction counselor will interview the affected individual as well as other member(s) of his/her family who in some way are affected by this disorder.
We realize how crucial it is to understand the vulnerability of those suffering from this disorder, therefore extra-ordinary steps will be taken to make parties involved understand our commitment to the total confidentiality of the subject matter. We also know that the success of the program is absolutely dependent on the clients' full trust in us as well as their trust in the program. We are confident that with time, trust and the hard work on the part of the addicted individuals with focused therapy by skilled therapist the compulsive behavior will be treated and the affected individual will be able to gain his or her life back.

A Center for Addiction Recovery specializes in treating a wide variety of addictions and co-occurring disorders, for more information on sexual addiction treatment, call us toll free or send us an e-mail.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Treatment centers close to Potter County!

Name/Address/Phone Type of
Ownership Last
Inspection Activity (Added On) -
Client capacity -
License Status
7095 ROUTE 287

Additional Services Non-Profit 08/25/2011 Outpatient Drug-Free (05/08/1992)
Client Capacity: 80
License Status: Full

Partial Hospitalization Drug-Free (09/28/1994)
Client Capacity: 30
License Status: Full


Additional Services Non-Profit 03/24/2011 Inpatient Non-Hospital Drug-Free Transitional Living Facility (12/20/2007)
Client Capacity: 28
License Status: Full

(Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Hospital)

Additional Services Non-Profit 08/01/2011 Inpatient Hospital Detoxification (02/07/1985)
Client Capacity: 4
License Status: Full

(Tioga County Commissioners)
St. James and Third Streets, Building A, Suite 109

Additional Services Non-Profit 01/26/2011 Outpatient Drug-Free (09/02/1997)
Client Capacity: 107
License Status: Full

Recovery Connections: Pennsylvania Department of Health D&A Facility Lo...

Recovery Connections: Pennsylvania Department of Health D&A Facility Lo...:  Click on the map to select county! Awesome resource ! Search Instructions     Overview     Definitions     Non-DA Facilities Map     N...

Sunday, April 8, 2012

“Bath Salts” Abuse: What You Need to Know Part I

By Sullivan Smith, MD | April 3, 2012 | 3 Comments | Filed in Addiction, Drugs &Treatment

In the first half of a two-part column, Sullivan Smith, MD, Medical Director of the Cookeville (Tennessee) Regional Medical Center, discusses the basics of “bath salts” and “plant food,” and whatsubstance abuse professionals need to know about these popular synthetic drugs. Today, he talks about the history of bath salts, what they do to people who take them and why they are probably significantly underreported.

Bath salts and plant food, while they have been in the news lately, are nothing new. They were originally explored in attempt to find new and better antidepressants by universities and pharmaceuticalcompanies as long ago as the 1920’s. For whatever reason, they were not re-discovered until recently.

The little that we know about these drugs comes mostly from European literature, where they have been a problem for several years before they made their way to the United States. After becoming illegal in the European Union, clandestine labs began to surface in order to supply them. While the manufacture of these drugs is quite different than methamphetamine, the same precursor is used to produce these drugs—pseudoephedrine.

The first important point is that they are not any sort of bath salt nor plant food. Both of these terms come from some of the trade names when they were originally being marketed. These drugs are various derivatives of methcathinone, also known as khat. As a derivative of a Schedule I drug, the federal Controlled Substances Act would then designate these drugs as schedule I “to the extent that they are intended for human consumption.”

These synthetic drugs are sold with the labeling “Not intended for human consumption,” clearly circumventing the Controlled Substances Act. With this labeling, drug dealers can and do call their products whatever they choose. Marketing websites report that these drugs are legal in all 50 states. The craze to use them was in part fueled by the fact that they were legally sold over the counter in places like convenience stores and head shops.

Because they were sold legally, many people thought that these drugs had to be safe. There are literally dozens and dozens of names used to market them, and the list continues to grow. Some of the common names you may have heard are: Molly’s Plant Food, Super Molly’s, Ivory Snow, Scarface, Jamaican Me Crazy, Charlie Sheen, Sprinkles, Sprinklezz, Lucky, Purple Monkey and a whole host of others.

The second important point is what happens when people take these drugs. They represent a class of chemicals with common chemical central structures, and they work at the serotonin receptors in the brain. While there are nuances in the effects of these drugs when compared to one another, the effects are similar and comparable to those of Ecstasy early after consumption.

Internet sites report the drugs produce a very euphoric feeling which is much better than Ecstasy, and legal. As time goes by, the effects look more and more like methamphetamine. Common effects are euphoria, a sense of well being, a sense of empathy, teeth grinding, jerking eye movements, profuse sweating, high blood pressure, high body temperature, fast heart rate, anorexia, diminished thirst, paranoia, hallucinations, seizures, significant violent outbursts, self injurious behaviors and suicidal thoughts and acts. Deaths have been reported as the direct result of the abuse of these drugs. The European literature and the early experience in the United States demonstrates a clear potential for addiction.

The third important point is that this problem is probably significantly underreported. Most likely, it is because these drugs do not show up on standard toxicology tests. As such, many cases are suspected to be related to these drugs, yet are never scientifically proven. In my Center, it was once unusual to see patients who had taken bath salts; it is now an easily recognized and regular event.

Sullivan Smith, MD, FACEP, is Medical Director of the Cookeville (Tennessee) Regional Medical Center; the Medical Director of Putnam County EMS and Clay County EMS; Chairman of the Tennessee Emergency Medical Services Board and Lieutenant of the Cookeville Police Department SWAT.