Saturday, May 10, 2014

The Brilliant Diary of Mary Rose, Truthteller
An addict youth's tell-all for a new generation from Legs Mcneil and Gillian McCain. “I think for parents who actually talk to their kids, this book is a great conversation starter. For parents who don’t talk to their kids, this is going to be a time bomb.” 

authors via Jonathan Marder + Company


What lies at the intersection of the best years of your life, the best writing some of you may ever do, and abject humiliation? Ladies, you already know the answer. Gents, you may only have experience taking a knife to its cheap little lock.

I’m referring, of course, to your diaries. 

There is a lot of fun and misery to be had when you crack one open after, say, 30 years of closure, and have a read. That’s some good shit right there.

"I wish I had a dick, so I could tell the world to suck it," is one of co-editor Legs McNeil's favorite lines in Dear Nobody: The True Diary of Mary Rose (Sourcebooks), the new book under discussion today with McNeill and co-editor Gillian McCain.

Perhaps the modern batch of teen solipsists will quit the microblogging and go longhand, for a change.

A diary can equal some dollar signs, if you’re so inclined. There’s Lesley Arfin’s Dear Diary from 2007. In it, she looks up the players who starred in her entries during her ‘tweens to twenties and tries to find out what they remember. The original entries and the updates play side by side in her book. Doesn’t that kind of pervert the purity of the diary, though?

Diaries don’t even have to be real in order to sell. They just have to reek of a lurid tell-all. When I was devouring the classic Go Ask Alice back in my wasteoid salad days, I assumed the entries from a nameless good girl gone way bad in the late 1960s were all real. It turns out the author (billed as Anonymous on the book cover) was a novelist named Beatrice Sparks. Knowing this now turns the diary writer’s death by O.D. at the end of the novel into a cheesy cautionary tale: One more “drugs are bad” rant.

Good thing I had my own real diary going, where the drugs were very, very bad indeed. That is, when they weren’t being gooood.

An addict without a diary is sorry indeed. For the junkie and boozer who cheats death every day and gets amnesia almost as soon as anything happens, the diary is a way to remember - or to rewrite history, if the first version didn’t suit you. 

It’s also a message to whomever - or whatever - follows in the wake of your certain death.

Which brings us back to Dear Nobody: The True Diary of Mary Rose, a teenage girl’s collection of diary entries written in the late '90s. Unlike Go Ask Alice, the entries are real; unlike Arfin’s Dear Diary, the entries stand alone without the author’s present-day meddling.

Mary Rose couldn’t meddle even if she wanted to. She died of cystic fibrosis when she was 17. As she journaled, she knew the disease would eventually kill her. And if the cystic fibrosis didn’t get her, her boozing and drugging - including heroin - may have finished the job. According to McNeil, Mary Rose didn’t bother sobering up because she knew she didn’t have long to live. Her illness “makes it kind of moot,” he says. “‘Oh, you should stay sober, you shouldn’t do drugs.' Why? Why not.”


Mary Rose owes a lot of her style to McNeil, who co-founded Punk, the seminal '70s magazine dedicated to soft-spoken, marginalized people who make loud music; he was also a founding editor atSpin and currently writes for Vice. She also owes a debt to McCain, the New York-based writer and poet who was at one time the president of The Poetry Project. The duo's Please Kill Me: The Uncensored Oral History of Punk is unarguably the definitive book about the culture of Punk.

Which turned out to be one of Mary Rose’s favorite books. This isn’t surprising; the spirit of Please Kill Me’s players in the seminal days of punk - by turns sweet and nihilistic - is mirrored in Mary Rose. Her writing has a gleeful “I don’t give a fuck” mentality without any preachy overtones.

“What I found remarkable about Mary Rose was that she knew she was an alcoholic and drug addict at such a young age and she wasn’t in denial about it,” McCain says. “I think that’s pretty rare.”

No, Mary Rose wasn’t in denial, and she was very funny about it. “My life has become a dormant haze of boredom and bad hygiene,” she writes at one point. In that one sentence, she captures all of the squalor of being young and fucked up.

One facet of Dear Nobody's inception is that while McNeil has an affinity for much of this material, his partner in crime McCain is coming from a somewhat more prosaic perspective. "Legs has had a much more wild past than me," she says about the process of co-editing Please Kill Me and, perhaps, of their current project. "And [he has] first-hand experience with addiction. But i think it was beneficial to have someone who hadn't been 'there' at the time to partner in the book. He was the seasoned professional who had lived the life, I was more like the wide-eyed girl who moved to the city in order to meet all of these people. And to write a book like this!"

Dear Nobody could have been consigned to the closet or the couch if McNeil hadn’t asked his postmaster’s daughter what she had been reading lately.

“She listed the popular titles of the day but then she said ‘but the best thing I’ve ever read were these diaries that my best friend’s older sister wrote,’” he says.

McNeil and McCain began reading the diaries and they were enthralled. Working with Mary Rose’s piles of spiral bound notebooks - filled with 600-plus pages of short stories, schoolwork, poetry, and diary entries - they edited the work down to 330 pages of teen joy and misery compressed: abuse, pleasure, fighting with her mother, being wasted, coming to terms with the reality that, in her words: “I will never be the happy, healthy girl with the nice boyfriend and the perfect home. This is my reality … I awake to the bitter veneration of nauseating medicine as the taste of a ‘treatment’ fills my mouth and lungs.”

“You could really see her experimenting and trying to become a better and better writer,” McCain says.

Would Mary Rose have wanted her diary to reach the public? McCain thinks Mary Rose would be tickled by it.

“She was such an extrovert,” McNeil adds. “She liked having all the attention.”

It’s true; at the end, Mary Rose writes that she hopes her death is mourned with honor and respect. She doesn’t want to be forgotten.

Or, as she whiplashed between the poles of love/hate about a boyfriend: “God I love him. It’s just like every once in a while, he’ll say something really brilliant and pretty … [t]hen he’ll say something really stupid and I’ll think he’s fucking retarded.” And her parting salvo to him, shortly before her death: “You’re a loser and a dickhead fag asshole. There is no life after Mary Rose. You’ll be sorry babe. Goodbye.”

And yet this is the same girl who could write “I’ve just got to remember to be nice and warm-hearted in my overall relations to people.” But of course.


Dear Nobody is being marketed to a young adult audience; this is a population that doesn’t get a great deal of non-fiction. Or they get something that looks like a memoir, like Go Ask Alice. It’s a “convoluted” terrain, McCain points out: some readers don’t know the difference between fiction and nonfiction. 

So when Dear Nobody drops into a kid’s grimy hands, what will happen? Will this be the book that sends the kid down the vodka and heroin highway? The book that doesn’t glamorize addiction and abuse -but still makes partying in the woods, and being incoherent and angst-ridden, seem like the best solutions to the problems at hand.

“I think for parents who actually talk to their kids, this book is a great conversation starter. For parents who don’t talk to their kids this is going to be a time bomb,” McNeil says.

He didn’t think Dear Nobody would send anyone down a path they hadn’t already chosen.

“If kids are going to get fucked up and get high they’re going to find an excuse,” he says. “It’s like people who went and read Burroughs so they could do heroin. And all the people who read Bukowski who wanted to go drink. I think the kids that are not gonna get high are not gonna get high from reading this book. And the kids that are gonna get high - who have the genetic predisposition for alcoholism and addiction - will get high, sure.”

However, a good drug book may be found, not coincidentally, at the bedside of a dead addict.

“People died from heroin overdoses [while] reading Please Kill Me,” McNeil informs, adding that he believes Smashing Pumpkins keyboardist Jonathan Melvoin was reading the newly released book when he died of a heroin overdose in 1996.

Every generation needs its Go Ask Alice. Hopefully Mary Rose, with her big loopy girly handwriting (“she almost had hearts over the "is" but didn’t,” McCain says) and her sweet spirit in a damaged body will speak to a new generation of addicts, near-misses, or teen addicts-to-be. Perhaps the modern batch of teen solipsists will quit the microblogging and go longhand, for a change.

“Maybe this will spur other kids on to keep old-fashioned journals,” McCain says.

Along with Go Ask Alice, maybe Dear Nobody will be a Naked Lunch or Fear and Loathing for some other unsuspecting slob: It will be the book that sent you on your junkie boozer way. The manifesto for a very different and dirtier way of life. Perhaps it will be like Please Kill Me was for Mary Rose and so many of us.

“You surround yourself with things that make you happy,” McNeil says. “And if heroin makes you happy, then you surround yourself with Please Kill Me, you know?”

Jessica Willis, a former editor at Time Out New York, has written for the New York Press, New York Times and Black Book among others.

May 9, 2014Lighthouse Network's Weekly eNews Update
Featured in this issue:

News: May is Mental Health Month
Dr. Benzio Joins Focus on the Family Physicians Resource Council
Resources: Made for Good Works
Free Stepping Stones Devotional

Mental Health Month Aims to Grow Awareness, Dispel Stigmas
Mental health issues affect millions of adults and children in America, along with countless others when spouses, families, friends and co-workers are considered. 

"A healthy mental state, whether dealing with depression, addictions, eating disorders or a multitude of other issues certainly involves every part of the human being-the mind, body and spirit," said Lighthouse Network's Dr. Karl Benzio." To be healthy mentally, we must also nurture our bodies and feed our spirits. When Lighthouse recommends counseling or therapy, we always ensure that the entire person is being treated, looking at health from a three-pronged view." Continue reading...

Dr. Karl Benzio Joins Focus on the Family Physician Resource Council
Dr. Karl Benzio is pleased to announce that he has joined the Focus on the Family Physicians Resource Council.

The goal of the Physicians Resource Council is "to professionally strengthen and spiritually equip medical doctors and their spouses." 

Benzio will be one of five psychiatrists on the council. 

Resources: Made for Good Works
DVD (25 mins) with Karl Benzio, MD

This video focuses on assessing your options and making good choices. In this video you will learn about the Lighthouse Network decision making process, S.P.E.A.R.S. This process walks you step by step through the characteristics of every decision and situation that you encounter in your life. By learning this process and implementing it's methods you will have a tool for evaluating your life situations, understanding the feelings you are encountering, evaluating your options, effectively responding to life situations, and evaluating the outcomes of your choices. God has specially designed us all for good works and to be about His will and plans. This video will help you determine how to make decisions in line with your beliefs and life goals. 

Click here for more information or to order.

Free Stepping Stones Devotional
Click here to receive The Stepping Stones Daily Devotional, which will encourage and challenge you while helping you grow in your daily walk with God. 

If you or someone you love needs help, 
call our FREE 24/7 Lighthouse Network addiction and counseling helpline, 1-844-LIFE-CHANGE. 

Lighthouse Network 
800 W. State Street, Suite 302 
Doylestown, PA 18901 | Email | 1.844.LIFE.CHANGE

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About Lighthouse Network: 

Lighthouse Network is a Christian-based, non-profit organization that offers an addiction and mental health counseling helpline providing treatment options and resources to equip people and organizations with the skills necessary to shine God's glory to the world, stand strong on a solid foundation in the storms of their own lives, and provide guidance and safety to others experiencing stormy times, thus impacting their lives, their families and the world. 

Lighthouse Network offers help through two main service choices:

Lighthouse Life Change Helpline (1-844-LIFE-CHANGE), a 24-hour free, national crisis call center, where specialists (Care Guides) help callers understand and access customized treatment options.
Life Growth and self-help training resources for daily life, including online and DVD series and training events to help individu

Friday, May 9, 2014


Instruct the wise,
and they will be even wiser.
Teach the righteous,
and they will learn even more.

STEP 12 - Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to others , and to practice these principles in all our affairs.

We never stop learning or growing . I try too stay tuned too all the latest treatment methods , laws , treatment centers and the list goes on and on. Whats most important is , continue to pray and seek GOD in all you do. Never , ever forget where it is you came from and how hard it was too get where you are now . Complacency can take out the most seasoned recovery veteran if we are not careful . Always open your heart too others who are still enslaved and suffering , never give up on anyone . GOD still does miracles !Make sure your feet are on solid ground pray in all situations be positive , encourage , support and if its working don't change it .

1 Corinthians :13 4: 5 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.

By : Joseph Dickerson

Infant Who Swallowed E-Cigarette Refill Liquid Highlights Emerging Danger: Report
By Join Together Staff | May 8, 2014 | Leave a comment | Filed in Tobacco &Youth

Doctors in Philadelphia say a 10-month-old infant who was rushed to the emergency room after swallowing e-cigarette refill liquid is one of a growing number of children who have been harmed by the fluid.

In this week’s New England Journal of Medicine, the doctors describe the incident. The child recovered, HealthDay reports. But just “one teaspoon of a 1.8 percent nicotine solution could be lethal” to a person who weighs 200 pounds, the doctors note.
The baby boy was taken to the hospital after swallowing a small amount of e-liquid nicotine. He began vomiting after drinking the liquid. His heart rate increased and he showed signs of losing muscle control. His symptoms gradually subsided after about six hours in the hospital.

“With the growing use of e-cigarettes, physicians need to be alert for nicotine poisoning,” the doctors wrote. “They also need to educate patients and parents about this danger and advocate for measures that will help prevent potentially fatal liquid nicotine poisoning of infants and young children.” The liquids do not come in child-protective packaging, and many refill vials have colorful labels and cartoons, they noted.

Last month, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported poison control centers are receiving an increased number of callsabout nicotine poisoning from e-cigarettes. This February, centers received 215 calls, compared with about one per month in 2010. About half of calls related to nicotine poisoning from e-cigarettes involved children ages 5 or younger.

DEA Arrests at Least 150 People in Synthetic Drug Operation in 29 States

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) announced Wednesday it conducted a major crackdown on synthetic drugs that involved the arrest of at least 150 people in 29 states, and the seizure of more than $20 million in products and cash. Hundreds of thousands of packets of synthetic drugs were seized.

The operation comes a week after more than 100 people in Texas became ill from synthetic marijuana, the Los Angeles Times reports. “There’s a cluster of people with severe anxiety, some with seizures, that could be because of synthetic cannaboids,” Dr. Miguel Fernandez, Director of South Texas Poison Center, told the newspaper. “I would caution people not to use them because they are not like typical marijuana.”

Law enforcement officials and prosecutors have found it difficult to win convictions against makers of synthetic drugs, who are constantly changing the chemistry of the products to stay one step ahead of the law. In order to convict a synthetic drug maker, officials must prove the person sold the drug, and that the drug was substantially similar to a specifically banned substance. All a drug maker has to do is make small chemical changes to the products so they are not considered “analogues,” or chemical compounds that are similar to banned drugs.

Last year, the DEA and authorities in three other countries announced the arrests of dozens of people involved in trafficking designer drugs such as bath salts and synthetic marijuana. In the United States, the enforcement operations took place in 49 cities, and targeted retailers, wholesalers and manufacturers. The operations included more than 150 arrest warrants and almost 375 search warrants.

In 2013, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration reported 29,000 emergency department visits nationwide in 2011 resulting from use of synthetic marijuana, up from 11,000 in 2010.

Pentagon Targets Alcohol Consumption in Effort to Reduce Sexual Assault in the Military

The Defense Department (DOD) will target alcohol consumption as part of its campaign to reduce sexual assault in the military, Stars and Stripes reports. There were more than 5,000 reports of sexual assault by service members last year—a 50 percent jump from the previous year.

More than two-thirds of the reports involved alcohol use by either the victim, the assailant, or both. “[The alcohol policies] will be revised, where necessary, to address risks that alcohol poses to others, including the risk that alcohol is used as a weapon against victims in a predatory way,” said Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel.

Major General Jeffrey Snow, the Director of DOD’s Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office (SAPRO), said the department will encourage responsible sales practices and train bartenders and other alcohol providers in communities around military installations.

Nate Galbreath, a senior adviser to SAPRO, told the newspaper several states, including California, have programs that the DOD could use as a model. California’s Responsible Beverage Service program is designed to prevent bar and restaurant patrons from getting dangerously drunk. Bar and restaurant workers are told to provide a food menu to someone who orders a drink, and to encourage them to eat something to slow the absorption of alcohol into the system. “You [also] look at times associated with when you sell things. Do you really need to sell someone five-fifths of bourbon at 2:00 in the morning? Probably not,” he said.

Last October, the Marines announced Marine Corps Exchange stores around the world would impose new limits on alcohol sales in an effort to limit irresponsible drinking. Earlier last year, the Navy announced it would be cutting back the sale hours for alcohol at base stores, in an effort to reduce sexual assaults. The Navy also made changes to its policy about alcohol placement in stores.

Thursday, May 8, 2014


“I love all who love me.
Those who search will surely find me.

STEP 2 - Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity .

Its a cold , cold world in which we live. Addiction is that false god we run to when we are afraid and alone , when we cant take what this world dishes out. The problem is that false god (addiction) will steal your friends , family , health and your sanity . We run to addiction in every situation good or bad , We will steal and maybe even kill for that false god (addiction) . The problem with the false god of addiction is it will enslave you steal your soul so not only will it destroy you in the here and now it will destroy you for the here after . Now there is a real GOD we seek HIM in step one and once we find HIM we hand our lives over too HIM in step two. The Proverb is the promise and it says the one and only true real GOD LOVES us , is that not what we are all looking for . Someone who will love us unconditionally , meet us right where we are at and not judge, The GOD who created you me this world and everything in the universe . GOD who has a plan for your life and wrote it down before you were born . GOD who misses you in this life and earnestly awaits your return in the here after . GOD who loved us so much that HE gave HIS only son JESUS CHRIST to die for us on a cross . We all have too pay for the bad we do and GOD knew we couldn't so HE gave HIS son JESUS in our place . There is a two thousand page plus book that GOD has written for our lives , because he loved us so much HE knew we couldn't go it alone. Who do you want to follow the false god (addiction) who promises slavery , depression , fear , guilt , rejection , and a eternity spent in a lake of fire . Or the one and only true GOD who promises acceptance , forgiveness , peace , love , joy , freedom , and everlasting life . THE CHOICE IS A NO - BRAINER. !

(Ephesians 2:8,9 ) "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9 Not of works, lest any man should boast."
By :Joseph Dickerson

The Council of Southeast Pennsylvania and PRO-ACT
bring you
Recovery in Our Communities
May 6, 2014
Title 2 
To Start Your Day
You don't have to see the whole staircase, 
just take the first step. . .
Bev Haberle head shot

Welcome to the first edition of our weekly newsletter. "Recovery in Our Communities" is devoted to making it easier for you to contribute to your community. Each week, we will connect you to the people, resources and opportunities that bring help, hope and healing to southeast Pennsylvania. 

As volunteers, storytellers and advocates for health, wellness and recovery, you lead the way. Together, we will accomplish our task of helping more individuals and families achieve and sustain a happy and meaningful life. Together, we will recover our communities through prevention, education, advocacy, intervention and recovery support services. We will inspire real hope by working to establish the resources and opportunities needed to reduce the impact of addiction and trauma in our communities. 

Several times throughout the year, we will also be conducting surveys to seek your opinions and suggestions on what's important to you. "The smallest act is greater than the best of intentions." Please join us in working to make our families, neighborhoods and region healthier, happier and safer.           
Bev Haberle, MHS, LPC, CAADC
Executive Director

Personal Profile: Jan L's Pathway to Hope

"The word 'hopeless' has always stirred up sadness in me.  It seems so final, lacking any room for progress.  I've been hopeless. I've been called hopeless. I've heard friends whisper behind my back that I lost the willingness to live. They were right....

Then life as I knew it changed. . . . "  Read Jan's Story on our blog by clicking here.
Promote constructive lifestyles and norms that discourage drug use

Dad and KidsPrevention and early intervention programs work, so what is your community doing?  Get educated and get involved to make sure that your community is doing all it should to increase awareness; strengthen families; empower youth; establish pro-social activities; provide free drug and alcohol screenings; teach resilience and life skills for youth; etc.  

May 18 - 24 is National Prevention Week. For SAMHSA's prevention toolkit, please click here

FAMILIES ON THE LINEFamily Program logo

PRO-ACT's Family Education Program provides hope and guidance in how to stay strong and ready to support loved ones struggling with addiction. Some do not perceive themselves as having a problem, so they may need help to initiate the recovery process. This Program is facilitated by family members who have walked the walk and is available in all five counties. For more information click here.

Sean on microphoneListen to Clean & Sober, a weekly radio program devoted to paths to recovery, broadcast locally on WWDB - AM (Talk 860), Fridays10 - 11 am.  

PRO-ACT Philadelphia Coordinator Fred Martin and Sean Brinda, Senior Peer Services Coordinator at our Philadelphia Recovery Community Center, took part in a recent broadcast discussing the vital role of recovery supports in accessing and sustaining long-term recovery.  Listen Here. 

The Affordable Care Act has declared the treatment of substance use disorders and recovery support services an essential health benefit.  However, primary care and emergency room physicians are not prepared for the front lines of addiction prevention and early intervention. Treatment Research Institute (Tom McLellan) is engaged in an initiative to educate "the next generation of physicians on how to identify and treat emerging substance use disorders." For more information click here. 
May 6 through May 12, 2014

Nurses WeekOur communities' nurses deserve special recognition for all their efforts in leading the way in caring for their patients and improving our healthcare system. Thank you!  For more information, please click here.
Walk Bell
PRO-ACT Recovery Walks! 2014
There has never been a time in our history when the voice of the recovery community needs so badly to be heard. 
On September 20, 2014, please come to Penn's Landing on the Philadelphia waterfront where 20,000 voices will celebrate recovery. You will find all the information you need to register, form a team, make a donation, or sign up for the Honor Guard by clicking here. If you are interested in sponsorship, please contact Marita here. The deadline to have your logo on the I-95 billboard is July 7, and for other sponsors, August  1.
Some Upcoming Events
 EventsMay 19-June 23, 2014CRS Training, Southern Bucks Recovery Community Center, 1286 Veterans Highway, Suite D-4, Bristol, PA 19007. Click here for information.
May 21, 2014: Meet The Council, 8-9 am at 252 W. Swamp Rd., Bailiwick Office Campus, Unit 12, Doylestown, PA 18901
June 11, 2014Help, Hope & Healing Fundraising Breakfast, Spring Mill Manor, 171 Jacksonville Road, Ivyland, PA 18974. For more information, please contact Michael here.
September 12, 20147:05 pm. Recovery Night at the Baseball Game, Phillies vs. Marlins, Citizens Bank Park. Click here for tickets. 
September 20, 2014PRO-ACT Recovery Walks! 2014, Great Plaza, Penn's Landing, Philadelphia. Click here to register and get more information.
Employment OpportunitiesPlease click here
Council and PRO-ACT  
 Like us on Facebook                   Follow us on Twitter
Information and Recovery Support Line (24/7): 1-800-221-6333 
Join Our Mailing List
Donations help us to reduce the impact of addiction for more individuals and families. The Council is a 501(c)(3) organization.

Paving The Way to Change for Adolescent Substance Abuse

Recent media reports of young people dying from overdoses calls attention to the devastating effects of addiction – which has reached epidemic proportions. After years of decline, the current increasing incidence and prevalence of substance use among American adolescents is distressing as youth are five times more likely to develop a substance use disorder compared to adults. And unfortunately, this disease can (and frequently does) follow them for life: only about 10 percent of substance dependence cases occur after adolescence.

Thus, successful efforts to prevent, delay or minimize substance use during adolescence are sorely needed. They are the most economical and enduring way to reduce the many public health, safety, and economical threats associated with addiction. And yet, as a country, we pay little attention to prevention, early intervention, effective treatment or continuing care for this age group. We pay little attention to these issues for our kids. The imperative to do better is clear, and the pathway to change has never been more possible.

As a result of significant legislative and scientific advances, and a growing public understanding about addiction and its devastating effects, the substance abuse field is poised for positive transformation. The necessary elements for change are now in place, and with proper alignment and leveraging of forces, there is an enormous opportunity to have a significant impact on the way in which substance use disorders are perceived and managed in our society – especially among our kids.

Such systemic change can only be achieved through coordinated and multifaceted efforts. As we have learned from other previously stigmatized diseases, the role of advocacy in driving change is critical. By outlining the current state of our adolescent substance abuse treatment system, we can lay the framework for what needs to be done, and how we can come together as a community to address this growing crisis.

Paving the Way to Change: Advancing Quality Interventions for Adolescents Who Use, Abuse or Who are Dependent Upon Alcohol or Other Drugs, provides insight into the individual, societal and financial consequences of adolescent alcohol, drug use and other substance use disorders. It provides an overview of the current treatment system and an explanation of why it’s failing our kids. It provides a new opportunity and a clearer lens for viewing and ultimately treating adolescents, as well as how to approach financing the system.

Paving the Way to Change outlines the challenges that our field and our community must address to quell the tide of adolescent substance abuse in this country. The changes that are needed will not be simple. They will not be quick. They will require coordinated and effective advocacy efforts. But they will be worth it. I encourage you check out this report and share it with your friends and colleagues. The role of your advocacy is critical and it can drive needed change.

We, as advocates, have varied and powerful resources to bring to bear. We are researchers, families, legislators, people in recovery, clinicians, educators and friends. Together, we can create the change that is needed, and that will lead to important and sustained changes in the way care is delivered to adolescents and young adults who are at risk for, who have abused, and who are recovering from substance use.

Please tell us what you think. Please share this with your colleagues. Please prioritize collaboration. Together, we can shape the future of adolescent substance abuse prevention and treatment. Join our efforts.

Learn more about the Treatment Research Institute.

Kathleen Meyers, Ph.D. has more than 25 years of clinical research experience. She is a recognized leader in the assessment and treatment of adolescent substance use disorders (SUD), delinquency and co-morbidity and is the author of the Comprehensive Adolescent Severity Inventory (CASI), a multidimensional assessment instrument for youth with co-morbidity that is widely used throughout the United States, Canada and abroad. She has served on numerous expert panels sponsored by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), the National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA), the National Institute of Justice (NIJ), and the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), as well as on peer review, institutional review and editorial review boards. Dr. Meyers has published extensively, including as first author of an invited chapter for the Adolescent Mental Health Initiative’s Treating and Preventing Adolescent Mental Health Disorders: What We Know and What We Don’t Know (named the best book in clinical medicine by the Association of American Publishers). She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology & Statistics from Rutgers University, a Master of Science in Evaluation and Applied Research from Hahnemann University and a Doctorate degree in Educational Psychology from Temple University.

Privacy Being Tightened for Prescription Drug Monitoring Databases

The privacy of information contained in prescription drug monitoring databases is being tightened, The Wall Street Journal reports. Privacy advocates hail the trend, while law enforcement officials say it is hampering their attempts to curb prescription drug abuse.

Some courts and lawmakers are beginning to restrict access to the databases, citing a violation of privacy rights. A U.S. court in Oregon ruled in February that federal agents needed a warrant to search the state’s database. Rhode Island has made it more difficult for law enforcement to search its database. In Florida and Pennsylvania, lawmakers are considering measures that would limit access to its prescription drug data.

“The public and lawmakers are really starting to understand what kinds of threats to privacy come when we start centralizing great quantities of our sensitive personal information in giant electronic databases,” said Nathan Wessler, an attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union. The group represented patients and a doctor who challenged the Drug Enforcement Administration in the Oregon case.

Forty-eight states have prescription monitoring databases for drugs that have a high potential for abuse. Law enforcement officials in 17 states must have court approval before they search their state database. While Vermont does not allow law enforcement access to its database, other states generally make it fairly easy for investigators to access the data.

The number of law enforcement searches of Utah’s database increased from 2,288 in 2007, to more than 19,000 last year. Police must show they have a reasonable belief that a person has committed a crime in order to gain a search warrant.