Thursday, January 4, 2018

"If you hire a Recovery Specialist you need to know if they are trained by IRI! They have changed the business, set new standards and put the bar for Recovery Coaching where it needs to be."
 ~ Christine, CASA-T, Recovery Coach
Train with us to become a
Recovery Specialist
providing professional services such as:
Recovery and Mental Health Coaching | Recovery and Mental Health Companionship | Safe Transportation | Case Management
Houston, Texas
February 7-9, 2018
Hosted by Menningers Clinic

Recovery Specialists work with client's and their families who suffer from substance abuse, addiction, mental health and eating disorders, process addiction and many other co-occurring issues.

The training provides an International Recovery Specialist Certificate of Completion by The International Recovery Institute as well as NAADAC approved CE hours to be utilized towards state and national credentialing certifications.

Each training provides 24 CE hours with an optional 6 CE hours for 6 weekly consultations.
London, England
May 2018
Los Angeles, CA
July 2018
Atlanta, GA
November 2018
Thank you to our 2018 Annual Sponsor
For information about how to
become a Sponsor or Host of our trainings contact us at
International Recovery Institute is a Joint Venture of

Inspirations For Youth and Families would like to wish you a sober 2018!

Find out what's been happening at Inspirations below.
Watch Jane's story to find out how her life has  
coming to Inspirations

"Addiction literally takes away everything from you," Jane, an Inspirations teen, said. "After coming to Inspirations, it's almost as though I'm born again and I'm free to be my own person now."

Why Every Parent Needs to Know about "Gateway Drugs"

Marijuana and alcohol may seem like harmless recreational substances but studies show that they can lead to serious drug addiction. 

Gateway drug - a drug (such as alcohol or marijuana) whose use is thought to lead to the dependence on a harder drug (such as cocaine or heroin).

Recovery Addict, Dana Kippel, Speaks to Inspirations Teens 

This former teen addict lost the most important people in her life and her entire high school experience because of addiction. Today, she is proud to have celebrated five years of sobriety. 

Recently, Dana visited Inspirations to encourage our teens to overcome drug abuse by sharing her recovery story.

Learn more about Dana's story

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Inspirations for Youth and Families, 757 SE 17th St. #328, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316

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Constant Contact
Year End Appeal 2017
Thank You
Dear Joseph,

Thank you for helping us raise over $100,000 this holiday season to empower parents in need.

Because of you, we can continue to offer free resources and unparalleled one-on-one support for families struggling with their child's substance use disorder. Thousands of parents are receiving support through our Parent Helpline, chat and Facebook messenger service, providing them with tailored solutions and action plans.

And, your generosity has allowed us to train more parent coaches who are paired with parents seeking guidance and understanding from someone who has walked in their shoes.

As we enter 2018, we know that we have more families to reach. This is an extraordinary time in America. Across the country, opioid abuse — including prescription opioids and heroin — continues to grow, killing more than 33,000 people annually, more than any year on record and more than at the peak of the HIV epidemic and families are turning to the Partnership for help.

This year we will train even more parent coaches, expand our Parent Support Specialist team, develop more education and action-oriented resources to provide support because no family should have to face this disease alone.

Thank you for helping ensure we can be there for parents who are in need of hope and healing. We couldn't do this lifesaving work without you.


Fred Muench, Ph.D.

Fred Muench, Ph.D.
President and CEO
Partnership for Drug-Free Kids

P.S. If you didn’t get to make your year-end donation, it’s ok, there is still time to show your support and make an impact in the New Year. Thank you for investing in families who need us the most.
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donate now
Parent Toll-Free Helpline: 1-855-DRUGFREE
© Partnership for Drug-Free Kids
352 Park Ave South  |  9th Floor  |  New York, NY 10010

Participating in Dry January? How to Detox Safely from Alcohol Use Disorder

Participating in Dry January? How to Detox Safely from Alcohol Use Disorder