Saturday, December 9, 2017

“Most of my life has been spent trying to shrink myself. Trying to become smaller. Quieter. Less sensitive. Less opinionated. Less needy. Because I didn’t want to be a burden. I didn’t want to be too much or push people away. I wanted people to like me. I wanted to be cared for and valued. I wanted to be wanted. So for years, I sacrificed myself for the sake of making other people happy. And for years, I suffered. But I am tired of suffering, and I’m done shrinking. It’s not my job to change who I am in order to become someone else’s idea of a worthwhile human being. I am worthwhile. Not because other people think I am, but because I exist, and therefore I matter. My voice matters. And with or without anyone’s permission or approval, I will continue to be who I am and speak my truth.  Even if it makes people angry. Even if it makes them uncomfortable. Even if they choose to leave. I refuse to shrink. I choose to take up space. I choose to honor my feelings. I choose to give myself permission to get my needs met.” ~~Daniell Koepke
Practicing Statement #12 on a daily basis provides a pathway for increasing feelings of value and self-esteem. Under the influence, feelings of worth plummeted which made it easy to shrink myself to fit into someone else’s definition of who I was. At one point, I felt nonexistent; so much depended on something outside of myself.

Sobriety is the beginning of creating a flourishing framework of self. Feeling a sense of accomplishment from just one hour or one day of sobriety felt motivating, which in turn increased feelings of worth and identity. I began uncovering myself which felt oddly satisfying and exciting. Fighting for myself instead of against, feelings of competency emerged.

One beautiful aspect of Statement #12 is that competency is unending; there will be areas to grow into and become. Competency is unlimited; what had initially felt difficult in early sobriety can now feel routine and soon current challenges will become past achievements. Thanks to WFS, I embrace my worth; I am a capable, competent, caring and compassionate woman!

Hi 4C Women,
As I read Daniell Koepke's beginning description of how she defined herself, I cringed because that was how I saw myself. As she began to gain self-worth, I breathed a sigh of relief as I related to that transition as well. It was challenging to see myself in such a negative light for so many years and realize I had to do the work to change that. How in the world does one go from hating herself to loving herself all while working on sobriety?  

I thought back to family relationships, teenage crushes and friendships and adult relationships and how these relationships impacted my feelings of competency and self-esteem. Why did I choose certain relationships when they ended up hurting me, reaffirming my low opinion of myself? These were questions that I had to deal with if I was going to start believing in my worth and not depend on others to place a value on me that was filled with judgment. In therapy and sobriety, I delved into these relationships and saw a pattern that answered many of my questions as to why I chose unhealthy relationships as a young adult that carried over to adulthood. Quite an eye opener. I discovered I was trying to recreate history, choosing someone who would ultimately reject me to prove my low opinion of myself was accurate. Then there was the hopeful part of me that hoped the person would love me enough to disprove I was unlovable. Sadly, because of my history, I usually ended up being rejected. Now I believe I am competent, I am lovable and worthy. I am good at seeing the red flags and while I am not in a romantic relationship, I know I would not ignore my internal warning signs.  

It's been expressed that relationships are the biggest challenge in our recovery. As we learn about ourselves, build our self-esteem and self-love, the goal of healthy relationships is the work we do. Are we still triggered by certain relationships? How do we handle those triggers under the added stress of the holidays and raised expectations?  

I think Karen's statement that she is fighting for herself rather than against, is a powerful way to create positive change. As you reflect on the past that created your feelings of unworthiness, do you recognize an unhealthy pattern? If so, do you have a plan to build your self-worth, self-love? Not everyone has a past that created unworthy feelings yet we still have them. It is important to uncover the why and begin the self-love journey. Are you ready to take yours?  I hope so because you are a competent woman and have much to give life!  

4C WFS member
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Year End Appeal 2017
The holidays can be a difficult time for families who have a loved one impacted by substance use.

That’s why we are so grateful for these eight parents. In their own way — both big and small — they are helping families struggling with their son or daughter’s addiction. By supporting the Partnership’s work, they are offering guidance and hope to countless families.

In this season of giving, we invite you take inspiration from these parents to take action and help make a difference for families in need.
1. Jacqueline is volunteering as a parent coach.

Jacqueline lost her son to an accidental overdose. Now she is a volunteer Parent Coach, helping other parents find healing. You can support families who are in need of one-on-one support by becoming a volunteer Parent Coach like Jacqueline or by making a gift of just $25. Your gift will allow Jacqueline and others continue to coach families and offer them hope and help for their child.

Volunteer your time as a Parent Coach >>
Cyndi Glass
2. Cindi is hosting a grassroots fundraiser.

When Cyndi Glass lost her son Jeremy, she was determined to help ensure other families struggling with their child’s substance use find the support they need. Cyndi created Jeremy’s Run, raising money on behalf of the Partnership. You can support Cyndi’s fundraiser and others in our nationwide community of grassroots fundraisers— or you can host your own event. Whether you decided to run, walk, bike or bake, your fundraiser will provide valuable resources to families who are struggling.

Create your own fundraising campaign >>
3. Andrea is shopping at IGA where her purchases give back.

Andrea is doing her part to end substance use simply by shopping. You can turn your holiday groceries into hope for families by shopping at your local IGA grocery store and purchasing specially marked IGA-branded products. A percentage of the products you buy go back to Partnership for Drug-Free Kids.

Click here to find your local IGA store >>
Find Out How 5 Other Parents Are Helping

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Parent Toll-Free Helpline: 1-855-DRUGFREE

© Partnership for Drug-Free Kids
352 Park Ave South  |  9th Floor  |  New York, NY 10010
We are changing the face of the annual
Hired Power Holiday Party
and would love you to join us this year!!!
We have partnered with professionals and treatment providers, providing a catered networking luncheon while hosting a FOOD DRIVE for Orange County families in need.
Join us Thursday, the 14th of December 12:00pm to 2:00pm
Mariners Church
Life Development Building, Room 208

* we will have an information swap table, bring your information to share with others
If you are interested in being a co-host of next year's Holiday Luncheon charitable event, please contact us!
Please RSVP by: December 13, 2017