Tuesday, May 5, 2020

MCRCC Virtual Recovery Support Programs

May 2020
Montgomery County Recovery Community Center
Supporting The Recovery Community
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and to continue to support our community, select recovery support groups previously offered at the Montgomery County Recovery Community Center are being held via Zoom weekly. In addition to weekly support groups that welcome all pathways to recovery, we are currently accepting referrals for Certified Recovery Specialist services.

Details for these programs can always be found on our website at http://bit.ly/MCRCC_PRO-ACT

Recovery Support Groups and Programs
Gateway to Work and Unemployment Support Chat
Are you looking for work during the COVID-19 pandemic? We have expanded our Gateway to Work and Unemployment Support Chat to three days a week. Stop into our Zoom chat to talk to a workforce development volunteer and get started on your path to a new job today.

Beyond Trauma: A Support Group for Women
The MCRCC is excited to host a new virtual support group for women, "Beyond Trauma". This group will help women with a history of trauma feel more empowered today.

Veterans In Recovery
A topic discussion group for veterans in recovery. This group is facilitated by a MCRCC volunteer who is a veteran in long term recovery.

SMART Recovery
SMART Recovery is offered twice a week the by MCRCC in both a morning and evening option. The SMART approach is secular and science-based, using cognitive behavioral therapy and non-confrontational motivational methods.

Certified Recovery Specialist Services
1:1 Recovery Support Services - Currently delivered telephonically and virtually

Non-clinical Peer Support
Accepting of multiple pathways
Confidentiality respected
Recovery-driven case management
Person centered, strengths based

While working remotely, we have helped clients with: recovery housing, navigating social services, stimulus check questions, virtual mutual support groups, accessing services, probation, parole and so on.

To make a referral or for more information, contact Brittaney Margiotta at 484.383.0802 or BMargiotta@councilsepa.org
PRO-ACT is hosted by The Council of Southeast Pennsylvania, Inc.; a private, non-profit 501(c)3 organization. This project is made possible by funding through the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services Office of Drug and Alcohol and Managed Care Solutions.
The Council of Southeast Pennsylvania, Inc. | 4459 W Swamp RoadDoylestown , PA 18902

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ONLINE Peer Support for Teachers, Educators and Parents

We, at RPLYT, are committed to supporting you and our Community throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic.

From listening to what our community is saying, we are now offering free Online Peer Support for Teachers and Educators as well as continuing our Peer Support for Parents.

We will be running these until this pandemic is over.

We also have some amazing news to announce that Robyn Priest LIVE YOUR TRUTH is part of this.

Click below to read more about what is happening in Manitoba for mental health.

Please feel free to pass this email on to anyone who would benefit from what we are offering.

Please stay healthy,

Robyn & Charlotte
Charlotte & Robyn
RCMP Headquarters
Ottawa, Ontario
September 2019
(before physical distance)
All of the Peer Support Sessions are Free
For Parents:

Today parents are dealing with anxiety and extreme stress due to COVID-19. Many parents of children/teens who struggle with mental health concerns may be entering these difficult times with battle fatigue.

Children and teens react to the behaviours and energy from the adults around them. As parents it is important to keep our own mental wellness in check to keep our homes and families in good health. ​
Robyn, Charlotte & Kirsten
Before physical distance
Summer 2019
At RPLYT we like to call this a parallel process.

Wednesday Evenings from 7:00-8:30 pm CDT

Facilitated by

Kirsten Drybrough & Charlotte Sytnyk

Peer Support for Parents
Online via Zoom
05/06/20 7:00pm - 05/06/20 8:30pm
This runs Weekly on Wednesdays from 7:00 - 8:30 pm CDT. Please sign up and we will keep send you information as well as the Zoom link
Please sign me up
For Teachers & Educators:

We are all dealing with the new reality of life during COVID-19. Educators are facing the unprecedented challenge of school closures and the expectation of providing distance learning and support for their students.
As teachers, we know that many of our students (and their parents,) will struggle with the challenge of distance learning. While we deal with the constantly changing landscape of our new teaching normal, it is important maintain our own wellness.
Leslie McLeod & Charlotte Sytnyk
Spring Break 2019
Before physical distance
As members of learning communities, we naturally share and support one another as colleagues. Often our best ideas and strategies are inspired by the ideas of others. With that in mind, we invite you to join a peer support group for teachers and educators.

Peer Support for Teachers and Educators via Zoom. This is an hour facilitator led support group that is available to all teachers and educators who are looking for support during this time.
Wednesdays from 3:00 - 4:00 pm CDT

Facilitated by

Leslie McLeod & Robyn Priest

Leslie is trained in Peer Support and is also a retired principal and teacher. She has extensive experience working with children, their families, teachers and school administrators to support mental health. Her experience as an educator has made her an advocate for healthy workplaces, with a special focus on education systems.
Peer Support for Teachers & Educators
Online via Zoom
05/06/20 3:00pm - 05/06/20 4:00pm
This runs Weekly on Wednesdays from 3:00 - 4:00 pm CDT. Please sign up and we will keep send you information as well as the Zoom link
Sign me up please
And for all of you who are on Facebook

Robyn is live each day at 4pm CDT
for Fit n Fun at 4 for 5 minutes
Mental Health

And on Sundays
Facebook Live
3:00pm - 4:00pm CDT

Robyn Priest Facebook Page

Robyn will be chatting about mental health and what supports you can do for yourself and for others.
We are all in this together!

And remember

Social Connectedness in spite of
Physical Distancing.

Robyn Priest Live Your Truth | 7 Castle Ridge Drive Winnipeg, Manitoba R3Y 1W1 Canada
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