Saturday, May 25, 2013

23 Attorneys General Urge Urban Outfitters to Pull Products Promoting Rx Drug Abuse

On Wednesday 23 attorneys general sent a letter to Urban Outfitters CEO and Chairman Richard A. Hayne, urging him to remove products promoting prescription drug abuse from the stores’ shelves.
The letter asked the company to stop selling a line of items that look like prescription pill bottles, boxes, pads and syringes, according to The Miami Herald.
“These products are not in any way fun or humorous but make light of this rampant problem,” the attorneys general wrote. “We invite you to pull these products from your shelves and join with us to fight prescription drug abuse.”
Earlier this month, The Partnership at urged people to write or email Hayne, or sign a Facebook petition calling on Urban Outfitters to remove the products from its stores and website. A week later, the Chairman of the U.S. House Appropriations Committee, Hal Rogers, called on Urban Outfitters to stop selling the products.
Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi, who signed the letter, said in a statement, “Profiting from an ad campaign that is contrary to Florida’s efforts to combat prescription drug overdoses and drinking is unacceptable. We are calling on Urban Outfitters to forgo a few sales and help us save a lot of lives.”

May 25
Psalm 66:20
Blessed be God, which hath not turned away my prayer, nor his mercy from me.

Think of it! God is actually waiting to hear from us. It's not that God doesn't have other things to do, but that there is nothing He'd rather do than spend time with the children He loves. It boggles the mind to realize that God loves us that much. He has made us to be like Him, and He anxiously awaits our call. Offer your prayers to God. He will hear them, and He will send His mercy upon them.
Prayer: Hear me, O God. Though I may have nothing of much importance to say to You, I need to know that You will listen to me and respond. I love You, Lord. Amen.
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Friday, May 24, 2013

May 24
Psalm 66:6
He turned the sea into dry land: they went through the flood on foot: there did we rejoice in him.

Professor Marsh shook his head emphatically. He maintained that the story of the Red Sea was phony. Dr. Reed proposed that maybe they crossed somewhere else. Brother Allwell said true believers knew it happened just as it was written. For hours the men argued and fought. No one changed his mind, nothing was gained, faith was never spoken of, and the promoters of the debate thought, all in all, it was a great success.
What is the big idea? The fact is, the Hebrew people escaped the finest fighting force of its day by crossing a body of water that stopped the Egyptian army. A miracle is a miracle is a miracle. The [how] is not nearly as important as the fact that it [did] happen. Our God is a God of miracle and wonder. Praise Him for what He does, rather than for how He does it, and you will find your faith grows by leaps and bounds.
Prayer: When Your miracles get reduced to topics for debate, I find I lose interest, Father. Refresh me with the strangeness and awe of Your power, Lord. Amen.
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Thursday, May 23, 2013

The first ever EAST COAST SUMMIT will be held Wednesday, July 10th – Friday, July 12th

Start making plans now to join us for the 1st Annual Celebrate Recovery East Coast Summit



This event is being held at:

6655 Pottery Road
Spartanburg, SC  29303



Register here is you are a resident of the USA

Register here if you are a resident outside the USA

For a printable Registration Form click here 

Questions about registration?
Please send an e-mail to or call (949) 609-8020
Questions about the travel arrangements or local hotels? Please click here

New Psychiatric Manual Combines Alcohol Disorders

The newly released update to psychiatry’s diagnostic manual combines problem drinking and alcoholism into a single condition known as “alcohol use disorder,” which some experts say could lead binge drinkers to be mislabeled as alcoholics.
CNN reports the new diagnosis, found in the updated Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, known as DSM-5, could follow college students into adulthood. The earlier version of the manual, DSM-4, had separate categories for alcohol abuse and the more serious alcohol dependence.
A recent study suggests the changes to alcohol disorders may not improve the diagnosis of alcoholism. The study found the changes are unlikely to result in a less accurate diagnosis, but they do not represent a clear improvement above the current diagnostic criteria.
In addition to being used by mental health professionals to diagnose patients, the DSM is used by insurance companies and schools in making decisions about coverage and special provisions for people with developmental or mental disorders, the article notes.
Critics of the DSM-5 say it will expand the list of what constitutes mental illness and will lead to a needless increase in diagnoses. A growing number of psychiatrists, psychologists and clinical social workers say depression and other normal responses to life events are too often labeled as mental illness, increasing the use of potentially dangerous medication.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Livengrin's Home in Bensalem
Weather: Here's Hoping! 
Goal: win part of a $17,000 PRIZE PACKAGE 

9th annual outdoor event has New covered-bridge run for the bikers and lots of fun on campus.  Last week to guarantee your registration - and enter the Ride Raffle
Bike Line-up
Sunday June 2nd
New Bucks route for Poker Run Family Picnic
WPST Music - Kid's Fun
Reserve Tickets Now
ride picnic 12 
Event Registration
Visit the website
Ride / Picnic Registration - $20*
Second Rider - $10
Picnic Only - $10 *
* Children 12 and under free
  Click on the Event Registration (top right in this email).  
Win a Harley-Davidson Wide Glide         (or $7,500 cash option)
Plus $1,000 & $500 prizes
Tickets $10     at the Store

Ride 12 Road All proceeds from the Ride for Recovery benefit patient programs and charitable care at Livengrin, for people working hard to recover their physical health, emotional strength and ability to make the right choices for their future. 

To Learn More

The 2013 Ride is made
possible, in part, by
generous support from:

Jos. Jingoli & Sons, Inc.
DVL, Inc.
Brown's ShopRite
Emilie House
Rob's Automotive
Kutak Rock 
Gillman & Yockey
Densco Drain

Find us on Facebook

View our profile on LinkedIn 


During its 47 years of service, well more than 120,000 people have come to Livengrin to learn how to be healthy, sober and a part of their families, work and communities again.  You can play a role in a person's success story - make a contribution, volunteer, and tell someone about the help and hope to be found
at Livengrin.  There's information, guidance and much more

Monday, May 20, 2013

Massachusetts to Bring Drug-Sniffing Dogs to State Prisons

Massachusetts will soon bring drug-sniffing dogs to 17 state prisons, according to Boston Magazine. The dogs will sniff visiting areas and visitors.
If the dog detects drugs, the visitor must consent to a thorough search by Department of Corrections (DOC) staff. Anyone refusing to be searched will not be allowed to enter the facility. Alternate arrangements will be made for people who have dog allergies or who are “dog phobic,” the magazine notes.
In a statement, the DOC says the dogs are Labrador and Golden Retrievers chosen for their gentle natures. “These dogs are always on a leash and handled by trained personnel, who will walk them past the line of visitors. They have been carefully trained to detect the presence of drugs by smell and to alert their handlers to that detection by merely sitting down.” The dogs do not bark, snarl or lunge at people suspected of having drugs, the statement notes. A video demonstrates how the dogs will be used to detect drugs.
The dog searches will be random, and will begin at the two prisons with the highest rates of visitors who try to bring in drugs. The procedure will not apply to volunteers, contractors and attorneys visiting their inmate clients.
Lois Ahrens, Executive Director of the Real Cost of Prisons Project, says the new drug-sniffing dog policy is “demeaning, degrading, and treats the visitor as a suspect.”
Visitors currently go through a scanner before entering a state prison. They are often asked to take off articles of clothing such as shoes and belts. Visitors are sometimes asked to open their mouth, or a DOC staff person may examine their hair.
In March, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that police must first obtain a search warrant before bringing drug-sniffing police dogs onto a suspect’s property to look for evidence.

May 20
Psalm 65:7 
Which stilleth the noise of the seas, the noise of their waves, and the tumult of the people.
The two boys stood out on the rocks, looking at the crashing waves. They tried to shout above the roar of the surf, but finally gave up. The water thundered as it hit the rocks. Both boys were a little frightened and a little thrilled by the deafening sound.
When we get a little cocky and conceited, a trip to the ocean can bring us back to reality really fast. The water rolls into shore in great, whitecapped waves, hits the rocks, sending spray high into the air, and crates a noise that obliterates every other sound. The sound of the water on the rocks is the voice of God thundering out through creation, "it is good!" Human beings in all their wisdom and genius have created nothing to compare with the least of God's creations. His power, might, and majesty humble us and help us to remember that He alone is God.
Prayer: Show forth Your might through Your creation, O Lord. Remind me of Your greatness and power throughout the day. You are wonderful, Lord, and I thank You that I can worship You. Amen.
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Sunday, May 19, 2013

Commentary: Drug Courts’ Positive Effects on Families and Society

Jails and prisons in America are overflowing with people who suffer from substance use disorders. In fact, more than three quarters of inmates have either been arrested for a drug- or alcohol-related crime, have been intoxicated at the time of their arrest, have a history of regular drug or alcohol use, or have previously received drug or alcohol treatment.
Despite what most people think, the association between drugs and criminal behavior is not solely due to people committing crimes to further their drug habit. Drug use is actually a factor in many crimes that have nothing to do with obtaining money for drugs. In fact, drug use is implicated in 50 percent of violent crimes, 50 percent of instances of domestic violence and 80 percent of child abuse and neglect cases. Historically, policies addressing substance abuse and crime have shifted back and forth between either using treatment or using criminal sanctions. But research indicates that a more balanced approach that incorporates both treatment and criminal justice supervision is more effective.
This is where drug courts come in. Drug courts are specialized courts that offer people arrested for drug-related crimes an opportunity to obtain community-based treatment coupled with close judicial supervision as a way of avoiding sentencing and potential incarceration. By successfully completing this voluntary program, individuals have the potential to avoid criminal penalties and even have the arrest erased from their permanent record. Drug courts represent a criminal justice approach that takes into account the need to ensure public safety through close supervision, and public health through the delivery of community-based treatment. They are among the most effective ways to address the problem of substance abuse and crime.
Drug courts improve people’s lives in a variety of ways. They have been shown to increase rates of employment, help people obtain stable living arrangements, improve mental and physical health, and enhance interpersonal relationships. The improvements to the individual, their community and society are almost too numerous to mention.
Perhaps one of the most important and far-reaching effects of a drug court, which is often overlooked, is the positive impact it has on families who have been negatively affected by their loved one’s addiction. These families often face poverty, strained or broken relationships and separation from spouses or parents. The positive healing and restorative effects of drug courts on the family are dramatic.
One need only talk to a drug court alumnus, go to a drug court graduation or attend an annual National Association of Drug Court Professionals conference to witness these effects. As a result of drug courts, mothers and fathers can regain custody of their children, provide for their families and become productive members of their community. The personal evolution that many drug court participants undergo is nothing short of astounding.
As we approach the end of National Drug Court Month, we should continue to recognize the important role that drug courts serve in helping individuals and families overcome the devastating effects of addiction.
David S. Festinger, PhD, is Director of Treatment Research Institute’s Section on Law & Ethics Dr. Festinger holds a PhD in clinical psychology, Masters Degrees in both counseling and clinical health psychology, and is a licensed clinical psychologist.
Karen Leggett Dugosh, PhD, is a Research Scientist for Treatment Research Institute’s Section on Law & Ethics. Dr. Dugosh holds MS and PhD degrees in Experimental Psychology.
Treatment Research Institute is a non-profit research and development organization focused on improving substance abuse programs and policies. TRI researchers have conducted seminal research around the efficacy of drug courts and have developed tools that support effective management of substance abusing offenders. 

Georgia “Generation Rx” Campaign Aimed at Curbing Teen Prescription Drug Abuse

Georgia launched a campaign this week, “Generation Rx,” aimed at preventing prescription drug abuse in teens and young adults.
The campaign is funded through a grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, according to the Associated Press. It is focused on 12- to 25-year-olds. The campaign includes education and awareness about the dangers of prescription drug abuse, and promotes Georgia’s Prescription Drug Monitoring Program. It also features education about how to properly dispose of unused and expired medications, and collaboration with law enforcement to eliminate improper prescribing practices.
In a statement, Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities Commissioner Frank Berry said, “The abuse of prescription drugs by youth in Georgia and across the country has grown substantially since the 1990s. Every day, 2,500 youth aged 12 to 17 abuse a prescription pain reliever for the first time, and nearly 20 percent of teens report abusing medications that were not prescribed to them.

Addict's Mom Looking for Resources


The Addict's Mom has a new group "Addict's Mom Florida Addiction Professionals." We are working on bringing our members valuable resources. We are starting in Florida and will be working our way to other states.
If you are an addiction professional, treatment center etc.. located in Florida please click on the link above join our group and introduce yourself.
Also, on another note the Addict's Mom is looking for volunteers, if you find it in your heart to help a little or a lot please email me at please put volunteer in the subject line.

Much love to all addict's moms and their families...Barbara

May 19
Psalm 65:6
Which by his strength setteth fast the mountains; being girded with power.
Todd's teacher talked about the mountains he had visited just the summer before. The teacher said that thousands of years ago, the mountains weren't nearly so high. With each passing year, they jutted higher and higher. Amazing power pushed them skyward. Todd had walked along the ridge of one mountain, taking for granted that it had always been there. The world was a really fascinating place.
It is wonderful to think of our God as the creator of all that is. There is so much that truly is fascinating, and we cannot begin to understand it all. God set the mountains in their places, and He changes them ever so slightly all the time. A God powerful enough to do all that is a God worthy of our praise and devotion. Put your faith in God, and you will be moved no more easily than a mountain can be.
Prayer: Lord, You have done so many wonderful things. Your power is beyond imagining. Send t hat power to me, that I might stand fast in my faith and be unmoved in a world full of temptation. Amen.
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Saturday, May 18, 2013

Slam Dunkin' Sobriety: The NBA's Chris Herren Speaks Out | The Fix

Slam Dunkin' Sobriety: The NBA's Chris Herren Speaks Out | The Fix

Sen. Joe McCarthy's Startling Morphine Source | The Fix

Sen. Joe McCarthy's Startling Morphine Source | The Fix

May 18
Psalm 64:7
But God shall shoot at them with an arrow: suddenly shall they be wounded.
Jesus stood with a group of His followers. In the distance, a crowd appeared, pushing a naked woman along in front of them. They cast her down at the Lord's feet and said, "What should we do with this adultress?" They hoped to trap Jesus into advising sin.
Aware of the trap, Jesus gazed deeply into the eyes of the people. He stooped down and scribbled in the dust. Abruptly, He stood back up and said, "The one among you who is without sin, let him cast the first stone."
His answer struck like a bolt of lightning. Words of pure love and power exploded their conceit, and they were forced to look at the truth of God openly and honestly. The sin was not at issue. What mattered was forgiveness. The hateful crowd was shot through the heart by an arrow of God's goodness. Killed was the sin of unrighteousness, God will expose it for what it is.
Prayer: Turn my darkness into light, O Lord, and guide me away from things that are sinful and wrong. Teach me to love my neighbors rather than judge them. Let me cast love and peace, instead of stones. Amen.
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Friday, May 17, 2013

May 17        BY PHIL WARE
Oh, the depth and riches of the wisdom and the knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out.
Thoughts on today's verse
God's plan to save us is incredible. His blueprints for the creation of our universe are beyond our imagining. He is so rich in wisdom and knowledge. What else can we do but go to him and ask him to open our minds to his work and his will in our lives.
Precious and Almighty Father, thank you for reawakening me each spring to the power of your sustaining presence in the world, but even more in my life. Bless me today as I seek to put you first in all I do. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Number of Babies Born with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome in Tennessee Soars

The number of babies born to mothers addicted to opioids or anti-anxiety medication in Tennessee is soaring, according to the Associated Press. These babies suffer the effects of neonatal abstinence syndrome, such as tremors, abdominal pain, incessant crying and rapid breathing. In extreme cases, they also experience seizures.
East Tennessee Children’s Hospital in Knoxville treated 33 babies for drug dependence in 2008. That number is expected to jump to 320 this year, the AP notes. In most cases, mothers of the babies abused prescription drugs such as hydrocodone, oxycodone, Valium and Xanax.
Tennessee is believed to be the first state that requires all health care facilities to report all cases of babies born dependent on drugs, officials say. They estimate almost 1,200 babies were born dependent on drugs in the state in 2010 and 2011.
Every hour, a baby is born in the United States with symptoms of opioid withdrawal, according to a study published last year in the Journal of the American Medical Association. The study found the number of pregnant women who are addicted to opioids, and the number of infants born with opioid withdrawal symptoms, has jumped in the past decade. An estimated 13,500 babies are born with withdrawal symptoms each year in the United States. Many babies who experience these symptoms must be hospitalized for weeks.
Tennessee Department of Health Commissioner John Dreyzehner is a member of a group advocating for the Food and Drug Administration to add a warning on prescription drug bottles about the dangers of taking drugs during pregnancy.

Drug MXE Being Used By Students - Philadelphia News, Weather and Sports from WTXF FOX 29

Drug MXE Being Used By Students - Philadelphia News, Weather and Sports from WTXF FOX 29



Melanie Swanson, M.Ed., Prevention Specialist

The Council of Southeast Pennsylvania, Inc.

215-345-6644, ext. 3123
Celebrating Twenty-Seven Years of Youth Prevention

Youth Leaders in Bucks County Unite to Promote Healthy Choices

DOYLESTOWN, PA.-- May 16 , 2013--More than 250 middle and high school students and their advisors from throughout Bucks County will participate in the 27th Annual Lead On! Youth Leadership Conference, Bucks County's largest youth conference for the prevention of alcohol, tobacco and other drug use, on Wednesday, May 29, 2013, at Bucks County Community College in Newtown. Workshops offered between 7:30 am and 1:30 pm to teens in grades 6-12 include such topics as synthetic drugs, marijuana, addiction, suicide prevention, self-esteem, bullying, relationships, communication, teamwork, Internet safety, problem gambling prevention, leadership, gang awareness and resiliency, to name a few. This event promotes peer-to-peer involvement in alcohol, tobacco and other drug prevention within their communities.

Lead On! is presented by The Council of Southeast Pennsylvania, Inc. (The Council), which runs Student Assistance Programs in most Bucks County school districts. The keynote speaker is Lynn Hill, a world renowned rock climber, who will present "Get High on Life!" Lynn encourages students to live their lives in a way that is "of use" rather than choosing the route of "abuse." As a climber, Lynn thrives on novelty and the process of learning through intensely engaging experiences. When a person engages in certain activities or high adventure sports such as rock climbing, the brain emits the chemical dopamine which elevates mood and provides a sense of well-being. Attendees will have the privilege of viewing Lynn Hill's new film, "Climbing Free," which she will premiere at Lead On!

Participants can also expect an energizing experience during the closing act, "GET A GRIP!" a three-screen multi-media presentation by Camfel Productions. A lack of self-control can significantly alter life choices. Failing to get a grip of self-control can lower defenses, making it easy to give in to peer pressure and harder to say no to tobacco, alcohol, and drugs. Through popular music and real life situations, this high-energy piece will help students see the big picture for their lives-helping them understand that positive self-control leads to healthy relationships, academic success, and positive feelings about one's self and others.

The audience will also be energized and inspired by a special appearance by the dynamic Drummers With Attitude, a diverse group of student drummers and dancers from Bristol Township middle and high schools, led by advisor, Kevin Travers.

Sponsors include Bucks County Community College, Bucks County Drug & Alcohol Commission, Inc. and Jones Apparel Group. For more information about the Lead On! Youth Leadership Conference, please call 215-230-8218 or

* * * * * * * * *

About The Council The Council of Southeast Pennsylvania, Inc. is a private nonprofit organization serving Bucks County, Chester County, Delaware County, Montgomery County and Philadelphia County. The Council provides resources and opportunities to reduce the impact of addiction, trauma, and other related health issues for the entire community. We accomplish this through prevention, consultation, education, advocacy, assessment, intervention, and recovery support services. The Council provides a wide range of services to families, schools, businesses, individuals and the community at large. 

NEW INFO - Celebrating Families for mothers in treatment

Good Afternoon!

The Council’s “Celebrating Families” program will now begin on Monday, May 20th at Aldie Counseling Center in Doylestown!  “Celebrating Families” is a program for women in treatment with children (ages 3-18). 

The Central Bucks cycle of “Celebrating Families” will focus specifically on the mothers in treatment and include their children only in the 2 social activities outside of the program sessions.  The 13 sessions will be offered for FREE, twice per week, during the day, and a FREE light lunch will be provided.  

“Celebrating Families” is a program to help strengthen families and break the cycle of addiction to the next generation.  Some of the topics include: Healthy Living, Communication, Feelings & Defenses, Chemical Dependency Affects the Whole Family, Goal Setting, Healthy Boundaries, and more!

I have attached the updated flyer here for you to pass along.  Interested participants MUST REGISTER with Diane Catherwood as soon as possible at 215-230-8218 x3185 or at   If you have any questions, please contact me any time.

Thank you so much for spreading the word!!

Jessica Schwartz
Community Development Coordinator
The Council of Southeast Pennsylvania, Inc.
252 West Swamp Road, Unit 12
Doylestown, Pennsylvania 18901
(800) 221-6333 - 24 Hour Information Line

Celebrating Families Flyer  Central Bucks - FINAL.pdfCelebrating Families Flyer Central Bucks - FINAL.pdf
562K   View   Download  


Joint Header
Who will you see, hear, and perhaps talk with 
next week at our pre-release screening?
Anonymous People Logo
  CLICK HERE to view the Trailer  

This is a screening of a feature documentary film about the 23.5 million Americans living in long-term recovery, and the emerging public recovery movement that will transform how alcohol and other drug problems are dealt with in our communities.

About the Producer

Greg Williams is a person in long-term recovery from alcohol and other drugs since age seventeen. He is a health policy advocate, and documentary filmmaker who specializes in the creation of compelling and purposeful content. At age 29, The Anonymous People is Greg's first
independent feature-
length film. His new film is bringing lasting solutions to the screen for one of America's top health problems.
It's time
    to talk . . .
 About The Council
The Council of Southeast Pennsylvania, Inc., an affiliate of the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD), is a private nonprofit organization serving Bucks County, Chester County, Delaware County, Montgomery County and Philadelphia County. The Council provides a wide range ofservices to families, schools, businesses, individuals and the community at large regardless of ability to pay, ethnicity, race, gender, age and/or sexual orientation. 

Join Our Mailing List!

 About PRO-ACT

PRO-ACT is the regional nonprofit organization working to mobilize and rally individuals in recovery from addiction, as well as their families, friends and allies in a campaign to end discrimination, broaden social understanding and achieve a just response to addiction as a public health crisis. 
Help 24/7
Contact our
Information and Recovery Support Line

Among those present will be:

Arthur Evans, Ph.D., Commissioner of Behavioral Health & Intellectual disAbility Services
Patrick Kennedy, former U.S. Representative for Rhode Island's 1st Congressional District serving from 1995 until 2011
Roland Lamb, Director of Addiction Services, Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual disAbility Services
Al Taubenberger, President, Greater Northeast Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce
William Wiegman, Chief of Police, Lower Southampton
Township/President Board of Directors, The Council of Southeast Pennsylvania, Inc.
Greg Williams, Producer, The Anonymous People
Beverly Haberle, MHS, LPC, CAADC, Executive Director,
The Council of Southeast Pennsylvania, Inc.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Holy Family University
Campus Center at Frankford and Grant Avenues, Philadelphia, PA
(plenty of free parking)

A catered VIP Reception will be held prior to the screening and will offer attendees the opportunity to talk with business leaders, legislators, experts in the field, the filmmaker and others

VIP Reception: 6:00 pm
Film: 7:00 pm (doors open 6:45 pm)
Panel Discussion: 8:30 pm
    Order tickets HERE
or call Kristin at 215-345-6644 ext 3114

VIP Reception and film: $75
Film: $15 (at door if available $20)

The moving story of The Anonymous People is told through the faces and voices of citizens, leaders, volunteers, corporate executives, public figures, and celebrities who are laying it all on the line to save the lives of others just like them. This passionate new public recovery movement aims to transform public opinion, engage communities and elected officials, and finally shift public policy toward lasting solutions.

Help us to change the conversation from problems to solutions for America's top health problem!
Any funds raised through this event will be used to support Advocacy and Recovery

Seabrook House
Steps to Recovery
Aldie Foundation
Community Education Centers
Malvern Institute
Discovery House
Livengrin Foundation, Inc.
Project Transition
Pyramid Healthcare, Inc.--Quakertown 

 There is still time to fax your
Sponsorship Agreement to:
Council Footer

Thursday, May 16, 2013

This Sunday at 12:30 p.m. will be our next Recovery Luncheon and Worship service at Woodside church 1667 Edgewood Road Yardley PA 19067. With music by Four 24, testimony from Ali Boerner, and the message will be from Royce McKelvey followed by a sit down lunch. ,This event is open to everyone. Please get the word out to the recovery community and invite a friend. Hope to see you there!

Bob Sofronski
Director CLPRM
UPDATE: Stop Urban Outfitters From Selling Products that Promote Prescription Drug Abuse  
Thanks to you, we are gaining momentum to put a stop to Urban Outfitters selling products made to look like prescription pill bottles!

U.S. Congressman Hal Rogers (KY) has sent a letter directly to Richard A. Hayne, CEO and Chairman of Urban Outfitters, encouraging him to “remove these items from the shelves immediately so as not to contribute to this epidemic” [of prescription drug abuse].

Along with Rogers, Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway, who co-chairs the Substance Abuse Committee of the National Association of Attorneys General, has joined the effort.

In just the past few days, various media outlets have brought this to the public’s attention, including ABC News, Associated Press, The Huffington Post, News 4 WOAI (thanks to our alliance with The San Antonio Council on Drug and Alcohol Abuse), UPI and more!

We’re not done, because we still haven’t received a response from Urban Outfitters.

Please take the time to tweet your plea. Here are some sample tweets:

Join me in stopping @UrbanOutfitters from selling products that promote teen Rx drug abuse. #endmedicineabuse

Help stop @UrbanOutfitters from selling products that promote teen Rx abuse. #endmedicineabuse

If you can’t tweet, we encourage you to invite your family, friends and colleagues to sign and share the Facebook Causes Petition today.
Thank you,
The Partnership at

May 16
Psalm 63:9,10
But those that seek my soul, to destroy it, shall go into the lower parts of the earth. They shall fall by the sword: they shall be a portion for foxes.
Tracy couldn't believe the girls at school would be so cruel. She never did anything to any of them, but they were always finding some way to hurt her. It was all she could do to keep from telling them all off. Her mother told her to ignore them, but that was hard to do. Her mother also said that they would eventually have to pay for all the nasty things they did, but Tracy wished that day would come soon.
No one likes to be picked on. Some people love to spend time making others unhappy. These people will have to answer to God for their actions. We are called to love one another and to look for ways to give one another encouragement. While the nasty people will answer in shame for their deeds, the kind will rejoice with Christ in heaven.
Prayer: Help me to shrug off the unkind words and actions of the pe ople around me. Lift me above the hurts that come from unthinking and cruel people. Teach me to respond in love, no matter how I am treated. Amen.
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