Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Monday Thoughts
Statement #11 Enthusiasm is my daily exercise.
“Respond to your inner instincts with enthusiasm.” ~~Debasish Mridha

“Today is life—the only life you are sure of. Make the most of today. Get interested in something. Shake yourself awake. Develop a hobby. Let the winds of enthusiasm sweep through you. Live today with gusto.” ~~Dale Carnegie

“Enthusiasm will steady the heart and strengthen the will; it will give force to the thought and nerve to the hand until what was only a possibility becomes a reality.” ~~Orison Swett Marden
Enthusiasm was difficult but not impossible to experience in early sobriety. Practicing Statement #11, I became mindful of moments to treasure; going to bed and waking up sober, awareness of what I said or did, and the wonderful feelings of accomplishment as a few weeks sober turned into months with months turning into years.

In the past, I had often looked at drinking through eyes of enthusiasm, but my alcohol use was an avoidance behavior. Instead of experiencing the moment as it was, I tried to create something better, more interesting, fun, or to try to drown out feelings. Before my New Life, escaping moments was more important than experiencing or treasuring them. Not anymore!

Being present for life moments builds enthusiasm and feels satisfying as well as gratifying. Enthusiasm can also feel energizing, providing momentum while reducing feelings of lack. Days become filled with many little treasures, which can help create feelings of abundance. Every day, Statement #11 in action encourages the discovery and uncovering of this incredible New Life!

Hi 4C Women,

Statement #11 has always been challenging for me to internalize yet reading about Karen's transition reminded me of how important and powerful treasuring moments of a sober life is in order to be enthusiastic. Being in the moment takes practice and that's why the words, daily exercise, continues to help me to learn how to create awareness of those moments. In the sometimes chaotic lifestyle we lead, it can be a difficult process yet it is exactly what Statement #11 guides us to do.

I like to compare enthusiasm to happiness. Both come in moments yet it is up to each of us to be aware enough to be in those moments; to be able to recall, cherish and build that foundation of peace and contentment that permits these moments to brighten our daily lives. I am one of those people who love Halloween. The children are so happy, smiling faces eager to show off their costumes and grab as much candy as their little hands can hold. Two young girls dressed up as twins and even had a cheer prepared. I laughed and said that not only was I feeling joyful handing out candy but now I was being entertained. Another little girl's costume kept falling down from her shoulders and she fell twice just coming up the walkway. I told her parents that a couple of safety pins in the back might work to keep the costume in place. A couple of minutes later the dad knocked on my door and asked if he could take me up on those safety pins. I was happy to oblige and the pins actually worked. Another girl came to the door and I thought the little puppy was part of her costume so I jokingly asked if I could pet her puppy. She said yes and I couldn't have been more surprised when the "fake" puppy started licking my hand! I miss having a pet so I was very happy to pet this darling little puppy. I can still recall these treasured moments.  

  • Do you know what makes your life enthusiastic?
  • Are there treasured moments you can easily recall?
  • Stop at specific times during the day (phone alarm will work) and look around at your surroundings. What do you see or hear? Is there something you are grateful for in taking this planned break?
  • Can you establish a habit to do this for a whole week and even write about what you experienced and how it felt?
  • What truly brings you joy and are you spending time doing whatever it is? If not, why not and what plans can you make to change that?
  • What is the last spontaneous, joyful, enthusiastic thing you've done?  

Bonded together,
4C WFS Member
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